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06:21 / 15.10.03
JAMM & espy--

Take One:
My brick wall came December of last year. I'd achieved absolute lack of velocity: job I loathed and couldn't lose, an apartment with maximum privacy, room-mates & co-workers I called 'friends' but couldn't relate to, inability to write or draw anything to fruition, lack of faith in magic or god, the lot. And like every other time I thought I was done, like when homeless, suicidal, or walled off from my mind with chemical help, something in me couldn't say die.
So I began trying things that went against my inclination (read: stagnation). Trying to love everyone, irregardless of my misanthropy; trying on alternate worldviews, excercising, meditating, practicing / studying tarot every day; keeping an actual journal, divesting myself of crap possessions, attending marches and participating in causes I didn't necessarily understand or believe in. In short, I opted not to give up, because -not giving up- was the only thing my mind and body knew how to do.
It's an irrational course, and I'm afraid it doesn't qualify as terribly inspirational. I'm no closer to being resolved as to how I work, or understanding other, or being closer to my fellows, but then few of us are or ever will be. I've never found meaning, but I will say that at least I've found peace. I'm actually productive for the first time in my life, doing things I enjoy & care about; maybe that's my secret:
I started pursuing the ideals I had as a child. Living, loving, writing, drawing.
Christ, this keeps up and I'll turn into a hippy. (Suppose there are worse fates.)

Take Two:
Main reason I checked this thread is, since my Aunt's death, I had started work on a script involving suicide, and have been researching the topic (failing birth rates in N. America, upswing in military suicides, ratio of homicide to self-destruction involving guns). Past a certain point, I couldn't see the cause for the percentages.
Every time I've ever been close, I've used 'reason' to paint myself into the appropriate corner; the full text of my excuses wouldn't fit on a tombstone the size of the New Jersey turnpike. But no-one's ever talked me out of it; I've always had to dissuade myself, to reprogram myself, to realize that my motivation is meaningless and misdirected, that all I'm hearing in my head is a doppler of the world losing faith in itself.
And maybe ego is the only thing that's stopped me: I don't want my epitaph to be an echo.

Take Three:
Why not have a nice cup of tea instead?
22:29 / 15.10.03
May I offer cake, huggles and a 'there's no WAY you're forty-two.'
22:45 / 15.10.03
I think if someone offered me "huggles" it would compel me to commit suicide even if I didn't want to beforehand.

One more thing- I don't consider suicide to be selfish. That would seem to imply that I have to live my life for someone else. Just like I don't abstain from drinking because my mother disapproves I'm not going to continue to live so I can make other people happy.
02:04 / 16.10.03
Nahh mate a lot of people have been down in that hole with you at one time or other. I managed to get myself out of it after a lot of talking with a counsellor and giving myself a kick in the arse by moving town.

If you don't like the situation you're in change it, if you need help doing that, ask for it. But don't say this cannot change and it will be like this forever. You get peaks and troughs, you just have to start walking up hill again.

Also stop listening to Radiohead, starting listening to 'The Theme from Shaft' by Isaac Hayes
"Who's the black private dick
That's a sex machine to all the chicks?
Ya damn right!"
13:30 / 16.10.03
Okay, here's the plan. I haven't really read the other Barbelithers' points yet but I wanted to post this first when I read why you were gonna kill yourself. For those who missed that post I'll rehash it below....

My best friend has been trying to buy me a new kitten to replace the one that my sublet tennants decided to kill in my absence. My landlord is about to kick me out onto the streets because I'm about 6 months behind in the rent. I've had to tell the only girl I ever really loved, who happened to live on the other side oif the world, that I'm never coming to see her again. I've lost my business, my family (see Parents), girlfriend, only chance of ever having a child (which was the one thing I ever really wanted). I'm 42 and I have nothing. I own a shitty $500 bomb of a car, I live in a rented house I can't afford full of old furniture it makes me cry to look at, my business has turned to shit. I just want to give up! Why bother? What the hell am I going to gain by persevering? It's gone. All gone. There's nothing much left and I am not particularly interested in what might happen next.

Start off with a clean slate. Now that you're suicidal you've got nothing to lose. Hmm..that came out wrong. Let me rephrase that...

Now you can (like Nick said if I understod him correctly) experiment with life. What will happen if I go here? Say this? Do this? I mean wander round, do stuff. Cause you've got nothing to lose. I hope that I'm giving good advice. Anyways, the point is that you shouldn't kill yourself. You might be focusing too much on the stuff which you've already lost and not enough on what you can gain. Hell, you might win the lottery tommorowand become a millionaire. Start having fun in life and don't kill yourself. Oh, and keep posting on Barbelith.

Good luck!!!
ibis the being
18:46 / 16.10.03
from Nature magazine:
"What Neuroscience Can Tell Us About Suicide"
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:19 / 06.11.03
Has anyone heard from JAMM since his last post in this thread?
05:45 / 10.11.03
Biz - after seeing your post,and having been wondering about him for a few days, I decided to contact JAMM the other day and see whether I could get a response from him. And the answer to our question is thus:

He's alive and OK - not blissful or happy, but OK. He's pretty embarassed and feels like he's made a right tit of himself, but he was at a pretty low ebb at the time - hey many of us have been there. He's not even sure he can ever come back and face us. But I'm in communication with him and all is OK for now.
Char Aina
05:54 / 10.11.03
tell him i want him back.

and tell him anyone who doesnt is scheduled for execution tonight at 2323hrs GMT anyway.
Lilly Nowhere Late
06:16 / 10.11.03
My first husband did it. I cannot type it all up neatly here. I couldn`t
think of many reasons for him not to at the time, but now I can see a lot
of shit he`s missed and I feel like given a look at the future, he might have
changed his mind. And I miss him. I love him as much as ever but;

My life is far better now than then. I wouldn`t really change the course
of things. But I think he would. I don`t know what happens to dead people,
but he invades my world thru dreams constantly so I wonder if he is
trying to get back in. You don`t get back in you know.

I think that`s about all the public airing I can do but I would be willing to
detail more by pm if it would help.
Tryphena Absent
10:07 / 10.11.03
Aww, Mu Mu,
There were friends who could always see me
Through the haze their smiles would reach me
Saying okay, saying good-bye, saying hello
Soon I knew just what I was after
Was life and love, tears and laughter
Hello, my good friend, hello my darlin
What do you know

Open the door and come on in
I'm so glad to see you my friend
You're like a rainbow comin around the bend
And when I see you smilin
Well, it sets my heart free
I'd like to be as good a friend to you
as you are to me

Mmmm, saccharine Judy.
10:51 / 10.11.03
Good God I never imagined this thread would have turned into THIS!
Um, it's beautiful. One of the nicest threads ever.

Angel made me do it (come back and have a look that is).
I thought it would have been something quite entirely different but she assured me it wasn't.

Ta Angel.
15:22 / 10.11.03
Nice to have you back, we're worrying types! Hope things are looking up for you and you've listened to the theme from Shaft
Eloi Tsabaoth
16:48 / 10.11.03
Thanks to Angel and of course to JAMM. I was just a little concerned after your sign-off. You're a force for goodness on this board. And by cracky, we need some of those.
21:40 / 10.11.03
So is that a call for more photos being posted?
22:48 / 10.11.03
I don't know if this will help, it might make you feel worse, but here goes: After reading the Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom I have decided to take pride in my own suicidal feelings. According to Bloom, we are all just cells in a Superorganism and just like or cells will sacrifice themselves at any time human cells will sacrifice themselves at any time for the greater good of society. When one is a total failure in said society is when one kills themselves. One example is that WWII Japanese started killing themselves when they were losing the war. So therefore, I concluded, one cannot be a free individual unless one has suicidal thoughts, but not neccessarily acts on them. The suicidal are apart from the Superorganism so they only can be free-thinkers. That's just how I took it.

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