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Controversy is good


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09:08 / 15.10.03
"Bimbo Eruption" Clinton, who was not in fact the first black President
Fuck Bill Clinton

The principal says "make this go away, I don't care how." His or her mafia, whose livelihoods depend on the principal's continued prosperity, distinguish themselves in their energy and imagination in discrediting accusers.

*chuckles to himself and takes another sip of Colt 45*

So I suppose by this logic I must work for Kobe Bryant or something.
In yer dreams dude.

"Expert" psychiatric testimoney can be bought easily enough.

So can small town District Attorneys and Hillbilly Sherrif deputies
who by the way 'know'the 'alleged' victim.(More on this later,heh heh)

None of the above has anything to do with Bryant's guilt or innocence, though the psychiatric testimony might influence a jury.

You damn skippy it would influence a jury that's why D.A Homer Simpson and Judge Flanders are working so hard to suppress the shit.
But we'll see what happens today in the second half of the 'preliminary hearing'.My guess is that Judge Flanders rules to move straight to trial to avoid any more salacious details popping up about K*** Whazzername,LOL
09:52 / 15.10.03
BIO K9 said..

Going after a girls past sexual history always seems like bullshit to me. She sleeps around and suddenly shes a fucking whore. Kobe cheats on his wife and hes a good upstanding man who made a mistake? Bullshit

Well, the fact that she's a ho shouldn't trouble you too much because if Judge Flanders gets his way none of her sexual history will be admissable in the trial anyway, that's why Kobe's attorney Pamela Mackey is pressing so hard to get this shit out in the prelim-

More comedy-

Trix me up said..

I have entertained professional atheletes before and some, (not all of course) are very high on their fame and fortune. They forget completely that other people may choose NOT to go along with their wishes, no matter what the athelete offers them, ie: money, spotlight, trips, drugs...bleh, bleh, bleh... I have seen them cause a ruckus in the clubs where I work and it is quietly brushed under the carpet by managment and the customer is given champagne - then the girls are fired for not being compliant with the very prestigious customer

Sooo, you're a stripper then?

That argument doesn't apply to this cat-as most of your more knowledgeable 'sports fans' will tell you,Kobe is notorious for not participating in rowdy trips to night clubs and titty bars with his team-mates.In fact,if you bother to read anything about this man's history, he's downright boring.His high school sweetheart said she would spend many nights with him just dissecting basketball footage,rather than go out and hit the clubs.I think that little fact is reported in the latest NewsWeek, another of my disreputable sources,lol

Jack Fear wrote..

It seems as if you're fixated on making this woman look bad...

Hate to break the news to you Jack but she's doing a great job of that all by her-self. Let's review shall we? If any of the medical report is true that she had another man's semen! in her draws, and had sex with not (1),not (2),*cue drum-roll..* but (3)guys in the day leading up to being with Kobe--tsk,tsk.

I can see why the Duh dum dum District Attorney in this case is now flip-flopping and moving to have the rest of the preliminary hearing either closed,or just by-passed all together.After previously being a strong supporter of having all the early nastiness about ya boy KOBEZ splashed all over the fuckin news.

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
10:18 / 15.10.03

Personally, I suspect race might come to be an issue in this, not in regards to whether he’s guilty or not (obviously), but in how it plays or is playing in the media and public perception. Black men = sexually prolific = rapist is a common cultural theme, after all. Obviously, in an ideal world this wouldn’t affect the proceedings at all, and I hope sincerely that it doesn’t but as I said, it may affect how it plays in wider perception – I don’t know, Nowthink – it’s not a big issue on the side of the pond because Basketball isn’t that popular here. Looking at his case just convinces me I’d never going to be able to make a impartial judgment because of all the evil shitthrowing that both sides are going to do – I hate that litigious aspect of US culture and I’m glad we don’t’ have it here. (well, alright we do, but perhaps not to the same degree). I remember the furoe that surrounded the Tyson trial and a lot of guys made the mistake of trying to "explain away" Tyson's guilt and linked it with race issues. There maybe a connection but that doesn't mean to say he didn't seriously FUCK UP.

Secondly, I think that the womens sexual history or who she had sex with in the days or hours proceeding doesn't matter a damn - for one thing, this buys into that whole "shes' a slag - she was asking for it" arguement. Surely, the important issue is what went on between her and Kobe and that particular encounter was consensual or not. In the eyes of the law, so far as I know, even a prostitute has the right to claim that she was raped or assaulted, and should be able to see her case treated impartially in light of what actually happened rather than judgements inferred from her history.
Spatula Clarke
11:01 / 15.10.03
Wait, what about pineapples?
Tryphena Absent
11:12 / 15.10.03
I think that the womens sexual history or who she had sex with in the days or hours proceeding doesn't matter a damn - for one thing, this buys into that whole "shes' a slag - she was asking for it" arguement

Hell yeah. In Britain no case is allowed to refer to a previous trial. In some cases that's a negative thing but it does mean that each separate crime gets a fair trial. She could have had sex with ten men and it wouldn't mean shit and frankly it's not necessarily applicable to this case. Let's say I was in a three way relationship, screwed my two men, left them and then went outside and was raped on the street. Would that invalidate the fact that someone had sexually assaulted me? I think not. Rape is a question of consent, not deviation from the accepted societal view of sexual relationships.
Linus Dunce
11:12 / 15.10.03
So, let me see if I've got this straight ...

1. Kobe doesn't go to nightclubs much, he just likes basketball.

2. The judge has acted unfairly.

3. Media coverage of the case is racist.

4. The woman was a crazy slut.

5. Therefore, Kobe is probably innocent. But even if he's not, just keep repeating 1-4. Mainly 4. Because I am a bad-ass motherfucker with a forty ... and an internet connection and touch-typing skillz.
Spatula Clarke
11:19 / 15.10.03
5. Qalyn sees invisible lemons.

6. nowthink won't help me out with my plum query, and all it'd require is a little suck. He doesn't even have to bite down on them to extract any juice if he doesn't want to; a texture comparison should suffice.
Bill Posters
11:22 / 15.10.03
Plums, peaches, any of those soft fruits... eating them means you're a big gaylord.

awww fridge, I hate bothering with 'peeling' fruits, and I really like eating plums, but they mainly said on another thread that I'm not a big gaylord. Now you got me all confused about my sexual identity again.

Apples and pears... I'm not sure of their exact status. It's yet to be officially determined.

pretty damn masculine, IMHO. Pairs are so because one can hold one in one's hand, look into the eyes of any female in the vicinty and say, "laaav-ley pair" in a very traditionally male/bordeline sexshul harrassment type fashion.

'Apples', of course, is Cockney rhyming slang for 'stairs', and only 'ard men use Cockney rhyming slang, I know this because though I've never actually talked to a Cockney (god forbid!), Guy Ritchie's Snatch has taught me all I need to know about those loveable characters.

Oh and Randy, pinapples are female fruit, I know this for definate because I once lived with a gay guy who was a little on the mysogynistic side and when I offered him pinapple he got all hysterical and refused to put "something so wet and female into my mouth".

Oh and he's innocent and anyone who claims he isn't is a waaacist. Obviously. Unless of course he's guilty, in which case anyone who claim's he's innocent is sexist hater of wimmin. I hope that's clear.
11:23 / 15.10.03
Sooo, you're a stripper then?

Nudge nudge wink wink huh? *sighs*

So what if she is? You might have done better to make your point on Kobe's predilection (or not as the case may be) for strip clubs without the sarcastic, laddish comment beforehand.
Cherry Bomb
11:25 / 15.10.03
Hmm. I probably shouldn't be getting into this, but I fail to see how proliferating age-old theories such as, "she's a ho, she was asking for it" and villifying the rape accuser as a crazy bitch is new, innovative or thought-provoking in any way. Rather than waking me up, you're more putting me to sleep.

I don't know if Kobe is guilty or innocent, and I don't know if this woman is telling the truth or not. I do know that both are entitled to a fair trial, and that it is Kobe, not his accuser, who is (supposed to be) in fact, on trial.

Let's say that this woman is, in fact, a crazy slapper who's "cried rape" (I hate this expression but bear with me) 5 times before and in fact willingly had sex with five guys an hour before the Kobe incident. That still provides absolutely no evidence in regards to whether he raped her not. The only evidence it provides is evidence of the accuser's character, and that is in itself subjective.
Jack Fear
11:36 / 15.10.03
Pears are, indeed, the most masculine of fruits, if only because they are the fruit of choice for this man...

...Hiroyuki Sakai, baddest motherfucker to ever wield a cleaver whilst wearing red pajamas. beloved by women, feared by men, the Delacroix of French cuisine, King of Iron Chefs.

Case closed.
Jack Fear
11:38 / 15.10.03
Oh, and Ignatius:

... I am a bad-ass motherfucker with a forty ...

See, now you're a racist, too! Isn't this fun? And it's so easy to play!
11:40 / 15.10.03
Secondly, I think that the womens sexual history or who she had sex with in the days or hours proceeding doesn't matter a damn - for one thing, this buys into that whole "shes' a slag - she was asking for it" arguement.

she is a ho, but that's not why Kobe's legal council introduced that evidence.IMHO,the real reason behind it is to downplay the admittedly weak physical evidence the prosecution is trumpeting around about tears,and things of that nature.

Not to be crude but this girl has a serious problem.The Colorado rape shield law is being used to bury her under the mattress because they know that if any potential juror knew her full medical record they would probably vote for an immediate dismissal and like the 'anonymous' poster on that link I provided earlier said-"get this girl some help".

I remember the furoe that surrounded the Tyson trial and a lot of guys made the mistake of trying to "explain away" Tyson's guilt and linked it with race issues. There maybe a connection but that doesn't mean to say he didn't seriously FUCK UP.

Mike Tyson IS and has always been a SERIOUS FUCKUP.I personally think his personality profile lends towards the potential for random acts of brutality much more than Kobe Bryant-(sheesh!)
But that's neither here nor there.
He bit a man's ear off for chrissakes

Surely, the important issue is what went on between her and Kobe and that particular encounter was consensual or not.

How the hell could you determine that outside of some real damning physical evidence.
This is why in the American legal system the burden of proof is on the prosecution.'You say I choked you and bent you over the chair and dog-fucked you against your will? PROVE IT'
This is why as a defendant I should have the right to cross-examine you (the accuser)in front of a jury and let'them 'decide'whether or not you are who you say you are.You screamed no repeatedly? Describe that to us.A jury will be able to determine if you're credible.
I disagree with this garbage about any female accuser being totally absolved from the responsibility of having to represent herself in a court-room situation,because she's too *scared* of facing the guy who (allegedly)raped her.

The legal process in this case so far is a joke. I've got plenty more facts to support that argument.So from now on,you can call me

nowthink (cochcran)

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa
11:49 / 15.10.03
I had to come look at this thread, and whoa- going away again now. "she is a ho" is enough for me, I don't even know who Kobe is. Gotta disagree with you though nowthink, rape shield laws are there for a reason. Have you ever had to go to court to prosecute someone who raped you?
OK going away now...
11:50 / 15.10.03
I disagree with this garbage about any female accuser being totally absolved from the responsibility of having to represent herself in a court-room situation,because she's too *scared* of facing the guy who (allegedly)raped her.

I really think that this is not something you can 'disagree' with until you have been in that position, and I don't think you can acceptably describe it as garbage. I can see perfectly well why a woman would be too afraid to face her attacker in court - having to live through the whole nightmare again with a Barrister making out you were 'asking for it' and insinuating that your skirt was too short. I imagine it's horrific enough to have been attacked in the first place without having to relive it step by step in front of the man who did it to you. That's why so many rape victims never take their cases to either the police, or in turn court.
Linus Dunce
11:56 / 15.10.03
Jack -- OMG!! I so am a racist! Damn! How did that happen? You know my mental facultiers aren't what they used to be. It's a young man's game this, really.

Thing about pears, though, is they're sometimes a little too masculine. When a plum says, "try harder," they take it to mean, "be more pear-like." But the plum really means, "learn some preparation technique before you try that again, pointy-head." Poor pear doesn't stand a chance -- he just doesn't understand.
8===>Q: alyn
12:04 / 15.10.03
Peaches are so not-gay, you English* pervert, and I think it depends what kind of pear you're talking about. Bosc pears really look like orangey-brown little dicks (not in a racist way), which seems kind of gay to me. What about bananas? Certainly not citrus, but is it gay to slide a long, ripe, firm-yet-supple, potassium-rich banana between your lips?

*When fridgemagnet says the word 'twat' it rhymes with 'sprat', not 'spot'. Pervert.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:14 / 15.10.03
Controvery is all well and good - there is probably even a place on Barbelith for someone to argue a position as contentious as the idea that alleged rape victims should have to face their alleged attackers in court.

Only, not from someone who refuses to discontinue using words like 'ho' and 'bitch' in the discussion.

I'm going to propose locking this thread - hope that's clear (see also: the thread in Policy on locking threads).
Tryphena Absent
12:16 / 15.10.03
All fruit is gay Munchausen. I thought you knew that already. Hedgehogs turned gay by eating too much of it and so did Bill and Mrs. Fantomara who lives down the street.
8===>Q: alyn
12:17 / 15.10.03
Be quiet, ho!
Jack Fear
12:21 / 15.10.03

(I may have spelled that wrong)



Advantage: Bartlett.
Bill Posters
12:23 / 15.10.03
Bosc pears really look like orangey-brown little dicks (not in a racist way), which seems kind of gay to me.

Racist! Homophobe!

you English pervert

How dare you call me "English"? Know you not that I am an anarchist and hate my state, so I'm - conceptually speaking - an ex-pat even if I happen to still be here.

Oh and isn't there a word 'twot' in English, as well as 'twat'? Let's have a lil' lookey, shall we? Aha, yes, there is, right here, so you tell that Frigmagnet boy he has no monopoly on our dulcet Limey pronounciations. (He's lead you all to believe he has, hasn't he? Dear oh dear, that boy.)
12:23 / 15.10.03
NT – my points about Tyson are a bit garbled, sorry – I’m not even sure that I know what I’m trying to say. I’m not trying to decide Kobe’s guilt or not there, I’m saying that race will be a factor in how the case is perceived and how it plays in the media and public perception. I’m not trying to draw equivalence between Kobe and Tyson – I was pointing out that to some people in the black community at the time, Tyson’s “blackness” (plus his superstar status) was more important than his guilt. We may see the same reactions with this case if he is found guilty, just as we will see racist and reactionary comments if he is found innocent. I suppose my point was in a society as racially divided as America, race is never entirely absent in this kind of high profile case.

Onto the other stuff: Yes, I agree some damning evidence , physical or otherwise, would be needed before Kobe is found guilty. What this might be, I don't know. I guess this case might out that. If her sexaul history was introduced to the trial by Kobe's counsel, it's possible it's was done as a nasty piece of shitsmearing, to attack the defendant, and make things tough for her rather than undermine the "tears" evidence, as you say. Anyway, this "evidence" will be used to create the public perception that she's a "slag/slapper/ho" (this is what you seem to believe, after all) and therefore undermine her credibility. This shouldn't affect the jury, but there's always the possibility that it will.

I’m not at all familiar with the Colorado Rape Law thing so I can’t comment on this, (remember I’m not following this case as closely as you. In fact, being a Brit, it would probably have slipped under my radar completely if you hadn’t brought it up). However, I am disposed to agree with Oulabelle though. Rape shields are there for a reason.
Spatula Clarke
12:25 / 15.10.03
Oh well. If the thread's getting locked I might as well let my plums drop.
12:31 / 15.10.03
Cherry Bomb said..

Hmm. I probably shouldn't be getting into this, but I fail to see how proliferating age-old theories such as, "she's a ho, she was asking for it" and villifying the rape accuser as a crazy bitch is new, innovative or thought-provoking in any way.

Uhm. you got me.


*reclines on sofa and goes sound asleep*

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