BIO K9 said..
Going after a girls past sexual history always seems like bullshit to me. She sleeps around and suddenly shes a fucking whore. Kobe cheats on his wife and hes a good upstanding man who made a mistake? Bullshit
Well, the fact that she's a ho shouldn't trouble you too much because if Judge Flanders gets his way none of her sexual history will be admissable in the trial anyway, that's why Kobe's attorney Pamela Mackey is pressing so hard to get this shit out in the prelim-
More comedy-
Trix me up said..
I have entertained professional atheletes before and some, (not all of course) are very high on their fame and fortune. They forget completely that other people may choose NOT to go along with their wishes, no matter what the athelete offers them, ie: money, spotlight, trips, drugs...bleh, bleh, bleh... I have seen them cause a ruckus in the clubs where I work and it is quietly brushed under the carpet by managment and the customer is given champagne - then the girls are fired for not being compliant with the very prestigious customer
Sooo, you're a stripper then? 
That argument doesn't apply to this cat-as most of your more knowledgeable 'sports fans' will tell you,Kobe is notorious for not participating in rowdy trips to night clubs and titty bars with his team-mates.In fact,if you bother to read anything about this man's history, he's downright boring.His high school sweetheart said she would spend many nights with him just dissecting basketball footage,rather than go out and hit the clubs.I think that little fact is reported in the latest NewsWeek, another of my disreputable sources,lol
Jack Fear wrote..
It seems as if you're fixated on making this woman look bad...
Hate to break the news to you Jack but she's doing a great job of that all by her-self. Let's review shall we? If any of the medical report is true that she had another man's semen! in her draws, and had sex with not (1),not (2),*cue drum-roll..* but (3)guys in the day leading up to being with Kobe--tsk,tsk.
I can see why the Duh dum dum District Attorney in this case is now flip-flopping and moving to have the rest of the preliminary hearing either closed,or just by-passed all together.After previously being a strong supporter of having all the early nastiness about ya boy KOBEZ splashed all over the fuckin news.
keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003 |