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A new mood...


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Eloi Tsabaoth
20:20 / 14.10.03
Let's build a snowman!
20:25 / 14.10.03
Hedgehogs are sooo gay. D'you have any idea how long it takes them to spike their hair up that way? The really camp ones use glitter gel.
20:27 / 14.10.03
But hedgehogs HATE bread and milk. Hedgehogs like catfood! So by that logic, they can't be gay. Despite the glitter gel.
Tryphena Absent
20:35 / 14.10.03
Lula, sweetheart, you've clearly been hanging around with the wrong hedgehogs.
23:15 / 14.10.03
Wait a minute, I'm confused. Are the hedgehogs the masses?
Tryphena Absent
23:27 / 14.10.03
No, no, the hedgehogs are gay!!!

God, doesn't anyone read anymore?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
06:18 / 15.10.03
And here's another clue for you all,
The hedgehog was Paul.
09:17 / 15.10.03
Gay or not gay, now I am very concerned about you all poisoning hedgehogs.

I get a magazine sent to me once a year called the Hogalogue, because I belong to a hedgehog rescue charity. They say you should feed your hedgehog cat or dog food, and so do these people.

Excerpt: Do not put out bread and milk. Although the hedgehog will eat it, the swelling of bread in the stomach and the fact that cows milk gives hedgehogs diarrhoea, means that it is not the best thing to give a hungry hedgehog. Many hedgehogs die of malnutrition caused by this wrong diet.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
09:29 / 15.10.03
You know, the thing about the Kobe Bryant thread is that it's not spilling over, and nowthink isn't spamming the board. I think the board does feel different. People aren't responding by shutting off, either; there are threads happening.

I swear it helps that it's not Summer any more, either. Maybe Barbelith should have a Summer Recess.
Tryphena Absent
09:32 / 15.10.03
Everyone who's anyone knows that gay hedgehogs have super-stomachs and can take as much bread and milk as they fancy.
09:38 / 15.10.03
Nowthink isn't that bad, c'mon - he's attempting to dialogue a bit but is having a hard time of it cos of all the pisstaking.
09:43 / 15.10.03
Anna kills hedgehogs. Bah.
10:19 / 15.10.03
Did you know the character of Mrs Tiggywinkle is actually based on Quentin Crisp?
Tryphena Absent
10:22 / 15.10.03
whaddyamean? nathink's a fuckin' menace. You red that bleedin' contoverst thread or wot?
10:49 / 15.10.03
Well, I don't think he qualifies as a menace. You're the menace, Anna de Loganberry!!!

He's might be using language a lot of us disagree with, or espousing a POV a lot of us disagree with but he'snot trying to FUCK SHIT UP for the board, is he?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:52 / 15.10.03
The hedgehogs are what we're going to change into in the posthumanist future. If you play Sonic the Hedgehog you're actually fiddling with your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandson you kiddyfiddler.
Bill Posters
11:03 / 15.10.03
To my mind, hedgehogs are the future of this planet. We laugh now, but one day, they will rule and it is we who shall scuttle in darkness, only surviving through scavenging and charitable gifts of bread and milk.

Oh and thank you all for reassuring me that I am not a whoopsie. Except Anna, obviously, you called me a poof and now I have no choice to defend my masculinity:

* puts beer down and establishes menacing eye contact *

Right. You. Ahhhhhtsiiiide. etc etc
Tryphena Absent
11:22 / 15.10.03
Oh bollocks to the lot of you. You're all fucking trolls, gay trolls, with bad shoes!

Furthermore, shrews are better than you, they swing both ways. All of them.
11:28 / 15.10.03
Bill everyone knows that Bi-Bats are the future of this planets, have you ever actually seen a hedgehog? They're shite just spikey rats!
11:32 / 15.10.03
Anna, I think you'll find that shrews do not, as a deliberate policy, have any kind of sexual preference. Their role in life is simply to sit on laps looking velvety, thereby making the world in general (and in particular the Barbelith Happy Board) a better place to be.
Bill Posters
11:36 / 15.10.03
No no Bear, I've just realised, it's the pigeons!! Can't you see it in the way they fly?

You're all fucking trolls, gay trolls, with bad shoes!

Furthermore, shrews are better than you...

we may be big prancing gay trolls, but some of us are shrewder than you think.
11:39 / 15.10.03

Please make it stop.
13:10 / 15.10.03
So the new mood is big prancing gayness with a touch of shrewy hedgehog? That is pretty positive.
Tryphena Absent
13:18 / 15.10.03
Extremely positive. Ya big gay shrewhogs!
Cat Chant
13:31 / 15.10.03
Except Anna, obviously, you called me a poof and now I have no choice to defend my masculinity:

* puts beer down and establishes menacing eye contact *

Hang on, I thought we established in the 'staring' thread that, for a straight man, looking at men is aggressive and looking at women is a compliment to their attractiveness?

So if you're looking at Anna aggressively, that must mean that you look at men to compliment their attractiveness. Sorry, Bill, you're a poof after all.
Cat Chant
13:36 / 15.10.03
Unless you never look at men.
13:38 / 15.10.03
Funny stuff, no really-this shit is incredible!

I love it!
*rethinks last statement for fear of getting this thread locked*

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa

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