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Rape vs Rejection


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14:13 / 26.11.03
errr, i think your mate has a bad life. if i were you id take her away and cheer her up. she needs her mojo back. i mean everyone has different hates and things which disgust them. for some people rape may be preferable to being without the rapist but thats like saying what do you want a dog shit sandwich or a cat shit one really. i mean what the fuck! cant she look at her self and see what a fucked situation that is. shes not been sold into slavery? being forced to pay off her pimp or madam? is the guy rich or something? and rape is nothing to do with desire for the person, well maybe only 5%. most of it is down to the exitement and adrenilin rush of the power the rapist gets. its a quick fix to for a moron and if you look at most pornography there is often an agressive edge to it,especially the most popular stuff where you get all these people at home (who tend to be quite homophobic) jacking off to videos showing loads of blokes fucking 1 or 2 women! these people wont watch softcore cos its got no spunk or throbbing cocks in it, but most of them would happily kick the shit out of anyone gay! what a bonkers world eh? do you think it could be the flouride and aspartame eroding peoples minds?
21:17 / 28.11.03
Two quick bits:

Every time you masturbate, you murder millions of innocent sperm. Its just silly to look at things on that level. Similarly, lack of conception as murder is equally groundless in reason. Every sperm must reach an egg to fertalize or you'll burn in hell for mass murder? Please. Don't Catholics have enough guilt to begin with without this sort of garbage?

As for the girl, it was past experiences, not present, and she's self aware of it all now. The comment came from introspection, realizing how she felt about her past habits and that at the time she would have rather a guy not took no for an answer than said no himself. And Its not like she was analyzing the experience as "even though he is forcing himself upon me, its not me he desires so much as the idea of the conquest itself or to satisfy intentions of violence against the female archetype." She's taking it at face value, seeing the side of it she wanted to see. Sometimes, that's all the matters.
Z. deScathach
11:14 / 02.12.03
I can speak to this with some experience. My partner had been abused very seriously throughout her life, beginning at age ten. One of the hardest things that we had as a couple was that she felt that because I wouldn't hurt her, she wasn't loved. Eventually, she got over that when she was able to recognize that what was done to her was not love, but the use of her for someone else's gain. What I saw in this was a confusion of attention with love. Yes, a rapist is giving you attention. Just as a predator focuses all of their being on their prey, the rapist is focussing his attention on his victim. As a martial artist, I faced down 5 rapists. While four of them were along for the ride, the leader decided to face me down. What I saw in those eyes was desire, yes. The desier to cause terrible pain. It was the cruel smile of the torturer. Oh, btw, he broke and ran, he must have sensed that I was going to kill him...

The problem that I have with whole discussion is it's intellectualizing of a vicious gut issue. Reducing raw human experience to abstract concepts allows damn near anything to be excused. This isn't about "ideas". It is about pain, fear, and damage. I have no desire to analyze the rapist. If he decides to take my right to choose, then I shall take his right to choose.... to breathe. As far as the drunken frat boy, I had a similar situation happen. I applied pressure to his throat and sealed his breath. He let me go. The force seemed appropriate. He wasn't harmed and neither was I. The bottom line is that ideas aren't worth a tinker's damn when someone is forcing themselves inside of you.
Cat Chant
11:35 / 02.12.03
Thinking about the original situation as a form of self-harm ('well, tons of people find ways to damage themselves, or test themselves against harmful situations, as part of working things out') - but that made me think that that interpretation itself relies on an assumption which is itself a slightly fucked way to look at the world - ie that there's a constant resource of (bad) men out there ready to be used as a weapon against oneself (like cars, lightning, knives; morally inert, non-responsible tools of hurt...)

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