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Sorting my shit out. Support needed.


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14:44 / 08.10.03
I guess it'll come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that I "suffer" from what my doctor tactfully and euphemistically refers to as Alcohol Dependency Syndrome. On the urgent advice of friends (who seem to give more of a shit about me than they probably should, therefore who ROCK) I'm going back into alcohol counselling.

And I'm scared. Okay, I've done it before, a few years back, but I don't think I stuck at it long enough. Tomorrow's my first session and, while I know pretty much what to expect, the very fact that I'm in a position where I have to do it is... well, y'know, a bit scary.

My doctor's also referred me to the hospital for a blood test to see if my liver still exists. Damn, this is all getting a bit much.

Sorry to ask, but if anyone has any huggles or healing vibes or any shit like that spare, could I borrow 'em for a while? I promise I won't sell them to buy booze...
Kit-Cat Club
14:47 / 08.10.03
Old chap. I say. For what it's worth, I think this is the right thing to do - and you must think so too, otherwise you wouldn't be doing it. Hope you make it work. Courage.
14:48 / 08.10.03
Oh god, good luck, and well done for deciding to go through with it. Hope it goes okay, both the counselling and the blood tests.
14:53 / 08.10.03
Stoatmaster: You have my absolutely 100% support on this. Well done for taking the step. And if you ever need to sit donw and talk abou it with someone nearby, well, you know where I am.
Jack The Bodiless
15:07 / 08.10.03
Dude. You have an entire Barbeposse's support in Southampton. As a co-dependent who's cut about three-quarters of the drinknig out of his life in the last two years, I know eactly what you're on about. You need anything at all, text me, I'll call you straight back.
Baz Auckland
15:21 / 08.10.03
Good luck dude. You rock.
Tryphena Absent
15:21 / 08.10.03
Oh, I don't know what to say, except you have my never ending support and I think you have the courage of ten lions. Good luck.
Lilith Myth
15:27 / 08.10.03
Well done for taking the first step. I know it's scary, but I think you're doing the right thing. I have my own addictions - food - and I know how hard it is. Thinking of you.
15:30 / 08.10.03
Good luck and well done. All the hugs in the World although it sounds like you already have plenty of friends to do that. You must be worth it to have such great support!
15:36 / 08.10.03
Good luck. If you need anything, yo.
Lurid Archive
16:01 / 08.10.03
I'm sending the good vibes your way, man. I'm not there but if you wanna chat, feel free.
Mourne Kransky
16:06 / 08.10.03
Good for you, dude. Good karma overload heading your way.
gotham island fae
16:28 / 08.10.03
Prayers, good vibes, healing thoughts and one great, rockin', trans-Atlantic huggle your way, Brother.

I've watched my roommate fight his liquor-demon for two years, now. It ain't easy, but I'm certain you got the warrior in ya.

Love and Will.
Cat Chant
16:39 / 08.10.03
That's so brave. Well done. Good luck.
17:20 / 08.10.03
Wow. Grown-up stuff. Support heading your way.
17:21 / 08.10.03
Hey Stoatie, good luck and good health to you. Sending good energy your way. you huggle? I got one for you if you want it. *huggles!*
17:22 / 08.10.03
I don't know what to say, either, for lack of a natural inner grown-up type dictionary. but it sounds like you have good friends - make use of em in hard times, I bet they'll be more than happy to help bolster your strength when you need it most

all the best of luck in sorting things out.
17:22 / 08.10.03
you can do it! good luck to you stoatie. *hug*
p.s. more people should be like you.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:32 / 08.10.03
Dude. Well done for biting the bullet. Ten lions? You are braver than an army of badgers.
Not Here Still
17:48 / 08.10.03
Props squared, Stoatie. Best of wishes mate...
19:20 / 08.10.03
Good luck! I'm glad to see you're taking initiative (yes I worry about you). I hope everything works out.

It's too easy to waste away in Stokie.
19:24 / 08.10.03
Kudos to you for being forthright with yourself about your situation. I'm sure your friends are loyal to you for a good reason -- hang in there.
rizla mission
19:32 / 08.10.03
I have nothing terribly original to add to the above, but nevetheless, a salute and a call for good luck and communication of best possible vibes..
Goodness Gracious Meme
20:21 / 08.10.03
Well done hon, takes mega bravery to get as far as you hsve. Good vibes heading your way. Take care.
21:02 / 08.10.03
Go Stoatie!
21:36 / 08.10.03
Hugs and tons of support from the pseudo-canadian front, Stoatie.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
21:42 / 08.10.03
That's about the most impressive thing I've seen anyone do for a long time.

22:36 / 08.10.03
Best wishes and hugs and things, Stoats - will be thinking of you. Maybe some coffee'n'juice related Barbemeets soon?
23:22 / 08.10.03
Jees, am I just a big vibe-machine?
Vibes and huggles and juice coming atcha
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:10 / 09.10.03
You have my support and admiration, Mr Stoat.
Jack Fear
00:20 / 09.10.03
I am praying for you.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:38 / 09.10.03
You know you've got my support, Stoatie. You go, son!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
05:34 / 09.10.03
Best wishes guy, I'm sending positive stoats- damn, vibes, positive vibes in your direction.
06:21 / 09.10.03
Good vibes and good luck wishes from me, too. Be strong, have courage and hang in there.
06:26 / 09.10.03
Big, supportive, etheric hugs coming atcha Stotie. You are a brave man, you are a courageous man, you are a determined and intelligent man and in addition you have an army of badger-like friends here who will support you no matter what.

I also have an unlimited supply of love and huggles available to you whenever you need them hon!

Go beat the hell out of those demons!

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