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What's in a name? (Screen names and ancient history)


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12:12 / 08.10.03
Sorry to go on.

Also, amongst my group of friends nicknames seem to be the done thing.

Hence: Denny, Fraely, Nanna Greg, Nanny, Lucky Derek, Man Cherish, Margot, Grabbing Hands, McBane, Boboss, Big Toby, Runce, The Duchess, The Big Man, Fuzz, and many more...

We are weird.
12:41 / 08.10.03
I've been Justified Ancient of Mu Mu for about 6 years. I started being this entity on WBS than I'd hoped for. Jamumu has done me proud over the years. The first time I used this name a girl under the name 'Delirium' piped up with "OOOOOOO, a KLF moment" and a long-term long-distance relationship started that still continues to this day. Kinda.

For a while she and I had an identity we shared access to, Homecoming Queen which was probably the silliest handle I've used. It was all a deliberate bit of theatrics scripted to worry people and it worked a treat. We decided that she would become more and more psychotic and suicidal during her planned lifespan. You could use a little picture that came up on every post you made and week by week I photoshopped the image to have a few more facial wrinkles, a slightly more maniacal expression and the posts grew more and more insane and less and less coherent. Lots of fun. People were genuinely scared by her. This is where I learnt the advantages of having multiple personalities on the net. You could play games. WBS died, I still miss it.

Then I found the board and since the whole look and feel of the thing seemed to be based on KLF style graphics it seemed appropriate to dust off the old name and set to it. I've always liked this name because it seems a very pretentious, pompous and grandiose title. The wise old sage deeming to impart his wisdom unto the masses. It went down well over there at ol' 23, I ended up being among the "elite", which sounds a dreadful thing to say but they set the place up to be like that. The administrators appointed 7 people to have special access to secret parts of the site and politics took over and the whole thing became a bore and my girlfriend, Delirium, got pissed off with my inflated ego and ordered me to stop posting there. So, naturally, I just made up a new name she didn't know about and kept on going. The new name was Timelord, which would make sense to anyone familiar with the KLF story.

It was Ganesh who lead me to this board. He turned up at 23 and started pissing people off and I liked him immediately as, by that stage, I had much the same aim. He posted links to here and I have been here ever since. I used to use the Timelord name here too, for no apparent reason, for a while. I might still have it registered, no idea.

The name Justified Ancient of Mu Mu has a lot of history for me. It used to allow me to play a character which was larger than (my) life. It gave me the position to take liberties with reality, to speak with an authority that was more perceived than genuine. At one stage, over on 23, I made it known that my real name is Derek. Someone replied that they found it "very reassuring" to know that. Their response changed the way I viewed the whole "screen name" phenomena. These days it's just the name I use.
12:50 / 08.10.03
"I started being this entity on WBS than I'd hoped for."
I hate when sentences don't make sense. I am sure when I typed that it said something like:
I started being this entity on WBS (live chat) and got way more than I'd hoped for.
12:59 / 08.10.03
Good Lord,! I can just about remember very briefly checking the place out (it was my first realisation that other such message-boards existed, and it was an extremely short-lived moment of experimentation) but I can't, for the life of me, remember anything I posted - much less pissing people off. I'm retrospectively intrigued now: what did I say?
13:13 / 08.10.03
Well that depends a bit (he realises after looking back at the archives). Were you GANESHA over there?
13:22 / 08.10.03
Yeah, I started out as Ganesha, but dropped the 'a' after repeatedly assumptions that I was female.
13:26 / 08.10.03
Oh good, in that case THIS was your parting shot and kinda indicates the general mood of your postings to that point as well...

i am off,sick of scribes lies - no T.O.P.Y connections my arse, sick of the crap - you cannot teach enlightenment YOUR WAY through a web site, you cannot just tell people enlightenment is ONLY YOUR WAY.....etc,etc,etc...
i have evidence that shows reality for what it is here at

"Have fun y'all-you're hooked the monkeys got you....."

P.S: SCRIBE,start panicking now - as i type a group of hackers are working on a way to shut down your systems at - we're not saying when....23 days?weeks?minutes?hours? just start the wait...

13:28 / 08.10.03
Bloody Hell, no; despite being the only 'Ganesha' on the Nexus, I can't really take credit for that...
13:33 / 08.10.03
OK, mistaken identity. It wasn't you that brought me here then, it was whoever THAT was...

Let's let this topic get back to what it was about

13:41 / 08.10.03
I did actually visit, though, at one point - although I don't remember posting. Perhaps we talked about it on the Nexus (we used to have interminable conversations about the significance of 23) and another Nexite decided to use my name there. Sounds like a generic 'YUO ARE SLEEP1NG!!! YOU SHEEEP!!!' style of troll...
13:52 / 08.10.03
As an ex-member of the 23rdian string of boards (,, I would just like to clear up the confusion and confirm that Barbelith's Ganesh is in no way related to the troll we knew as GANESHA. For one thing, GANESHA's caps lock key was broken, and frankly he just wasn't half as witty or intelligent as the 'lith's Ganesh. Anyway, carry on, NOTHING TO SEE HERE...
14:00 / 08.10.03
PA tricky... sounded like a funny hillbilly that sits on his front porch and scams traveling salesmen

Oh, that's awesome.

Ganesh: I remember the cabinet maker freaking the rest of us the fuck out. You were the one with the period, too? Damn.
rizla mission
19:40 / 08.10.03
The cabinetmaker was fantastic. Very Norman Bates.
Emma Pirate
16:39 / 11.10.03
Umm, my name's Emma, and I'm a pirate.
18:03 / 11.10.03
I have had soooo many names due to my occupation, for one. It is a onstage personality thing, so I needed to find a name that would work to pull all of those together...a meta-meme, of sorts.

A lot of people look at my suit name and are completely oblivious to the reference - "Matrix" - if you were wondering. The problem is I never really meant it to be a movie reference (although it has been fun to toy around with). "Matrix" or rather "May Tricks" is supposed to be a culmination and networking of my fractured self.

Oh well...I can still look really cool in PVC and shades.

18:42 / 11.10.03
hi emma pirate - judging from you name i'm guessing you are the same pirate-identified emma from the invisibles mailing list of wayyyyyy back....
Emma Pirate
10:53 / 12.10.03
Yes, indeedy, Mr Sleaze, it's me. I was feeling in need of a thorough intimidating by all these frighteningly clever and well-connected people, so here I am. Yarrrgh.
Spatula Clarke
12:39 / 12.10.03
all these frighteningly clever and well-connected people

We really needs to change Barbelith's Yellow Pages listing.
14:34 / 12.10.03
Well, my knee-bone's connected to my thigh-bone. Does that count?
14:44 / 12.10.03
Another pirate, though... how do you ninjas like THEM apples, eh? EH?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:33 / 12.10.03
Emma - welcome to the paaaaaaarty.


Pirate joke.

Not Here Still
18:11 / 12.10.03
OPB that drugs fiend Rizla: cos despite posting in different places under a variety of bizarre names, I'm pretty much always myself, and what I say is usually pretty similar to what I'd say IRL.. a few brief attempts to deliberately adopt a specific character have been pretty unsuccessful..

Well, yes. I went through this fairly recently in the Barbelith interview thread a couple of weeks back, but bizarrely enough, Not Me is often more Me than the persona I present to the world.

Pretty much the whole of this is because I value my anonymity on the board so much, as anonymously I can express my thoughts in far more detail than I would if I thought I was being read by people who know me - the inverse point to that a couple of people are making in this thread.

I did start off with a username which compromised my idenity slightly - there is one reference to it on the board, IIRC. I changed it during a thread where I decided to break cover and reveal personal information which, added to my username, could have revealed my real name. Cunningly, I changed my name to Not Me Again - then someone went and used my old name anyway. (apologies if this all sounds a bit Bond, too)

After that, I've been Not Me Again, a name which I value a fair bit now as it has so many possible meanings, is easily recognisable, but which also remains slightly distant at the same time.
18:18 / 12.10.03
I'm Sax. Blow me!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:35 / 12.10.03
When I first started mucking about on the internet I mostly used my real name, but it quickly became obvious that this was a bad idea. There's a lot of Clares there, and one of them seems to have got a kick out of trolling goth boards in the mid-90s. I'd go on chat rooms or whatever for the first time, go "hello I'm Clare," and everyone would start screaming "BASTARD!" at the tops of their caps lock. Put me right off. I messed around with a couple of names; I was PinkMoon for a while (Nick Drake song), then Purple Nasty (snakebite and black with a shot of vodka. Perfectly foul). Then I got bored with the internet for a while and didn't get back into it until 2001, when I adopted Mordant Carnival. Lurid Archive was already Lurid Archive then, so I just copied him. It's just two words I like.
Char Aina
01:54 / 03.05.04
02:05 / 03.05.04
You can't just be a 'thread rescue service' and not comment on the thread you rescue, Toksik.

tell us why are you Toksik, hmmm?

And also, whilst we're on the subject, are you particularly bored at the present time? Only you seem to be resurrecting threads faster than God having a panicky flurry of activity, and I wondered, was there any particular reason?
07:21 / 03.05.04
Hmm...the closest any of my ficsuits/ handles/ monikers/ nicknames have come to the shocking truth was "Ampersand" and I found it a bit too close for comfort. The bizarre priority my parents have always placed on me using my full unabbreviated name, no shortforms, has given me a bit of a neurosis. The interweb is too public, too impersonal: my actual name is sacred space.

I don't worry about the one-step remove of the ficsuit because the strength of my word is important to me, important enough that I won't abuse authencity with anonymity.
Char Aina
08:50 / 03.05.04
You can't just be a 'thread rescue service' and not comment on the thread you rescue, Toksik.

well, technically i can...
it's an ongoing issue, what with loads of new folks having joined since it started, and i figured they might like to to see/join in.

i've resurrected about, what, four? five? in as many days?
its hardly been me going mental, and it has provoke some interesting discussion. and there's no need to worry, the threads are not actually coming back from the dead, they still smell just like they did when they were first born.

am i bored?
yeah sure.
why else would i be online?
its a lovely way to kill time and make the death of it more exciting and interesting.

is there a particular reason why you need my reminiscing and harking back to be for an elucidated purpose?
there are motives behind my actions, but they really arent as interesting as the previous responses and the fresh ones they inspire. pedestrian stuff, honest.
Grey Area
08:58 / 03.05.04
Grey Area is the name of a ship in an Iain M Banks novel. While not as fully fleshed out as it might have been, I liked the character and its personal quest to right wrongs, using the tools given it by a society that then ostracised it for using them to their full potential. It all seemed to link nicely with my research, which never fails to draw criticism.

I suppose it also reflects my attitude towards the world in general, that nothing can be quantified as 100% right or wrong, black or white. There's always a grey area within which issues shift according to your viewpoint.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:23 / 03.05.04
S'funny. I had a suit called 'Grey Area' for a while, looooong ago - I think maybe even on the Nexus. I always get a slight jolt when I read your posts - it's a bit too much like going mad.

Oh, and I, too, liked the Ship. Although not as much as some of the others.
11:47 / 03.05.04
Toksik, I just wondered.

Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:51 / 03.05.04
Someone gave me this one when ficsuits were being handed out and the board was temporarily overrun with Fluxes.

It seems dirty and crude, and inextricably relevant to what the interweb is all about, and never fails to draw attention when threads about porn crop up (which has happened a lot, lately...) it stays for now, and I use it on a couple of other boards.

Prior to that I was Mu, and occasionally DoctorMu, which is just sub-KLF faux zen wank, frankly.
12:47 / 03.05.04
Some perceptive comments on the effects of name wearing... I originally chose the name 'ephemerat' at a time when I was feeling very sad and broken; very ephemeral and transient. It was meant to be a gently self-deprecating joke but I grew to find it too constrictive and artificial, a name that seemed to reek to me of an attempt to be self-consciously clever-clever, a name that was simply Not Funny. A temporary change to 'rat' (not-quite-coincidentally at a time when I was feeling like a bit of a bastard) failed to alleviate the discomfort, and, as I didn't want to be calling myself a bit of a shit every time I logged on for the rest of my natural existence, I switched to 'Cass', my Real Life nickname. Since doing so I've had a fairly long absence from the board thus giving me a very strange feeling of anonymity - I'm used to knowing so many people who know me by this name in my day to day life that it just seems so odd to bring it unrecognised to a medium I'm as familiar with as Barbelith. I'm hoping it will become more natural over time.
Whisky Priestess
13:25 / 03.05.04
What's most amusing and interesting about this thread is that so many of the people who explained in detail ages ago about why they're using their current name have now changed their names (sometimes several times). Update time!

I have explained my name before and will summarise.

Like whisky
Like faint whiff of incense and otherness about "priestess"
Am often a bit of a hypocrite (or whisky priest)
Like plays on words

I have never changed the name of my main suit but I have had subsidiary other ones, one of which (Kitten Caboodle) was stolen and the other (smoke) imploded after an ill-judged post which I thought might have massively hurt one my RL mates. It was the sort of thing you'd take from a friend but resend from a stranger, and I forgot I was in "stranger" mode.

Which is one of the problems and illuminating details about having other suits: people respond to you differently and are less willing to give the benefit of the doubt or - conversely - more willing to listen if you "other" suit has a rep as being a twat or troll.

Occasionally I still want to post mean or controversial or rude things but the thought of having to answer for myself as Whisky (who is, basically, me) stops me. Just like real life, then.
19:34 / 03.05.04
Fuuuuuck... Whisky, you were Kitten Caboodle?! Didn't I used to horrendously flirt with you?

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