I've been Justified Ancient of Mu Mu for about 6 years. I started being this entity on WBS than I'd hoped for. Jamumu has done me proud over the years. The first time I used this name a girl under the name 'Delirium' piped up with "OOOOOOO, a KLF moment" and a long-term long-distance relationship started that still continues to this day. Kinda.
For a while she and I had an identity we shared access to, Homecoming Queen which was probably the silliest handle I've used. It was all a deliberate bit of theatrics scripted to worry people and it worked a treat. We decided that she would become more and more psychotic and suicidal during her planned lifespan. You could use a little picture that came up on every post you made and week by week I photoshopped the image to have a few more facial wrinkles, a slightly more maniacal expression and the posts grew more and more insane and less and less coherent. Lots of fun. People were genuinely scared by her. This is where I learnt the advantages of having multiple personalities on the net. You could play games. WBS died, I still miss it.
Then I found the twentythree.co.uk board and since the whole look and feel of the thing seemed to be based on KLF style graphics it seemed appropriate to dust off the old name and set to it. I've always liked this name because it seems a very pretentious, pompous and grandiose title. The wise old sage deeming to impart his wisdom unto the masses. It went down well over there at ol' 23, I ended up being among the "elite", which sounds a dreadful thing to say but they set the place up to be like that. The administrators appointed 7 people to have special access to secret parts of the site and politics took over and the whole thing became a bore and my girlfriend, Delirium, got pissed off with my inflated ego and ordered me to stop posting there. So, naturally, I just made up a new name she didn't know about and kept on going. The new name was Timelord, which would make sense to anyone familiar with the KLF story.
It was Ganesh who lead me to this board. He turned up at 23 and started pissing people off and I liked him immediately as, by that stage, I had much the same aim. He posted links to here and I have been here ever since. I used to use the Timelord name here too, for no apparent reason, for a while. I might still have it registered, no idea.
The name Justified Ancient of Mu Mu has a lot of history for me. It used to allow me to play a character which was larger than (my) life. It gave me the position to take liberties with reality, to speak with an authority that was more perceived than genuine. At one stage, over on 23, I made it known that my real name is Derek. Someone replied that they found it "very reassuring" to know that. Their response changed the way I viewed the whole "screen name" phenomena. These days it's just the name I use. |