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Shallow love


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Mourne Kransky
21:28 / 05.10.03
Not convinced. Aesthetically speaking, man-breasts are the only way to go. Women's breasts are all soft and smooth and they don't usually perk up when you bite them.
21:39 / 05.10.03
Speaking of which, I can't stand fake breasts. When they're clothed you might as well just wear a padded bra and when they're naked you can see they're fake very easily. What's the point!
21:41 / 05.10.03
I always imagined they would look real till I saw a couple of girls at my gym with the oddest looking boobs ever. Is it a factor of how much you spend, or do they all go wonky in the long term?
21:58 / 05.10.03
Xoc..what are you saying? You are soooo wrong! Although man-breasts are quite special, there are many, many beautiful and perky breasts on the female form.

Let's all talk about how petty we are about the male form. I mean, scrotum...that is some really nasty looking stuff. I sure don't find it scary, but it's fucking weird shit...all wrinkled and hanging between your legs like that.

Okay, I find I am in favour of shaved and I become increasingly shallow with each curly pube. Yes, that is about as shallow as I get today, and even for the ladies. My motto: Keep it trim.

BTW: ginger, honey...i believe that was Deva you were meaning to address about gay men.

I personally have bidar. No kidding. It works out well for the most part, unless someone is deceptive and merely pretends that they are straight because they do not have a handle on things yet.

I was in a situation like this once where a guy I was dating (a male stripper..for men I might add) would deny his interest in men left right and centre. I really wanted him to be comfortable, I tried to get him to be honest with me, (for his own sake and mine) but he swore he had no interest. So, I come home after a week out of town and there is a new box of condoms beside my bed. So I ask my girlfriend whom lived with my boyfriend and I if he had anyone over while I was gone. She says, "No..wait...just some boy, hon." I kinda put two and two together.

Now, I didn't mind at all about his orientation, nor did I care that he had some nookie, but the deception didn't go far with me.
My girlfriend and I tossed him out.
22:09 / 05.10.03
For me, the important thing about boobs is shape rather than size. I used to be much more of an ass-man, but now I'm much more about the whole balance of a body, how a girl holds herself, body language and stuff.

Petty things that irritate me? Maybe over-accessorizing. Erm... come to think of it, I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to the small stuff.
22:20 / 05.10.03
I didnt know fake boobies looked wierd.
Thing is, Im pretty accurate at telling if someone is straight or gay (bar one guy I knew for years, and thought he was just camp), but I am rather fond of campness in men. And half of them are gay. Hmph.
22:25 / 05.10.03
If you ever move down south, Gingerbop, you'll find your gaydar becomes somewhat confused. Scottish just-camp is slightly different from English just-camp, and I initially assumed several men were gay when they were just, erm, 'posh'...
22:30 / 05.10.03
Gaydar on overtime- oh dearie me. Might have to stay up here foreverness to avoid further confusion. Do posh women seem like lesbians though? Cause I mean, the men thing could have caused embarrasment for you, but probably wouldnt for me, and viseversa.
Matthew Fluxington
22:41 / 05.10.03
This thread makes me want to cry.
22:46 / 05.10.03
No, German women seem like lesbians.
22:57 / 05.10.03
A german lesbian once tried to sell my parents a house in greece. She seemed to think that ruffling my hair every 2 minutes would make me want a smelly house full of damp.
23:03 / 05.10.03
Didn't it?
23:16 / 05.10.03
Close. But she smelt as bad as the house.
01:11 / 06.10.03
flux, why do you want to cry? are you short, redheaded, with large, fake breasts?
i cannot hang w/ bad spelling and grammar (altho the guy i'm w/now has a bit of a problem), unibrows, long and/or dirty nails, small penises, being too into porn, horrible clothes. especally sandals. flip flops can be ok on the right person w/the right clothes, but birkenstocky type many times i've seen hot guys on the train, only to look down and be like, uh, sandals! which is horrifying, cos what if you met someone in the winter and fell for them, then the weather gets warm and they show up in sandals!! aaah!
oh, and guys who are mad into sports, just no on that.
The Falcon
02:27 / 06.10.03
Boboss, I may well not have got over the milky goodness. I was breastfed, after all.

And I still like milk.

But don't smell of it, regardless of the fact I like comics.

The false stupidity is difficult. 'Cos sometimes you don't know if it's on or off, but it makes things interesting.
02:30 / 06.10.03
May Tricks, on the "why don't you...?"-"I can't do that because..." pattern:

a school of psychology called Transactional Analysis (I'M OKAY, YOU'RE OKAY; GAMES PEOPLE PLAY, etc.) has something to say on that. they call this game Yes, But... the game that started the TA she-bang actually.

do not agree with all of TA. I do get with the whole games concept that they use.
Matthew Fluxington
13:33 / 06.10.03
The problem with this thread is that it seems like some people are just ridiculously oblivious to the unintentional harm they do to others by saying these things - it's like, I'm not exactly heartbroken that I don't meet Praying Mantis's standards, but it does push my general low-self-esteem buttons to be reminded of my inadequecies in such a casual way. I think it's like that for a lot of people - these are the little things that do our heads in and make us neurotic. People should just keep these petty things to themselves, really. Your tastes are valid, but it's entirely unnecessary to make them known. We already live in a culture where people are encouraged to be vocal about their shallowness, and the only result is that people hate themselves more and more.
13:52 / 06.10.03
But unintentional harm is dealt out on Barbelith all the time, slagging someones taste in music/movies or whatever upsets people doesn't it? That's why big arguments kick off kinda like Barbeliths own PS2/X-box sucks debate that I keep seeing everywhere....

Anyway I'm kinda fat and hairy so I don't think I have a chance either... I am kinda tall though
Tryphena Absent
14:04 / 06.10.03
Yeah... I just know that everyone on this board is obsessing over their coaster fetish now and thinking I'm never gonna get with Anna de L because I'm a neurotic fool.
Matthew Fluxington
14:05 / 06.10.03
I think that maybe differences in ideology and taste are on a different level than body issues.
14:08 / 06.10.03
flux you have a definite point and i feel bad now!
i love you and yr unibrow and yr sandals...
The Apple-Picker
14:09 / 06.10.03
Anna de L, why must you taunt me so?

I agree with Flux, by the way. To me, there's a difference between, "I don't like your music, d00d! It sux!" and "I don't like a man with a club foot. Ew! Ugly and gross!"

The music, you choose. It's easier to defend it without seeming like an extremely self-conscious and self-obsessed and maybe pathetic person. The club foot, you're born with. You think it's ugly and gross, fine, but what can the club foot do about it?
14:13 / 06.10.03
Understood but people still get hurt. Hurt = bad either way... Everytime someone slags of Busted I cry.
The Falcon
14:27 / 06.10.03
Flux, I'm not saying you do it now, but I've seen you make insinuations about people's psychological makeup, too. So, is that on a par?
Ethan Hawke
14:29 / 06.10.03
I think ya'll might be taking this a little too seriously. Personally, I'm confident that although some people may say up front that they object to my poor eyesight, nose-picking, and coaster-fiddling, I'm fully capable of seducing anyone I'd want to be with. But maybe that's just me.
Tryphena Absent
14:32 / 06.10.03
You know that band Busted. They're well shit. Especially their eyebrows.

Todd, face it, some people can't stand coaster fiddlers okay! I'm just saying, no way would I go out with someone- or plain screw anyone- who was insanely in to putting coasters down, yeah?
14:33 / 06.10.03
I do feel bad that it's come to the point where people are feeling offended (and, frankly, some of the comments are on the offensive side) or even personally injured. I definitely didn't mean this thread to be about that, but rather an airing out of our completely stupid and logic-free biases.

however we all have these preferences. even the most opened minded, fair and wise people I know have been known to turn their noses up at some fairly minor quirk. maybe this is one of those minor aspects of our personalities that, once identified, we can examine and maybe even stamp out. why do we buy into this shit? there's a reason why footwear (or whatever) has the power to affect us in such a way, and leaving it unexamined really doesn't help to create changes

that's not to say we're all making this thread a big self-growth experience. but putting it out for group examination can potentially be a tiny little start in understanding ourselves and each other, right?
Ethan Hawke
14:34 / 06.10.03
I can make you look beyond the coaster fiddling, Anna. Just give me a chance. In fact, you don't have to give me a chance. I'll make the chance happen myself. Because I'm awesome, my life is perfect, and that's just irresistable, coasters be damned.
14:34 / 06.10.03
I have real problems with lizard tongue men (the ones who flick their tongue out of their mouths like a lizard in between sentences, a big trait with politicians) and too high-up trousers a la Simon Cowell.

Oh, and people who don't squeeze their blackheads and just leave them to fester, dirty nails, pomposity, and men who don't wash their bits enough. I don't have a breast issue at all really, although I have to say on balance little ones are nicer to look at.

But, I'm happy to say Flux, all of my dislikes are things that can be rectified, so no-one needs to feel bad. Just pull your trousers down a little and you'll be fine...

I do like: Men in glasses, men with accents, people who put their change in size order and men who open the door for me, because it may not be terribly PC, but it's sweet.
14:35 / 06.10.03
ps - todds got a damned good point, even if it does at first glance look as if he's just whipped his cock out on the table
14:35 / 06.10.03
Lets all hug, Bear Hug.....
14:35 / 06.10.03
But you've never seen Todd fiddle with coasters...

*weak knees*
14:38 / 06.10.03
Oh, oh and I can't stand people who use the word 'Titties.'
Tryphena Absent
14:40 / 06.10.03
Well I don't know Todd. What do you look like? I definitely don't go anywhere men who are around 6ft, have blue eyes, dark hair and seem to have major shoe deficiency syndrome. Oh yeah and people who are into anything with a hint of electro-popic nuance are out the door. The Rapture and Outkast are just the worst bands ever so anyone who likes them might as well give up right now. Preferably all partners are ill educated, clean living, salad eating, right wing athletes from the inner city who have since moved to the deep countryside. Do you fit this description?
14:44 / 06.10.03
yeah titties = gross. (except in the song "ass n' titties," in which case it is so gross as to be funny, plus it has a good beat.)
i wish to amend my above statement. i *was* kidding about flux's unibrow and sandals. i don't think he posesses either of those things, at least not to my knowledge. maybe he does. i don't know.
i'm going to go cry because NO ONE LIKES MY LARGE BREASTS!!!!!!
i feel defensive, like i want to hate on li'l triangley perkins, but i won't do that, no i won't.

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