I have this friend who's smart, funny, reliable, in incredible shape, and is otherwise a really good guy. however, he has terrible luck with women - they won't even give him a chance. and it seems that the reason is because he's short. at first I thought, this is really annoying. he's a great guy, so why can't he even get a first date?
but then I thought about it. there are certain superficial attributes that are truly incredibly insignificant, yet are things that I just wouldn't be able to overlook. and even my wisest and most forgiving friends are likely to turn someone down for something fairly small
what traits do you find completely undesirable, and could successfully turn you off of someone, for good? not anything fairly reasonable, big, or important, but rather the little details. do you think it's horribly shallow of you, and feel ashamed of yourself, or do you think it's just another acceptable matter of preference? |