Seriously. Like potus, I can't effectively boycott Hallmark because I never buy anything there anyway. What do you think would be the best response?
a) Forget about Hallmark and their stupid bears.
b) Buy bears and flip magnets to create gay bears for your own personal amusement and/or profit.
c) Buy bears, flip magnets, and return bears for refund to be restocked and hopefully chaos up Hallmark--at no cost to you.
d) Buy bears, flip magnets, and surreptiously return to shelf in hopes of same--at a small cost to you, but a small price to pay.
e) *Steal* bears, flip magnets, and surreptiously return to shelf in hopes of same.
I think I love this because it's a concrete riposte to the question of how craftwork can serve the revolution.
My needle and seam ripper await instructions from the vanguard... |