substatique on 'Reality is mutable'- what is your faith in that based on? Did you choose it arbitrarily?
Experience and reason. My faith in it is based on seeing reality change. All the evidence I've experienced, taken as a whole, points to it being true.
I chose that principle to frame the core belief of magic because it embraces all traditions and justifies any path. Basically it seems to me to be a shared belief, what I was looking for. If I polled magic people and asked them, I think they'd agree on it.
On gambling, three things- firstly, you'd be asking for trouble if you use your magic to win at the slots or whatever, secondly, systems using random elements are often used in magic to divine the future, determining random events could undermine that- you're more likely to use cards for magic than magic to win at cards- and thirdly, I've tried it. Not for money, but..
I've spent a lot of time rolling dice in my life (I'm a roleplayer) and I've observed some strange phenomena, well outside the realms of likelihood. As I have an understanding of probability and statistics, I like to think I know when something is unusual, and there are (if you're scientifically minded) significant trends you could document if you cared to. For example, I have a friend who is very lucky with dice, and another who is very unlucky with dice. I've seen them, without cheating, roll a handfull of dice and get seven or eight of the same number they asked for, or alternatively bemoan their luck and then predictably roll exactly what they pessimistically said they would.
Thjatsi, if you're interested in luck magic then try it out- try predicting cards or rolling dice. But beware trying to prove magic using scientific method, it rarely ends well 
the concept that belief and ritual can change the world is very strange to me.
I know what you mean, but think of any mundane event and see if it could be described as changing the world with belief and ritual. I go to the ATM, I believe it will give me money, I perform a ritual with a magic card, it gives me money- the world is changed, I was poor now I'm rich.
On a broader note, I thought of a good example of consensual reality- time. What time is it now? When I ask, you look at a clock. What does the clock measure? Our agreed timeframe (e.g. GMT), a day divided arbitrarily into 24 hours, each of 60 minutes etc. but all of it only has any reality because we agree it. You say 'It is six o'clock' and it's true, it really is 6, even though it's a consensual framework we place on an intangible thing.
If history had been slightly different, 'clockwise' could be widdershins, and there could be ten hours in a day and 244 minutes in an hour- and it would be the real time.
So what time is it really? |