'Nesh, i shall say this once only: stop taking the piss or I shall leave Barbelith. And you can keep your dirty tartan jism out of it - and me - thank you very much. Just 'cos you think a cop wee-weeing on me is sexy does not make that incident a paradigm of community policing and you know it.
Ever since I get mugged by a black guy, I can hate niggers as much as I want and brush accusations of racism lightly aside... because I know about black people, I know about them like you never will!
Now Jack Fear, that's almost Godwintastic and certainly defamatory. Though i have been verbally abused, threatened, suffered 2 (attempted) muggings, and 2 unprovoked assaults from black persons in my three years living in a predominantly black area, to the best of my knowledge it hasn't made me racist. I still have black friends, collegues and lovers, and judge folk as people, not as skins. Racism is a pigment of the imagination and all that.
As for the 'cops are people, too' meme, well, I have cops in my family and I myself have worked answering emergency calls and know what it's like to be on the end of three 'fuck you pig we're gonna come and fuck you up' type calls before breakfast. But I still believe many cops to be both stupid and biased. And anyway, shit always gets thrown at cops at the more spikey demos, usually in the form of manure from their own horses. It's a tradition, like turkey at thanksgiving or the aroma of pine needles at Christmas. And I for one would be sorry to see such a tradition eroded.
it sounds suspiciously like gut-level, reactionary, knee-jerk bullshit, to me.
I never said it wasn't! Sympathy, and lack of, seem to me to be in the realm of emotion, not reason. Why do you guys keep expecting me to apologise for being human, huh? "I am what I am, and I can't be no ammer." I'm still having nightmares from the last demo and it was weeks ago! (Though I note the police are now the ones in the dock for using the terrorism act on those of us unlucky enough to get caught, ha fucking ha. Winning that case would be far better than seeing 'em get shit flung at them.) But anyway, stop picking on me, all of you, I think I've got PTSD and that's not funny. |