Jack... I think you're making parallels where there are none. Hence my comment about conscription. Your job is NOT equivalent to your race. And not all cops end up in the riot squad; if the UK's anything to go by, that's a matter of choice.
Ever since I get mugged by a black guy, I can hate niggers as much as I want and brush accusations of racism lightly aside... because I know about black people, I know about them like you never will!
That's spurious, and also a bit silly. I don't think anyone's saying that.
Distrust of cops is distrust of an institution, rather than a demographic. Fuck, all the cops I've ever had trouble with have been white, as am I.
I've also met very helpful and nice cops. Unfortunately, it's the bad ones that tend to stick in the memory. And here in Stokey, we have a bad record for black people dying in police custody. Or being shot. (Harry Stanley, anyone?- carrying a table leg in a bag. Roger Sylvester?- obviously a bit mad, the cops HAD to kill him. Hmm... funny how they took their time when Frank Bruno needed sectioning, eh? They sat with him, talked him down LIKE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO DO... like they maybe should have done with Sylvester, only didn't because he was an UNKNOWN BLACK QUANTITY...)
Sorry. Got a bit carried away there. BUT every time I've needed help from the police, they've been useless. I accept that we need them... I just think there's some serious fucking reorganisation needed. |