BARBELITH underground

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Come to Barbechat at LA Undernet - where the people are


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14:58 / 24.11.03
I miss out on all the good filth.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
17:19 / 24.11.03
I think you made that one up, bear.
18:02 / 24.11.03
I hope not, or else my plans for the evening are shot to hell.
bio k9
04:23 / 20.02.04
Does anyone use this thing anymore?
16:14 / 20.02.04
I would if I had LosAngeles on the Undernet list. Only I don't. No clue why: bit of a IRC ignorant here.
16:41 / 20.02.04
Man, I've missed this.

If you have mIRC for PCs or iRC (a very slick and mIRC like app for Mac OS X users), then just type: /server and then once you're in (you'll see lots of scrolling text in your status window) type: /join #barbelith.
Axel Lambert
23:48 / 20.02.04
I'm here now waiting for you!!!
Axel Lambert
18:59 / 21.02.04
come and chat with me and radiator!!!! NOW
19:19 / 21.02.04
These questions are very important to me. I wasn't sure where to post them.
1. Did Superman and Batman lie to protect their secret identities, or did most authors have them just being evasive when asked where they went etc.?
2. Does any of Grant's work on JLA have Superman and Batman lying to protect their secret identities?
3. What are Grant's birth date and time?
4. (This one is a bit longer.) In Grant's New X-Men, what scientific fields does Beast seem to be a master of? Probably genetics and particle physics, but what else? I don't remember if he was a physician & could perform surgery or not. Astronomy? Geology? ??thanks.

P.S. I also appreciate replies e-mailed directly to me at

P.P.S. Do any of you know someone out there--anywhere in California or Nevada, really--with a relatively cheap room for rent, in a town with a good public transportation system? i smoke weed, but i do not have to do so at home. i'm also 24/m & right now just outside of philadelphia.
Tom Coates
21:03 / 21.02.04
Hm. I was just in LA. I should have done a Barbecallout.
23:52 / 21.02.04
I'm here. So is Radiator and specofdust.

So quit lollygagging in Late Shift and drop by.
23:57 / 21.02.04
I hate computers. I just got the mIRC thing, and have (finally) got into some kind of barbelith thing at that address. But it's just me. I dont know what I've done wrong, but specofdust is trying to help me. He is my computer saviour. Anyone else know whats going on, and why Im such a spoon?
00:46 / 22.02.04
Sorry, all fixed.
13:41 / 22.02.04
Radiator and I are online but now he seems to have abandoned me.
I need attention. So join in. Or I'll punch you. Hard. Or kiss you. Whatever hurts the most.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
20:34 / 27.02.04

Come in you bastards, I'm in on my lonesome
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
21:15 / 27.02.04
oof, I have a quick game of half life and miss quen...

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