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Come to Barbechat at LA Undernet - where the people are


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Axel Lambert
14:09 / 19.09.03
We were at least five yesterday. Join the fun.

Works with mIRC - just select channel #barbelith
server: Undernet: US, CA, LosAngeles
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:14 / 19.09.03
Does that mean there actually are Barbelith folk on the West Coast?
Axel Lambert
14:25 / 19.09.03
I really don't know. I'm from Sweden (!). I think it was Anna who suggested that we tried the LA server.
Tryphena Absent
14:41 / 19.09.03
Everywhere hosts Undernet and the servers have a big capacity and are very quick. LA's usually got entry space because everyone there has the Internet, major European IRC servers are smaller and you can't always get on to them.
01:32 / 21.09.03
Anybody else up for a chat? I'm here with 'Mep' who is silent as a rock.
bio k9
04:13 / 21.09.03
Does that mean there actually are Barbelith folk on the West Coast?

05:13 / 21.09.03
I am no rock.. just afk.. a lot.
Tom Coates
10:48 / 21.09.03
I met a good few Barbelites over in LA when I visited a couple of years ago. It was nice!
Axel Lambert
18:08 / 23.09.03
I'm with Lurid on LA undernet NOW.
Come on over and talk!!
Tryphena Absent
18:25 / 23.09.03
Yes Sir!
Axel Lambert
18:27 / 23.09.03
Now three. Go! Join!
Axel Lambert
19:29 / 23.09.03
Axel Lambert
16:54 / 22.11.03
Why is nobody there anymore?
17:20 / 22.11.03
Just going to join now, forgot all about this place...
Tryphena Absent
20:06 / 22.11.03
You're missing an exclusive Harry Christmas/Bear/Bitchiekittie/Radiator/DamnMass/Tryphena chat live on Undernet as I type! Shame on you!
20:21 / 22.11.03
Everyone in here is HoTT....

They can guess songs pretty damn well.
Tryphena Absent
16:10 / 23.11.03
*bump that schlump*
16:32 / 23.11.03
Where's all the party people? So far it's me, Radiator and Tryphena.
Tryphena Absent
17:57 / 23.11.03
Harmony, BioK9, Suedehead, Solitaire Rose, Dracula Mass, Bear and Radiator all get medals, tea and cake.
Axel Lambert
20:51 / 23.11.03
I'm here now. I want my cake!
Gypsy Lantern
21:25 / 23.11.03
I've never done this chatroom malarky before. Don't really understand how it works or what you're supposed to do. But I'm awake, bored, and intrigued. Explanation, anyone?
21:33 / 23.11.03
If you go to they have a page of instructions for downloading and installation of program. Follow them through and it should be fine. If you can't see channel #barbelith in the list on the server, don't worry just type it in and you'll get to it.
Gypsy Lantern
21:41 / 23.11.03
Cool. I'll have a go at that.
Gypsy Lantern
21:55 / 23.11.03
Unsure whether I have this working or not.. I assume I have, but nobody is around, hence the deafening textual silence. Curious.
22:50 / 23.11.03
did you use the LA server? because at first, I didn't, and was all alone.
Gypsy Lantern
23:00 / 23.11.03
I see now, will have another go.
Axel Lambert
23:05 / 23.11.03
abydoss, bitchiekittie, harry christmas, gypsy lantern are on the line NOW
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:07 / 24.11.03
I just got home and no one is there?

03:27 / 24.11.03
Nuts. Apparently my provider is banned from that server.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
12:47 / 24.11.03
Get yr arses in now folks- I'm lonely and there's so many of you I haven't chatted to yet.
12:51 / 24.11.03
I'm at work and IRC is a big no-no, not suprising considering some of the rooms you can access.

I will be on later tonight though for a bit I reckon.
12:57 / 24.11.03
I went there on saturday, I think. nice, but my modem died on me yesterday. boo-hoo and all that...
Tryphena Absent
13:16 / 24.11.03
No IRC for me either... might be around tomorrow but am away from the lovelylovelybroadband tonight.
13:52 / 24.11.03
bear. are you saying there are dirty places?

I don't believe it.
13:59 / 24.11.03
Sure are! A room for every kink in fact.

What was the one from the other night, something like Awful Regrettable Sex - the whole of the weekend is a bit of a blur to be honest.

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