Lepidopteran, well put about the grouping pull and tribal mythologies. This is also something I've felt and experienced, as having been a part of a number of them. That when I started realizing that The Mission Pull I get wasn't unique to me, and that it seems to appear all over the damn place in wildly differing forms. There's a sense of seeking The Others, and a sort of brotherhood found in those of smilar bent with it.
Also, have a look at the Otherkin for one example of a group that has evolved this into something pretty functional, if fantastical.
And Sebastian, its not just males. I've known quite a few females with it, too. But what IS common is youth in magick. Perhaps males may be by nature more prone to it, but I suspect it has more to do with enthusiasm than gender.
Interesting bit about mine, it was pulled around Y2K. And then when that happened, and we all survived, and nobody had to arm wrestle the forces of darkness, it was pretty clear that something was a bit off. Except that after Y2K, my life changed in some specific and rather exceptional ways. It was what I went through that year that pushed my magick understanding up several notches to where I made the transition from dabbler to competent worker. So in that sense, the feeling that I was to be "activated" was spot on, just not at all what I thought. And I did have some important things to do, only they were regarding pivitol moments of people's lives around me rather than anything cosmic. So I do think there was something to it. I still get the feeling of being "guided" too, but its less a cult forming urgency so much as, well, more a form of faith. One thing trains me for the next challenge, and things continue to work out for me. Now its more a feeling that I'm "on the job", and doing what I was designed to do. The sense of impending destiny is now more like I'm currently working to fulfill it, and will only continue to do so. So, its settled more into something that keeps me going forward now than a "waiting for the moment to come", which I think is a healthy attitude. I'm no longer waiting for my destiny, I'm living it. Though at the same time, I can't really say that a group of people staunchly willing things to work out ok during a difficult and pivitol time in human history didn't have a magickal effect, either. So there is that.
And yea, I still see some big splotches on my prescient radar for the coming years. But you'd have to be a fool not to in this world. Some big events are going to happen, like they always do. I suspect the unconscious sensing of these in people is a part of the feelings of Urgency that is common with this. I've just come to accept that there is always going to be Something Big Coming, and resigned myself to living in Interesting Times and holding on for the ride.
And yet I still find myself drawn to people who feel the need to express this thing to me in quiet corners of busy parties, knowing that somehow I'll understand it. At least now I've got something useful to say to them about it. |