Anna: "I could probably do evil Willow but I might smile too much..."
Evil Willow smiled quite a lot, actually. "Back in my world there were people in chains, and we used to ride them like ponies." "Bad puppy!"
bengali: "...which might mean i'm at a loose end horrendously early friday afternoon, but am totally happy to help with party sorting/decorating/oddjobs if thats of any use?"
Oooh... could be wery wery useful. I am going to be taking the afternoon off work, I think, so yeah, groovy. PM me your current moby number, hon - I appear to have lost it while changing phones to lose The Fuzz...
'swish - good news about your finances. Haven't heard from potguns at all - had assumed that as mixmage wasn't able to give people lifts in the mixmobile that he wasn't able to come... I'm just going to pop off and PM him. |