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And now the Barbelith candidate for California governor...


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19:12 / 07.10.03
Winding together the past weeks' scandals, a friend of mine has dubbed our new leader-to-be Governor Adolph Gropengangbanger. Has bumper sticker potential, yes?

I won't have a chance to vote until later this evening, by which time exit polls will probably have already named a winner. Still, between late voting and absentee ballots the full official results won't be in for days. In the end I'm voting against the recall--haven't totally settled on a backup candidate though.
Mr Tricks
22:43 / 07.10.03
Yeah... it was prettymuch a NO NO NO vote for me...

As I was at the voting place with-in like 5 minutes of it opening (it turns out the location is at the school I walk my dog in the mornings anyway so the place was like a 5 minute wlak from my house) I figured I'd be he first person to vote green...

While there's plenty of talk about Cruise Bustimate being the best vacine against Arnold Gropanbanger the Barbarian I still had to cast a vote for the longshot... now that my babe Arianna dumped me
Baz Auckland
23:32 / 07.10.03
oooh.. 90 minutes until the returns start to get posted! What do you think the odds are?

If it's Schwarzenegger, at least we'll have some political entertainment for a few years?
Baz Auckland
02:44 / 08.10.03
...and with 5% reporting, it's 57% for the recall, and Arnold with 56%!
02:57 / 08.10.03
In one of the most flagrant cases of major media incompetence in recent history, all the major U.S. networks have called a Schwarzenegger win based on exit polling. The spectacle just became too much for them, I guess.

Everyone should be familiar with the total failure of exit polling techniques in Florida back in 2000, when the networks twice called the Florida vote based on faulty exit polling information.

Beyond the very real problems with exit polling and its interpretation as a technique, there is a serious margin of error that doesn't seem to be under consideration here. There are an estimated 2 million absentee ballots, many of which may not be counted for days. With an estimated 21 million eligible voters in the state, and turnout projected at 70%, that means that the absentee ballots would make up about 14% of the total votes cast.

Schwarzenegger may still win this vote. But the fact that the media called it as soon as polls closed is ridiculous.

Regardless, he'll be out in a few months even if he does win, either because he is forced to resign over his lifetime of sexual misconduct, or because he himself will be the subject of a recall drive. California!

Thank goodness I don't live there.
Mr Tricks
16:16 / 08.10.03
I'm not really surprised he won...

I'm just curious about what's in stor for "US" next....

Howard Stern is already claiming that he was the pivital factor in getting Arnold elected and expects a park named after him...
20:00 / 08.10.03
Beyond the very real problems with exit polling and its interpretation as a technique, there is a serious margin of error that doesn't seem to be under consideration here. There are an estimated 2 million absentee ballots, many of which may not be counted for days. With an estimated 21 million eligible voters in the state, and turnout projected at 70%, that means that the absentee ballots would make up about 14% of the total votes cast.

Actually the turnout ended up being around 49% (a point or two lower than the previous election despite all the hype), reducing that error margin considerably. And with the margin by which Arnold was apparently winning, the networks were on safe ground calling it in his favor as soon as the polls closed (in fact the exit polls had been leaked--to Drudge, as usual--several hours earlier, so anyone with web access already knew what the nets were going to say). The absentee ballots would have to show dramatically different results (ie. 80% against the recall or some such, a highly unlikely scenario outside of San Francisco) to significantly change the outcome as projected by the pollsters.
20:11 / 08.10.03
I'm not really surprised he won...

I'm just curious about what's in stor for "US" next....

If you mean on a national level, I think the biggest effect will be Arnold's enormous contribution to Republican fundraising efforts--he'll surely be chairing an awful lot of $5000-a-plate luncheons, speaking at major events, stamping his signature on money-begging letters, etc. I don't actually think he'll be able to muck up California politics too too much, given that the legislature is still two-thirds Democrat-controlled.
20:28 / 08.10.03
I pointed this out in a Conversation thread, but it's worth considering that Arianna Huffington, according to SF Gate's coverage, came in fifth at the polls, despite having dropped out of the race over a week ago.

That should tell you something about the power of celebrity.
Mr Tricks
20:50 / 08.10.03
That should tell you something about the power of celebrity.

Consider also the # of absentee Bellots that where submitted early... Many could well have voted for her before she dropped out...
22:07 / 08.10.03

Quite right. I should have taken the time to find the actual turnout figures last night.

Orrin Hatch wants a constitutional amendment that would change the "natural citizen" requirement for the presidency to "natural or naturalized citizen." If Schwarzenegger can overcome the mountain of sexual misconduct that's bubbling up all around him like a new volcano, I think we're going to be hearing about him for a long time. He's the wet dream of neo-cons everywhere.
23:21 / 08.10.03
So Frank Miller's a prophet after all?
Mr Tricks
23:34 / 08.10.03
so are the makers of DEMOLITION MAN...


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