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And now the Barbelith candidate for California governor...


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15:20 / 30.08.03
This belongs in the Revolution/Head Shop category. Robert Anton Wilson is drafted into the race for California governor! I'd lately considered his ideas a bit old-fashioned, but since our 2-1/2 year race into the past, he's progressive again.

Gods, guns and ganja made America free. Let's keep all three!

Extremism in the defense of extremism is no vice!

He's got my 5 votes...
00:17 / 31.08.03
If he had money or balls he'd be on the ticket. I'm still voteing for the original Hustler. He'll really screw this state proper.
02:38 / 31.08.03
Gary Coleman's up, too.
rizla mission
09:52 / 31.08.03
Is there anybody running for governer of California who's NOT a comedy/freak vote?

It's gonna be a pretty fucking weird election anyways.

Goes without saying RAW would get my vote if I had one.
10:27 / 31.08.03
I think there's about 130 of them...
02:52 / 01.09.03
Does anyone at all realize how ominous this is? This is the first step Bush is making to manipulate the next election. Steal Home, why not. If he can destroy California and it's voter base by confusing everyone and establishing a really weak leadership in the most powerful state in the union, Bush has again a chance in Hell to bring this world and it's population straight into the depths. Democracy will make it's last fall into the oblivion of an Imperial corporate state bent on world destruction. You can't take it with you so why not. The U.S. Constitution is no longer worth the paper it is written on if it ever was. This planet is for rent and no one is buying. The best part is he has suckered all you Brits with the taste of free oil. Just keep driving and watch another poor French man die from the heat. You all should care, but it seems we all care more about the release of the next episode of Lord of the Rings. If the movie had a message we are all missing it. Blair and Bush are the Two Towers. The end chapter here will be much more horrific then this and we all get to play a part finally.
Just remember this family of the Bushs is making a run at what is the age of apocolypse for a place in Heaven. As the Bad Brains said, "It's the Big take over." Run for your lives kids. 2013 is just around the corner.
Mr Tricks
22:49 / 02.09.03
If Only...

Arianna Huffington

Peter Camejo

Tryphena Absent
08:23 / 03.09.03
Look Doc, to put it mildly, can you shut up please? If you're going to insult people than you could at least refer to the British government or those Americans who elected the biggest moron on the planet. If you're so concerned about Bush's imperialistic toss nature I suggest you go and arrange the tactical voting that's going to be necessary in 2004 to get a democrat in.
Tryphena Absent
08:28 / 03.09.03
Camejo's like a dream...
13:18 / 03.09.03
Oh my God, Doc-o-rock, thank for opening my dumb Brit eyes! Bush is immoral and corrupt? Holy shit! I must immediately tell everyone I know the news, they'll be stunned- thank goodness your media there in the US isn't feeding you propoganda like our corrupt and biased BBC!

"Just keep driving and watch another poor French man die from the heat" You're so right, those poor Frenchmen, let's give them a Pacific atoll to relax on and recover from our appalling use of SUVs (or Wankmobiles as they're quaintly known here in the UK) and disregard for the environment. Damn our xenophobic English imperialist eyes!

RAW for governor, that would be wicked IMO, it's about time one of those hippies took over California, they've been trying for forty years.
pachinko droog
16:00 / 03.09.03
Isn't there some sort of Republican-engineered fiasco going on in the Texas state legislature as well?

Anyone know how many electoral votes CA and TX have, just out of curiosity?

Still though, RAW as Gov....If only we had anyone nearly that interesting in MA (Never mind, we're stuck with a Republican as well).
00:00 / 04.09.03
Anna...grow up. I didn't insult anyone personally here. Take shots at me if you want, but I'd rather you refer to the post and not me personally. I also don't remember Bush getting voted in. At least we don't hold on to the vestal Queen Mother like a holy relic. Screw the Queen and her prince and their son your next king. Democracy within a Monarchy is what it is? Garbage. I am saying it is no better here. With all the years of making mistakes and little wisdom, the British people have cowed under the might of what is a world Imperialist Corporate war machine. Nice job with the anti-war parades, that was impressive. Now go home and consume as you've been told.
RAW is an old dumb hippie and his books are not that great. It's really cool to think about when your stoned out of your mind, otherwise..."Guns and dope for everyone." Give me a break.
Tryphena Absent
08:57 / 04.09.03
I'd rather you refer to the post and not me personally

Why? Do you have trouble taking responsibility for what you've said? I don't appreciate being preached at or belittled. You might recall typing this- he has suckered all you Brits with the taste of free oil. I was merely pointing out that I was never suckered and I certainly don't wish to be blamed for the actions of a man I didn't even have the opportunity to elect.

As for Bush getting voted in- I don't believe I suggested he was, rather that the Democrats have to be very careful to beat the Republicans thus the suggestion of tactical voting.

the British people have cowed under the might of what is a world Imperialist Corporate war machine

Does that include the two million who marched on British streets this year or just the people who didn't turn up? Will you please make a distinction between government and people or do you want to carry on talking complete fucking trash?

Grown ups watch their language Doc or at least show some awareness that other people read their contributions to a message board.
11:07 / 04.09.03
This is getting silly - it seems that whichever vague group (either republican or anti republican) that fields the fewest candidates will win simply on the grounds that they haven't split the vote of their core supports as much as their opponent have...
Tryphena Absent
11:48 / 04.09.03
I confess there's a part of me that would vote for Arnie. I'm so ashamed.
Mr Tricks
19:50 / 04.09.03
Arnie totally ducked out of a Debate that not only included Gov. Davis but the "top" 5 other contenters... Huffington, Camejo, Bustamonti (currently Lt. Govener), and the other 2 Republicans (whose names slip my mind).

He instead with to a College in L.A. to give a campaign speach where someone pegged him with an Egg!!!


AHnold = Chicken...

He should go back and work on a new Conan Movie!!! Watched the original one last night... he should really do CONAN THE KING!!!
21:06 / 04.09.03
I really wish Huffington could pull this off. She has said alot of good things and getting a none two party candadate would speak volumes to the people of the country and the world that freedom of choice doesn't have to mean between two loathsome inevitable evils. I also really liked how they all felt medical marijuana was not an issue of debate here. Arnold is a neo-nazi mindless robot working in collusion with the real axis of evil. Look at his new staff.
22:55 / 04.09.03
I would like to see (as I sit in Wisconsin) to see the Greens bow out and back Huffington.
Mr Tricks
23:53 / 04.09.03
There's alot of talk about either Huffington backing the Green or the Greens backing Huffington with a last minute bow out/endorsement based on those damned "Polls"

one thing though Camejo got close to 5% durring the last election. That could pu him in office this time around... especially with 3 republicans running.
22:27 / 07.09.03
Arnie running for Governor of California is Conan the King. It makes the movie redundant.
06:33 / 08.09.03
I saw Arnold at Cal State Long Beach but I didn't know he was hit with an egg untill after. It was very strange to see a college in California energetically supporting a Republican. There were only a few hecklers, oddly enough supporting Lyndon La Rouche of all people.

Doesn't anyone know what a hypocrite Huffington is? It was reported that last year she paid four hundred dollars in income tax, she who complains about the corporates who cheat their taxes. She also flies in private jets, which is just as bad as SUVs.

But I'm not hip to the Greens and that ilk. The Libertarian Party won't endorse a specific libertarian candidate, so I think I will vote for the evil conservative, but at least not hypocritical Republican neoconservative like Bush and co., Tom McClintock. But I'm moving tomorrow so I still need to get an absentee ballot (I really shouldn't put things off) (and dont tell them I'm voting but not comming back)
Gypsy Lantern
07:21 / 08.09.03
I'd vote for Gary Coleman over RAW any day.
rizla mission
10:53 / 08.09.03
A televised debate would be great.

"What you talkin' bout, Wilson?"
11:36 / 08.09.03
Oh yes. Truly, Rizla should be running a TV station.
Is Jello Biafra running? Seems everyone else is, and at least this time we'd get to learn his real name...
Gypsy Lantern
12:51 / 08.09.03
I’m not sure about Gary Coleman’s fiction, and to be honest I find the ‘Mr Drummond’s Cat’ Trilogy hideously dated and a bit sexist, but the man’s non-fiction is worth checking out. ‘Different Strokes 1’ is an essential guide to unlocking some of Crowley’s more obscure writings in the light of Timothy Leary’s 8 circuit model of consciousness. Although some of his later books such as ‘Different Strokes 2 – what you talkin’ about Sirius’ are a bit dodgy and read like lukewarm rehashes of his earlier work.
13:06 / 08.09.03
Eric Boucher, from Boulder CO. He used to roadie for the Nails (88 Lines About 44 Women), whose onetime lead singer is on an absinthe board I frequent.

It might not be a good idea for Jello to run. A local (Amsterdam) musician who knows Klaus Fluoride from the DKs said the reason (besides having a damned good lawyer) the band got away with all the rights was that he'd freely admitted *in court* to not sharing royalties with the band. Now I feel kinda bad about badmouthing the DKs (minus Jello) when they toured last spring.
Baz Auckland
12:45 / 01.10.03
And Huffington drops out

...with the hopes that the 2% she was polling will go to the Democrats...
Mr Tricks
22:12 / 02.10.03
"Yes it is true that I was on rowdy movie sets and I have done things that were not right that I thought were playful,"

The the legend of Arnold the Barbarian resurfaces...

and less then a week until elections...
18:11 / 03.10.03
This always happens in high-profile elections in the U.S.--the Thursday before the vote some media outlet or other strategically unleashes a highly damaging story they've been saving for weeks for just this moment. Remember Bush's drunk driving conviction? Same thing, hit the press Thursday before the election (though sadly it didn't have the desired effect). In the present case, we actually got two hits yesterday, the Schwarzengroper story (which he's more or less admitted is true, oddly enough) and the "Arnie praised Hitler" story (which as I write this he's still denying). These are actually pretty bad--whereas people generally seemed more amused than offended by the Schwarzengangbanger story, the groping thing in particular makes him look like a real creep. Still, I imagine he'll win the thing--the other candidates have completely failed to excite, and Arnold's lead was pretty commanding in the last poll I saw. Also, people are sufficiently media-savvy these days (particularly here in California) that these kinds of last-minute hits (ie. where it's abundantly obvious the media outlet in question sat on a damaging story and then strategically timed its release for maximum political effect) sometimes have the opposite effect.

Myself, I am indeed writing in RAW, as his his promise to replace one third of the state legislature with full-grown adult ostriches ("whose mysterious and awesome dignity will elevate the suidean barbarity long established there") is one of the most enlightened governmental proposals I've heard in years.
Mr Tricks
21:15 / 03.10.03
So might I infer you're looking forward to King Conan for Guv'ner
16:48 / 04.10.03
So might I infer you're looking forward to King Conan for Guv'ner

Not in any responsible sense. I must confess a certain guilty anticipation of the sheer entertainment value his administration will likely supply, but in terms of actual governing (ie. the types of decisions he'll make, the corporate conservatives he'll appoint to key positions, etc.) the Governator's likely to be a minor disaster for California.
19:11 / 04.10.03
Two elements to look forward to:
1. The ability to say "I a-paul-o-chize" at any public gathering for laughs.

2. The Kennedy Curse.
22:23 / 04.10.03
Just to reiterate, 'cause this is actually a very important point (in spite of Doc's hanging himself repeatedly with his own words):

This is the first step Bush is making to manipulate the next election.
Mr Tricks
15:33 / 07.10.03
Well I just voted this morning on those new touch screen machines thak look like a scanner you could fit into your backpack. Sort of ominous for the lack of any paper reciept.

Word has it that california will see an unpresidented 75% voter turnout and meanwhile the 16th woman has come out claiming Arnold the Barbarian "groped" her as well...

I find myself agreeing with LVX23 about this being the first leg (second if you count the whole landing on an aircraft carrier... or third if you count the action figure) in his reelection bid...

can you elaborate on "The Kennedy Curse" or are you implying Maria Shriver's due to be another widow?
18:02 / 07.10.03
The list of names is long, Mr. Tricks. The Kennedys achieve prominence only to fall.

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