This always happens in high-profile elections in the U.S.--the Thursday before the vote some media outlet or other strategically unleashes a highly damaging story they've been saving for weeks for just this moment. Remember Bush's drunk driving conviction? Same thing, hit the press Thursday before the election (though sadly it didn't have the desired effect). In the present case, we actually got two hits yesterday, the Schwarzengroper story (which he's more or less admitted is true, oddly enough) and the "Arnie praised Hitler" story (which as I write this he's still denying). These are actually pretty bad--whereas people generally seemed more amused than offended by the Schwarzengangbanger story, the groping thing in particular makes him look like a real creep. Still, I imagine he'll win the thing--the other candidates have completely failed to excite, and Arnold's lead was pretty commanding in the last poll I saw. Also, people are sufficiently media-savvy these days (particularly here in California) that these kinds of last-minute hits (ie. where it's abundantly obvious the media outlet in question sat on a damaging story and then strategically timed its release for maximum political effect) sometimes have the opposite effect.
Myself, I am indeed writing in RAW, as his his promise to replace one third of the state legislature with full-grown adult ostriches ("whose mysterious and awesome dignity will elevate the suidean barbarity long established there") is one of the most enlightened governmental proposals I've heard in years. |