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ZEBRA- First Glimpse


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Mister Six, whom all the girls
11:29 / 12.08.03
A number of months ago, I answered a post by PatrickMM about getting into comics and into sci-fi comics in particular. I suggested submitting to anthologies, but when he asked for the name of one sci-fi anthology other than 2000AD, I blanked. So I suggested that we start our own.

We called it 'Zebra' after the PKD VALIS trilogy and the concept of hiding inside of your own creation. And it sounds cool to me as well. I approached every artist I could find for contributions (a lot of Lithers included).

We've got four stories. Three are pretty much done.

One is Super-Nova by PatrickMM and (what's the artist's name, Patrick?), which is absolutely amazing. I'll let Patrick describe it, but my favorite bit is where the dying astronaut fantasizes he is playing guitar for all his friends and loved ones in an open-air concert... in his space suit.

Two is 'Eleggua' by Lither (s?) Alex Hernandez (impuslivelad) and Nico Bovoso, about about the santeria god/orisha Eleggua as a modern-day celebrity.

Three is by Dave Morello ( site ), who is a local cartoonist who contributed Stacker Lee Blues after much cajoling by yours truly. It's kind of slapstick Blade Runner... or maybe I don't get it.

Four is my piece:
Looking for Something to Hit

We wanted to have it printed for MOCCA in April, but missed the deadline. Now we're shooting for the fall... or before winter.

Please take a look at my piece and leave feedback here if you can. I'd really appreciate it.

rizla mission
12:50 / 12.08.03
hey that's pretty damn good. Refreshingly low-key as far as comics go, and really captures the spirit of one of those old couple-of-pages idea-based Philip K Dick short stories..

I don't remember hearing anything about this project before, but I'd definitely be interested in picking up a copy when it appears.

Your not still looking for contributions by any chance are you?, cos I've got one or two things knocking around that would fit this format pretty nicely..
Mister Six, whom all the girls
13:01 / 12.08.03
Please do send me anything you have.

If we don't use this go around, we'll use it for the next one, surely.
13:41 / 12.08.03
Yeah, the story was really nice. In that it wasn't over the top, just a dad worried about his fucked son. The art was beautifully solid. Great job, man.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
14:08 / 12.08.03
Thanks to you both for the feedback. I rarely show my work to anyone. Maybe I'll show more now that at least a few people like it.
15:45 / 12.08.03
hey Six, the link to the 3rd comic isn't working. And after a build up like "slapstick Blade Runner" I gotta see it.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
15:47 / 12.08.03
Fixed now (, but you won't find Stacker Lee Blues there, just other stuff he did for order.
23:28 / 12.08.03
Six, that's an excellent piece of work. I'm quite envious of the crisp consistency of your art! Very impressed with some of the facial expressions too.

I rarely show my work to anyone

So are there reams of unseen Mr Six productions lying about? From the evidence here it certainly looks like you've been putting in work.
08:53 / 13.08.03
You said youre accepting submissions? I've got a crappily drawn comic I made that is not nearly as professional looking as yours but I think its good science fiction, can I mail it to you?

Youre comic was all right, but if you want some constructive criticism, I think it could have done well with a stuctured beginning, middle, and end, especially the end. Too many indie-type comics seem to ramble and not have a clear ending. I dont mean to sound rude, as said your art is far better than mine.

I like the Philip K. Dick reference, I just read VALIS and am starting on the Divine Invasion.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
14:57 / 13.08.03
Yeah send it to me.

I hope I don't agree that it's crappily drawn, because if it was included in the anthology, it would sit beside work that the artists and writers have been preparing for months, and which looks quite good.

I'm hardly an elitist, but your 'this tastes horrible, try it' approach does not betoken (betoken?) greatness. But you're probably being overly self-critical and I love to read other people's work in any case.

Also, I hate to correct people, but I didn't draw Looking for Something to Hit. I only wrote it and did storyboard layouts to help compose the script (which the finished product hauntingly resembles even though Greg never saw them). Wish I had drawn it.

And I'm pleased people like the reference.

And I'm not exactly looking for it, but any criticism is fine... >sob<
17:04 / 13.08.03
Nice to see the promotion machine starting up on this thing...

Thanks for the compliments, Jameson, and I'm hoping that the finished piece will live up to it. The artist on it is Franzisca Guedel, and the art on it should be finished very soon.

'Supernova' is about a man who had two dreams as a kid, to be an astronaut or to be a rock star. He ended up being an astronaut, and after a mission failure, he is left floating toward a star, left for dead, and he floats in space awaiting his own death, his two childhood dreams, and memories of his chosen life, merge together as he inches closer to death. All that in eight pages.

And, I'd just like to add in again, that Six's piece is excellent, and the art looks spectacular.
23:20 / 13.08.03
IIII'm sitting in a tin can!"

Can't wait to see your story, Patrick.
00:22 / 16.08.03
Mister Six, nice work!! The artist does a terrific job, accomplishing a lot with clean, simple linework, great composition, expressions, pacing - good stuff!
Mister Six, whom all the girls
20:23 / 28.08.03

I'll be posting here when the final product is released.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
23:36 / 18.02.04 is up and running. PatrickMM and I hope to peddling the site at this year's MoCCA (

If there are any budding sci-fi artists and writers out there, today is the day to start sharing your work.

As always, any feedback is appreciated, thanks!
14:53 / 19.02.04
Looks very cool! Nice work on the site, and I like the logo, font & color. The opening page drawing is fun, too.

Are you going to be at the late Feb/March art expo at the Javitz Center or the Harvey Awards Big MoccA thing in June at the Puck building?
Mister Six, whom all the girls
22:03 / 20.02.04
MoCCA is June 23rd in New York at the Puck building. Same as last year.

But I'd really like to see some stuff from you crazy talented Lithers out there! impulsivelad is working on a web comic, But I know there's lots more out there.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
20:57 / 27.03.04
redesign is up.

Any comments and submissions are welcome!
17:13 / 28.03.04
Beautiful.. keep up the good work! Any webcomics up soon?
Mister Six, whom all the girls
21:02 / 28.03.04
Why yes, we're waiting on one from a couple of talented Lithers out there. Should be good. I'll keep you posted and again encourage any blossoming talent to send along submissions!

Thanks for the praise.
The Tower Always Falls
21:53 / 29.03.04

very nice. I may have something for you gents...
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:31 / 31.03.04
That fucking rocks, Mr. Six!! Rocks, I tell ya.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
22:43 / 31.03.04
Thanks, spread the word! Zebra needs traffic!
22:09 / 01.04.04
You know, I don't think I've mentioned how cool Stacker Lee Blues sounds. And the art is great. Can't wait to read this.
15:31 / 03.07.04
Just wanted to let you know the Zebra has been updated with a sad little story by Lentil and myself.

Check it out.
14:05 / 07.07.04
Which is the sad little story of yours and Lentil's, Imp?
15:11 / 07.07.04

Stay tuned for more webisodes.
07:27 / 09.07.04
6 et al, were you guys at MoCCA? I'm looking at the program and not seeing any of your names on there. (Hey, if you'd asked me late last year if I thought I'd be at MoCCA as an exhibitor I'd probably have guessed so. It'd have been in stark contradiction to my established patterns of behavior, but delusion is a funny thing, no?) Did you at least come out as an attendee?

13:40 / 09.07.04
Nice work to M.C. and Imp!! Really nice little story. I liked the color scheme and the web-specific layout. It flowed very nicely. (and great lettering - I'm a big fan of lettering)
14:37 / 09.07.04
Yeah, the art is fantastic. It lends that children's book quality to it that I was looking for. And I've seen initial work on the next 4 webisodes and it looks even better.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
19:35 / 11.07.04

Sadly I did NOT make it to MoCCA this year. I'm hoping to get to the Chicago Comicon, though, possibly with an ashcan if I can get my act together.

Keep an eye on the site as there will be lots of updates in the coming months and please send me feedback and submissions!

12:27 / 16.07.04
Next webisode of Kobuta is up.
11:45 / 20.07.04
and the next... we're on 3 now.
17:16 / 21.07.04
Kobuta rocks! I really like this series - esp. episode 3. Great work by both Imp & Lentil (and good to see Lentil's art again)! I gotta read some of the other stories on the site...
16:43 / 26.07.04
Thanks for the big-up, FW. I'm pretty relieved that the art seems to have gone down well, as the web-comic format was a new thing for me, and the drawing style is a bit different from my Jenny Everywhere work.

I've just received the scripts for the final episodes from Impulsivelad and am getting my fingers inky!

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