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Calamity Jane


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Our Lady of The Two Towers
20:03 / 10.08.03
Right, I know there must be more rational explanations, but there were some builders laying down some fresh tarmacaddam round the corner from my place on friday afternoon, I walked over it today and chunks stuck to me feet and I thought 'It can't be so hot it hasn't cooled down yet since they laid it surely?'

Anyway it's official, Michael Fish said to reporters "Fuck me it's hot".
uncle retrospective
20:55 / 10.08.03
Bill Posters, Night nurse or Niquill will knock you out in about an hour.
21:04 / 10.08.03
My fatal error so fart has been trying to live as normal - so, going out, staying out, drinking... and none of this works as well under the unforgiving yellow eye. And it's just so tiring - I must have slept near ten hours a night over the weekend and I am knackered again - anyone I am meeting for a drink next week, I'm afraid it will have to be a brief one.

I manage to avoid the worst in some ways - I get up early enough for it still to be coolish and the office I'm workign in is air-conditioned, but then stepping out into the late-afternoon air is *hideous* - after a minute or so I feel like a hedgehog being baked in clay. And I can barely think or do anything much, so my sympathies are entirely with Ariadne.

And I can't find a new little spinny hand fan for love nor money...
21:33 / 10.08.03
Okay, well, spare a thought for us North American based posters for whom that has been the case for the past few weeks or months. Especially those who are used to London conditions. The only thing practical to do on a weekend is stay inside, drink and post on the net. Occasionally I venture out to purchase more fluids.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:06 / 10.08.03
i've been following the Fradge plan pretty much. and i live in a cool basement flat and generally like the sun alot....

but not this ridiculous heat. i've been hiding away all day.....

mind you, it's peachy at 11pm.... have just come in from lying on the beach....beautiful, may take my tea and wind-up radio and go back out as *now* it's nice and civilised, temp-wise. most cheering was chatting to a friend of friend tonite who's off to pakistan in three days....and is just realising how bad he is with the heat. oops
23:19 / 10.08.03
Mmmm. Followed the Fradge Plan to the letter today; Xoc went out to get Sunday papers and fluids and, in doing so, decided that his earlier plan of lying out on the grass of Vauxhall Gardens was wildly unrealistic, as the grass had turned brown and crispy and was on the point of combusting in a sheet of flame.

I've had my hair shaved down to no.2-on-the-sides-no.4-on-top again (I'd've gone shorter if I reckoned I could get away with it at work without people assuming I'd started chemotherapy) and been punctuating my day with regular cold baths and three-hour siestas.

Has anyone else been experiencing PC problems? The Internet is as sluggishly slow as I feel, with our broadband connection taking forever to access sites it normally downloads in seconds. More seriously, our computer has taken to switching itself off suddenly, midway through whatever. It sits by a window, and I'm worried that it might be overheating. Is this likely, tech-fu fighters?
Linus Dunce
23:57 / 10.08.03
Linus Dunce
00:02 / 11.08.03
If it's a fairly modern one there may well be a cut-out for the processor -- modern chips run quite hot normally so there needs to be some protection to prevent damage. I wouldn't abuse this though -- be nice to your computer and find it somewhere cooler.

Sorry for the terse reply -- it's still hot here. Thank god I don't have to up early tomorrow.
00:25 / 11.08.03
Put it in front of the fan.
Bill Posters
08:38 / 11.08.03
weeell, it is a bit better today, isn't it? (Er, here in London, i mean)

> Uncle Retro, ta for that tip, I've never tried either of those.
11:36 / 11.08.03
Well I managed to damage myself in an entirely new way on Saturday, managed to get heat rash all over my back, weird I was worried about getting sunburned. Ah well that's what I get for running around in furs all day I suppose. *owch*
11:38 / 11.08.03
Furs? why?! the only reason that springs to mind is LARPing a Barbarian, shoulda gone for the Conan loincloth instead...
Goodness Gracious Meme
11:43 / 11.08.03
naaaah, al's a plushy...
12:30 / 11.08.03
Nahh, he was at Brighton Pride, dressed as Penis in Furs...
12:37 / 11.08.03

No that would have caused a great deal of pain, to me as people pummeled me until I put some trousers on Had a bunch armor and furs on for all the good it did me when the game turned all 28 days later.

It was definately not weather to be wearing furry cat pants either, lots of cat people wilting in the weather.
07:45 / 12.08.03
I just got to work today I had yesterday off as I also had a cold which is a little annoying to say the least especially with the fever, I'm falling to pieces I have this weird looking rash on my arm and yesterday I cut my finger open with a tin of macaroni, I wish you could all see the cut it's very impressive, looks like a little mouth...

I wish I had my own cave I could hide in. At least it's cooler today.
Bill Posters
10:28 / 12.08.03
aww Bear, i'm sorry. I got a rash in my navel and i cut myself when i tried to catch a glass i dropped and there's a big flap of flesh half attached to my little finger whcih i dunno what to do with! I mean, does one amputate or try to stick it back in place? I tried to stick it and it only half stuck, but I'm scared to loose a piece of, well, me, y'know?
waxy dan
10:32 / 12.08.03
Selotape it on real real tight. Always used to work for me when bar-work involved glasses exploding in my hand.
11:14 / 12.08.03
Wow. The temperature has dropped, my sunflowers have perked up, and the delightful Loomis proved himself handy with a spanner (after I thought he was the impractical poet type) and fixed my desk. All is well with the world.

Bear and Bill, you should both get hold off those little butterfly plasters that work like stitches, and hold flapping bits of flesh together. Though it sounds like yours might be a bit late Bill - it'll fall off of its own accord soon, I'm sure. I suppose a plaster might be a good idea in the meantime to stop it catching on things.

Urgh, I'm so bad with cuts and blood that I feel lightheaded just writing this. Nurse, my pills!
11:17 / 12.08.03
Yeah, a bit breezier today... but spare a thought for us poor fuckers who are on the nightshift (therefore have to try to sleep in this Godforsaken oven) and live on a main road (therefore not even being able to leave the windows open.

Christ, even my dog hasn't really wanted to leave the house for the last few days (and she's moulting like fuck... can't blame her, really... I'm SO glad I'm not covered in black fur.)
Bill Posters
11:33 / 12.08.03
thanks Waxy and Ari, and sorry you got faint, Ari! And Mr Stoat, i have exactly the same problem with dem bleedin' winders. :-(

(moderated this post due to referring to Adriane as Adj, wch was short for Adriane, because i swear, this is what i thought your name was the entire time you've been on the 'Lith!!! how bad a speed reader am I?!)
12:34 / 12.08.03
Adriane? I did wonder about the Adj. I wonder what other interpretations it gets? I know that -pin comes up with some offbeat spellings of it.

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