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We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:03 / 08.08.03
I need no children.

When I reproduce, it is through fission. I am an identical copy of myself, my cells and my consciousness dividing and replicating. We play tennis together and make fun of those of our selves who have bad haircuts. When the Sun comes out, we use different SPF creams and produce a strange rainbow of dusky identikit posthumans. When one of us is ill, we connect our minds and preserve the standing wave and integrate it into a collective consciousness of which we are normally unaware.

When the weather is bad, we take turns using orgone energy from the sexual activity of our other selves to make thundery showers and bright, cleansing sunshine. It tickles slightly, so occasionally we make jittery storms and have to calm the meteosphere with carefully coordinated blinking of our eyelids which produces a rolling correction to the massive forces above us through manipulation of the mathematics of the butterfly effect.

On other days, we just leave it alone and get lashed.

I need no children. My every cell is identity.
16:05 / 08.08.03
I own cats which may or may not have been gassed

Have they been glassed?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:17 / 08.08.03
I need no glass.

I am attuned to a universal frequency. I can select the optical index of any object and manipulate it to my taste. I frequently watch public speeches, fascinated by the opacity of the air and curious luminescence of the speaker's spleen.

I have been personally nominated for the Nobel prize by a group of X-Rays. They made themselves known by writing on medical photographs of patients with fractured elbows. As a consequence, I was called before the United Nations special advisory committee on energistic life, and made to explain their preference. I had no idea why they would choose elbows, and said so.

In early autumn, I grow weary of the city life and feel the need to travel. I allow myself to be carried by army ants to the destination of my choice, and often people stare as the members of my tiny entourage struggle to carry me, lubricated by a sea of their own dead.

My cats watch, sometimes. Other times, they are buried in a non-denominational cemetary for agnostic animals. It is the only one of its kind, but cheap at the price.

I need no glass. My molecules are my own business.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:31 / 08.08.03
Sam Vega in person Will all posters please remain exactly where they are? I have despatched my platoons of Lascivious II fuckpuppets to spank you all to the point of ecstatic acceptance of my will.

Spankles? Like huggles only kinkier? < Assumes Buffalo Stance >
We're The Great Old Ones Now
18:38 / 08.08.03
I need no buffalo.

I was born in a part of the universe where the underlying laws of reality excluded the possibility of cows of any kind. There were vast open spaces roamed by the shadows of cows separated from their animals by this momentary flicker of universal caprice. We drank the milk of shadows and ate steaks which were only visible in daylight.

In the darkness, I am a slight man, lithe and limber, with the attention span of an acrobat. During the day, however, I am a ponderous and musclebound penseur, so fat as to be ubiquitous. Only at twilight can I be seen as I really am, an amalgamated man, neither cowed nor cowless. It is this quality which makes my cats so loyal.

My cats are afraid of cows.

I need no Buffalo. I have seen the future, and it is not cows.
Tom Coates
19:25 / 08.08.03
What a funny conversation.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
19:44 / 08.08.03
I need no funny...
20:54 / 08.08.03
I thought it was going to be "I need no conversation".
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:22 / 08.08.03
Tryphena Absent
00:03 / 09.08.03
Damn it's so past midnight. My moment of Rothkoid aimed cruelty is over. Sigh.
Whisky Priestess
23:22 / 09.08.03
But tomorrow is another day!
Tryphena Absent
00:29 / 10.08.03
Yes, who to choose for looming malevolence? I rather feel this piece needs an arch villain!
01:55 / 10.08.03
I'd like to submit my application for archvillainry.

I graduated with an honors degree in looming malevolence from the prestigious College of Antagonism, and got my M.A. in megalomania from the distinguished University of Ill-Will. I am so evil The Temple of Set grants me the right to place four e's in the word whenever it refers to me, and I am working toward the extremely selective fifth degree. Prime Minister Tony Blair only has two and a half e's.

I am presently engaged in writing my doctoral thesis on the Art of Making Children Cry. It is scheduled for completion in April 2004. I teach Torture and the Art of Intimidation classes at my alma mater and community college Annoyance classes on the side, in order to bankroll my projects in destroying all you hold dear. I know better than to gloat while I make my victims suffer, then leave them in elaborately-fashioned yet easy-to-escape deathtraps while I go execute the plan I've just described to them in exquisite detail-- unlike those two-e imposters being cranked out by evil degree mills in third-world nations, I might add.

I feel I would make an excellent candidate for the post of archvillain not only for my qualifications but also for my experience and consummate love of my work. Please contact me via telepathy or satellite for a list of references.
Tryphena Absent
02:11 / 10.08.03
Well I note that your current location is of course the requisite evil empire. Would you perhaps like to tell us a little more about the area?
02:37 / 10.08.03
If you're on a on slow dial-up or metered access, you can turn off the images if you have a browser with that option.

This is just a suggestion - it's not official Barbelith policy yet.
15:28 / 10.08.03
The evil empire is currently run by a figurehead who is taking the public blame for my former faculty advisor's machinations to further destabilize the middle east. The uninitiated refer to it as the United States. I have worked with Dr. Morningstar extensively in this area, starting in 2000 when I encouraged young liberals to vote for Nader through the awesome power of my telepathic brainwashing ray. I'm currently working on a side-project stirring up dissent among the Democratic candidates, in order to ensure the continued rule of our figurehead. But that's no matter, really. We only need him to stay in power because it raises the disgruntle index of the nation by 5-7%. Curiously enough, the effects on the world are more profound, an estimated 9-11% disgruntlement. I expect Dr. Morningstar will receive the International Prize for Evil for his work, and perhaps I will have no little recognition myself.

Naturally I intend to betray and kill the evil doctor in the fullness of time, but as yet it suits my purposes to continue a good working relationship with him.
Tryphena Absent
16:38 / 10.08.03
Let the wars begin.

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