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Starting a Picture Thread? (BITCHING)


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Our Lady of The Two Towers
05:46 / 08.08.03
OK, just to save your friendly neighbourhood moderators a little bit of work, if you're starting one of those amusing 'Core' threads, or indeed any thread with loadsa pics in, could you please put (PICS) in the subject line so we don't have to add that later.
As you were...
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:12 / 08.08.03
Hang on a minute: this still isn't a fixed policy, as there's nothing I can find in the Wiki and this thread just has a couple of people agreeing it might be a nice idea. It's not compulsory to add this tag. If Moderators want to suggest the addition and agree, that's up to them, but I don't think not doing so is "saving them some work" or that people should feel obliged to post the (PICS) tag, which some of us may find slightly... I dunno, unpleasingly utilitarian.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:44 / 08.08.03
Well, I expect you can find something which is more aesthetically pleasing so that those poor sods on slow dial-ups or metered access don't get screwed by clicking on your thread and getting eight meg of visual static.

It won't be so important once this ghastly 'core' thing has faded into digital dust, anyway.
Tryphena Absent
08:56 / 08.08.03
Fly, stop being so self-centred and drink some more tea. Your brain is clearly fast asleep. Aesthetics be damned in the face of sheer practicality (and I never thought I'd say that).
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:31 / 08.08.03
Maybe I didn't make myself clear, and should have left out an example of a possible objection to this instance: my general point is that we might want to clarify whether something is Barbelith policy or not before individual moderators start threads which demand that people comply with it.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
09:40 / 08.08.03
I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as 'Barbelith policy'. Except in a very few things - harrassment, for example - I think even the notion of a 'Barbelith Policy' overstates the role of mods and admins and refers to a system of hierarchies we thankfully do not have.

"Save the moderators some work 'kay? Put (PICS) in your subject line please." Looks to me like a request from a moderator. Nothing more, nothing less. If the moderators were to announce it was a 'rule', I think they'd need a sound spanking and we really would have some 'Barbelith Policy' to argue about; but as a request, it's an acceptable and sensible if rather drab and uniform way of making a necessary distinction.

Might we simply say that it is preferable to indicate a thread which is intended or likely to be pic-heavy, rather than specifying a signal?
Tryphena Absent
09:57 / 08.08.03
Oh shut up both of you. You're like testosterone central. And do what Our Lada says. We don't need a debate here- not because it's some strict policy, blah blah rebellion blah blah let's fuck shit up blah blah deconstructive- because it's sensible and sensible wins out. This exemplifies why so many people think we're pseudo-intellectual tossers!
09:58 / 08.08.03
It doesn't really matter whether it's "policy" or not. If there's collaborative moderation, and the moderators generally think that some sort of sign in the subject line is a good idea, and they're prepared to add it, then you will be saving them some work by doing it yourself. (I'm not actually a mod on this forum any more but there was general agreement on the thread, so I think Flowers is justified.)

"Don't post pictures wider than 500px" isn't policy either, but mods routinely edit img tags to shrink them down.

That's the sort of uncertainty you get when you live in an autonomous community-run non-police-state.

Anyway, I'm sure it would be easy to add an appropriate, tasteful warning to a title, just like it's possible to add an appropriate tasteful abstract.
11:12 / 08.08.03
what, like "Watch out here's another fucking core thread full of fat pictures called..."?
Maybe PICS could stand for Particularly Irritating Core Slurry or some such, that's elegant.

(Anna- sensible wins out? If only...)
Mourne Kransky
11:26 / 08.08.03
I remember the pain it was downloading images when I haven't had broadband so I have no problem with the (PICS) warning. However, is there any point putting it within italicising code since Cal's changes to thread titling won't accommodate the instruction surely?

Probably be sensible and consistent, if it's going to happen with the myriad "core" threads, to append it to the titles of other threads which contain lots of pics. Or not, since it doesn't really bother me one way or the other, but I can see it's a pain for some.

I am all in favour of saving our lovely volunteer moderators' industrious fingers from unnecessary work, since I must try their immense patience with my pedantic mod requests. Crawl, crawl.

*smiles entreatingly at gracious mods*
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:27 / 08.08.03
Fly- This is not the March of the Forces of Darkness and Control over your Little Patch of Brightness and Joy, this is just me, asking what I thought was a simple thing of everyone. As you don't have any problem with Mods editing the title I really don't understand why you seem to think this is the end of the world.

Of course, if you want me to start a thread in the Policy or move this one there, I'll do so.
Tryphena Absent
11:30 / 08.08.03
Silence Quantum, listen to the practicality of Anna de Logardiere. For she is the voice of reason and only her voice may be heard through the nonsense of the overwhelming catfight constant that Barbelith so often takes on as its love child. Ahem.
Bill Posters
11:55 / 08.08.03
This is not the March of the Forces of Darkness and Control over your Little Patch of Brightness and Joy, this is just me, asking what I thought was a simple thing of everyone.

but isn't that pretty much what Hitler said?
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:01 / 08.08.03
But it is the end of the world. After all, that's what I said, isn't it. I said it's the end of the world. You can see where I said that. Right there, in the posts I wrote! The words "It's the end of the world". That's exactly what I wrote. Yes.

Okay, calm.

If you're just asking, that's cool. I was just checking whether that was a "hey, be nice if you did this please" or a "do this from now on please by order of the Moderators". That's all.
Linus Dunce
12:04 / 08.08.03
He was talking about something else, not typing.

Surely, it's just good manners. :-)
12:24 / 08.08.03
"listen to the practicality of Anna de Logardiere. For she is the voice of reason"
*giggling hysterically* of course reason will win the day, who could deny a simple sensible request from the forces of darkness and control?
Whisky Priestess
12:46 / 08.08.03
It's Political Correctness Gone Mad (TM)
Bill Posters
12:51 / 08.08.03
I'll leave Barbelith if the picture Nazis have their way.
12:55 / 08.08.03
but isn't that pretty much what Hitler said?

Indeed, we have achieved a state of Godwincore.

i'll get me coat
Bill Posters
13:07 / 08.08.03
i'll get my coat too. In case I have to leave. Because of Nazis.
Tryphena Absent
13:20 / 08.08.03
You dare giggle at me? I am darkness, control and a Nazi... though I only kill those I deem stupid. I also like killing homosexuals and little fluffy bunnies and people who eat sweet popcorn at the cinema. In fact I intend to create a new fangled killing camp, called the Purity Arena, where people are put to death for all of these things. My henchmen will follow my every order.

May I propose mass exodus? Let us leave this place and go to another where I am rightfully worshipped all day long. Forever.
13:57 / 08.08.03
As a homosexual cuniculus with a penchant for butterscotch popcorn I take great offence at your careless words, De Logardiere. Your evil control Nazi henchmen will never take me while breath remains in my bunny body, I will fight for my right to be fluffy in your purity arena and destroy all comers with my vicious, sharp pointy teeth [insert Monty Python beast of Caer Bannogh impression], then depose you and rule your evil empire with compassion and dignity (and put to death all dogs and pirates).

Leave while you still can, Nazi.
rizla mission
14:03 / 08.08.03
God preserve us from a world where sensible wins out!

Anyone can see we live in a world ruled by obscene decadence and impractical wastage, so we may as well make the best of it..

That's a rather serious sounding, unqualified observation isn't it?

Right, I'm off!
14:08 / 08.08.03
"Let us leave this place and go to another where I am rightfully worshipped all day long. Forever."
Where's that by the way?
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:12 / 08.08.03

Hang on a minute: this still isn't a fixed policy

No, but neither's common courtesy, is it?
Fuck's sake.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:17 / 08.08.03
Will all posters please remain exactly where they are? I have despatched my platoons of Lascivious II fuckpuppets to spank you all to the point of ecstatic acceptance of my will.

Thank you for you cooperation.

(In the event that a fuckpuppet is non-functional, it can be returned to my secret undersea base by means of the enclosed heliphant, and you will be granted an audience.

Beware of the sharks.)

Tryphena Absent
14:52 / 08.08.03
Where's that by the way?

Erm... LogardiereWorld?

Oh and since Rothkoid's pissed me off today I've decided to irrationally attack him whatever he says (one day only) so in reply to this...
No, but neither's common courtesy, is it?
Fuck's sake.

I'd like to say shut the hell up misery guts! Who do you think you are, the Little Donkey carrying his fucking load? Passing judgement in your lame arse, flippant way? Hmmmm?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:55 / 08.08.03
Someone put Pro Plus in your cornflakes this morning, didn't they?
Tryphena Absent
15:00 / 08.08.03
Only if someone put valium in yours, darling!
Linus Dunce
15:13 / 08.08.03
Waaaah! Someone asked me to do something! No fair! If I do it, I'll look like someone's biatch! And I'm so not anyone's biatch! Really, I'm not, I'm, I'm ... Waaah!
15:17 / 08.08.03
Weesht the hale lot of yi.
Tryphena Absent
15:19 / 08.08.03
Ignatius, who are you talking too because hell I don't even know anymore? You're not still having a go at Fly are you because I think he's got the point.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:21 / 08.08.03
I need no drugs.

Rainforest-dwelling men come miles across continents to touch their arrows to my skin; pharmacologists traverse the icy wastes to beg for samples of my blood, and shamanic spirits call me with their lovelife problems. The GPS system is orientated on the direction of my thoughts, and my heart sets time more accurately than a nuclear clock. There was a brief discussion of using my intimate parts as a calibration system to replace the metric scale, but even the French had second thoughts on the grounds of public morality.

I own cats which may or may not have been gassed, and feeding them puts my credit cards into a curious state of fiscal uncertainty, the precise permutations of which govern the ebb and flow of the global economy.

Occasionally, I sing. Although the tones produced are too pure for prevailing human aesthetics, bats and whales are complimentary, and a noted Chinese psycholinguistic historian has suggested my tonal compositions could form the basis of a new understanding of the deep structures of language.

I need no drugs. My every step is the Dao.
Linus Dunce
15:28 / 08.08.03
Ruffles hair

Oh, what a terrible dream!
Cherry Bomb
15:49 / 08.08.03
Won't somebody think of the children, please?

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