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Fame Academy 2003


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Whisky Priestess
21:44 / 08.09.03
Ooh Peter! You sang that really well! You were in tune! That was a great vocal performance!


It does make me wonder exactly what is being piped into the judges' heads while we the audience are forced to listen to Peter's tuneless yelling and watch him roll his eyes like an OD-ing Robert Smith.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:27 / 11.09.03
The songs the students would choose to perform if they could.

James: 'If I Ever Lose My Faith' by Sting. Oh yes. YOU. FUCKING. TWART.

Alistair: 'Friday I'm In Love' by The Cure. He's so inoffensive. Hard to dislike, but still pretty dull.

Alex: 'Nothing Compares 2 U' by Prince/Sinead O'Connor. Good choice, showing a lot of self-awareness as far as where her strengths lie. Feel the ANGST. This is the one I'd actually like to see performed. Also: do you see?

Peter: "The Libertines, anything by them". Aha. Ahahahahaha.

Paris: 'Purple Rain' by Prince. Kinda predictable, but fair enough. Good to see the children showing love to Prince.

Carolynne: 'I Can't Make You Love Me' by Bonnie Raitt. Again, you can kinda see why and imagine her doing it, but... meh. Zzzzz.
Tryphena Absent
10:36 / 11.09.03
I'd rather see Paris perform Purple Rain than Alex perform that really shit song by Sinead O'Rebellion. Paris would sing damn well and erm, I really like that song. Alex would sound boring, cliched and do it just as it's been done before... she'd do better making a Carole King hazardous and up to date (because oh, don't the Lisa Stansfield's of this world usually screw them up). I think the fact that you think Alex would be marvellous singing shite old Nothing Compares shows that you're totally biased towards her and have an enduring love for women who are femme slashable (not so secret lesbians) and have short hair.
Hattie's Kitchen
11:49 / 15.09.03
Oh dear, now we will never see Paris doing Prince...I was quite surprised at the result, and even more surprised that Peter actually held a tune for the most part, but I fear it's a one-off, no doubt next week he will revert to screeching banshee-ness while throwing himself about on the stage like one of the zombies in "28 Days Later"...I was highly amused to see him practising his Liam Gallagher impersonation by getting pissed and throwing up at the, ahem, TV Quick Awards...rock on, wild thing.

And good to hear James finally succumb to some humility by acknowledging that he ain't all that, and that he probably won't win, but he's still a cockdrip.

Alastair: the gothic overcoat ensemble - why?
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:58 / 15.09.03
At first I thought the theme of the songs chosen for Saturday was "songs that Flyboy cannot stand" - 'True Colours', 'If You Don't Know Me By Now', 'It Must Be Love', 'Good Enough'... dear God. Even 'Heart Of Glass' was rearranged to sound kinda crap, but I thought Alex handled it as well as could be expected.

Peter redeemed himself quite a bit with 'In My Place' - my theory, cheesy as it sounds, is that after humiliating himself and nearly being dumped, he wasn't in the mood for throwing shapes and yelping, thank God, he was in the mood for doing the gloomy heartfelt indie ballad thing, and carried it off.

I was gutted that Paris went. Should have been James - Alistair's cover performance was well ropey but he was obviously saved by the fact that he got to sing his own song, and he's not a bad songwriter.
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:02 / 20.09.03
(utterly hooked now)

I'm probably in a minority here, but I loved Alex's performance tonight. Can't stand the Eurythmics, but she's got something smoky going on with her voice, a lovely timbre. She can do emotion... She's dead boring to watch, though.

Loved the B52s duet, they looked like they were having alot of fun.

Oh and I really like Pete. But thats mainly cause I get the impression that he's genuinely quite odd, rather than 'wacky'. Opposite of Alex, I think, can't really sing for toffee, but he's arresting, visually.

Alistair and James=zzzzzz.

James doing 'Woman', urghhhh. Crap song, plastic performance.

Carolyn's got a good voice/presence, but just really not my thing. Fucking Celine Dion. gah.
23:12 / 20.09.03
Who got kicked out??

I must know! I would rather die then not know!!
Tryphena Absent
20:31 / 21.09.03

Now I can finally reveal that I'm certain about it. Anyone who tries to tell me that Alex is not in love with Carolynne is a fool!
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:57 / 21.09.03
Joy to the world!
For James has gone!
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:04 / 28.09.03
Senor Peter, I feel for you...

But not much.
Goodness Gracious Meme
06:36 / 29.09.03
agreed. bored of your sulking, Peter. go home.

(worrying myself by belatedly deciding that Alistair is a bit of a cutie... )

so who's gonna win?
Tryphena Absent
08:30 / 29.09.03
Alex! Aaallleeexxxxx!
Whisky Priestess
08:57 / 29.09.03
Can't believe Peter and Carolynne are at it. They're so going to ose public sympathy this way. And you should see Alex's face when they're together ...
Tryphena Absent
10:39 / 29.09.03
It's hilarious isn't it?! Moral of the story- never fall for a straight girl.
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:26 / 29.09.03
yep. they're all bitches.

Whisky Priestess
20:53 / 29.09.03
Or stupid. Anyone who falls for Peter's act just has to be a bit fucking thick.
16:27 / 01.10.03
to be honest I haven't watched any of this years (or last years, guess my hatred for any reality Tv is really strong), but I caught Saturday show.

I'm guessing everyone is out throwing a big party that the sub-liam Pete is no longer there and that's why there's been little mention.

And on a final note, anyone remember the band Menswear
Tryphena Absent
20:20 / 04.10.03
Woo! Alex! Yeah.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:04 / 04.10.03
She deserved to win just for making that terrible song about not having any possessions (unless your name's John Lennon) sound good.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
22:33 / 04.10.03
Mark Owen….sorry Alex won? Good on her.
01:00 / 05.10.03
I think I like her. But she never smiles. But then when she does.. But she cant sing. But she kinda can. Shes sorta cute. But a bit ugly. But she used to be a clown. Not sure if thats positive or negative.

I hadnt seen F.A. before tonight. Think it's a bit late to get into it now.
08:00 / 05.10.03
Panarcy : I love it when an artist comes along that confuess you people who like genres of music !(By the way M Owen dosent fit a genre either i mean for heavens sake anyone who sings about the 4 minuite warining in a supposed poppy mock intrespective manner is just taking the piss out of you so called musical interlectuals , next you'll be telling me you understand the meaning of the The White Stripes !)

For once as they said the British voting public got the right person.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
19:16 / 05.10.03
BarbePoll: Based on his comments on the night, is Daniel Bedingfield :

A) A complete twat. Terribly unprofessional. What a daft cunt.

B) A hero. He said what was on everybody's minds. Hurrah!

I'd go with A) myself.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
19:17 / 05.10.03
A & B are not mutually exclusive, of course....humour me.
Hattie's Kitchen
01:47 / 06.10.03
I missed the show, but read in this morning's papers that he was asked his opinion about the standard of Alex and Alistair, and he responded by urging everyone to vote for Alex, and completely ignored Ali - is that right? What a gobshite! I'm no big fan of Alistair but he didn't deserve to be dissed like that by Daniel Bedingfield, of all people!

But then again, this is the man who went up to one of his black backing singers and said: "I feel your black pain..."

Big yay for Alex though, but I hope she manages to shake off the tag of "Britain's answer to Avril Lavigne"...
Hattie's Kitchen
01:49 / 06.10.03
By which I mean Daniel Bedingfield said that to his backing singer, not Alistair.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:59 / 06.10.03
Now this is interesting - I didn't realise that Alex's sexuality has never actually been in question, just 'played down'. Which is kinda funny, because while she's never said it explicitly in anything I've seen, in many other ways it couldn't be any more obvious - not just the anvils mentioned already in this thread, but also the way she interacts with the camera when she performs live: "playing down" is not the phrase that springs to mind in conjunction when one looks here for example.

Let's be clear about something: in six months, Alex could be as annoying as Dido - I think coming out of something like Fame Academy, people always have the potential to go either way, as it were. But within the context of the show/competition, I think the fact that she not only won, but was a clear favourite from quite early on, is very interesting. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the British music-buying public is into gentle angst right now, but I think it is surprising and encouraging that someone who combines the specific qualities of youth, angst, vulnerability, androgeny, queer sexuality and - well, 'uniqueness' for want of a better term - can be so instantly accepted and championed. And she *is* a little unique - unlike Peter, she's not slavishly aping her heroines (Ani DiFranco & Annie Lennox) thank God, and she's not boring enough to be Tracey Chapman or Suzanne Vega... Beth Orton sometimes springs to mind, but I think Alex is just that bit more intense than any of these people - there's that disarming thing she does sometimes when she just seems to stop caring about how her vocals 'sound' and start belting it out with a scary degree of emotion - you could call it emo, I guess, although I wouldn't (I like her too much). I think you can also make a comparison to T.a.t.u., if you're not entirely cynical, in that they clearly did appeal to teen/pre-teen girls who may or may not have been questioning/discovering their sexuality - except Alex doesn't have the creepy/discomforting aspects of exploitation (perceived or genuine), voyeurism, etc.

Apparently her single will be out on Nov 17 - roll on the first Alex Parks thread in Music...
Tryphena Absent
12:22 / 06.10.03
That first link isn't working Flyboy.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:27 / 06.10.03
It will be once the moderation's been approved... here:

Regrettable Juvenilia
09:05 / 07.10.03
Ohmigod - Alex has asked Carolynne to move in with her. And she said yes!

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