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Fame Academy 2003


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11:57 / 26.07.03
The new series of Fame Academy starts tonight, folks. And here I am, still waiting for Ainslie to release an album...

Anyway, just thought I'd start the thread now, in case anyone else actually gives a shit.
Whisky Priestess
19:09 / 26.07.03
I am boycotting this because my friend who has an amazing jazz voice and looks fabulous was not even let through to the first round. Gits.
09:01 / 27.07.03
I'm pretty sure they're not looking for *quality* per se. I think they're looking for certain 'qualities'. I mean, I refuse to believe that the Fame Academy contestants represent the cream of unsigned singers in this country. Sorry 'bout your friend though...

Well, it was fairly painful. Did anyone else watch it? I will give you all a quick and crappy run-down, seeing as I started the damned thread. Gary (who just screams 'wanker' to me, as far as first impressions go) did a hellish version of 'Stand By Me'. Criminal, I tell you - if you're going to cover it, don't try and improve it, because you damn well won't be able to. He got into the house on the student vote. Ladonna, who was evidently expected to shine, was booted out on the first hurdle, after choosing a song that didn't really make the most of her talents, I think. Also, there was something really weird going on with the balance between the vocals and the backing track, so it was hard to hear most of the contestants (which may not be a bad thing, but still). Katie (I think that's her name - blonde girl, with kind of a lisp when she's singing) was treated very poorly by the judges for no reason that I could see, because as far as *performance* goes, hers was the best, and she wasn't a bad singer, if a bit saccharine for my tastes. She was booted out on the student vote. Alistair - sang 'Back for Good' - boring but perfectly passable I suppose - got in on the public vote. Angelina Jolie-looking woman with the race car driver boyfriend - bo-o-o-o-ring, also got in on the public vote. Daniel - awww, poor little thing, booted out, like Ladonna, because the public didn't like him. Carolynne, who also got in on the public vote, did sing the hardest song ('Drove All Night') and you just know that could have been horribly horribly painful...but it actually wasn't. So, so far, I think she's best.
19:43 / 16.08.03
Is no one else watching this? I feel so alone.

*weeps quietly*
20:17 / 16.08.03
My motehr is hooked on Alex, but she's pretending she isn't- what the hell is up with Alex? Why does she sound like Celine Dion?? That's bollocks.

All I seem to catch of this is the actual performances, and nothing of their day-to-day activities- is there every anything of their day to day activities??

No one looks like a pixielicious version of myself, which is a tad disappointing.
20:53 / 16.08.03
Thank you _pin. I will now refrain from weeping piteously into my keyboard.

I dunno, I haven't been watching the Fame Academy additionals either - when there are fewer people in it, they'll start doing longer sections on 'your week in the Academy', but I haven't the time or the inclination to watch the stuff on BBC3. I would have liked to see Kevin and Paris' argument, however.

Richard Parks is being a bastard this year, and that Bee Gee fucks me off sooooo royally.

Alex doesn't sound like Celine Dion - does she? She does remind me of someone, vaguely, but I can't put my finger on it.
20:57 / 16.08.03
She just sounds so smooth and boring. It's horrible. It's Chinease Water Torture horrible.

I rather like Paul's hair, but I feel wrong for that.
21:04 / 16.08.03
Are you sure? You might be thinking of Carolynne...? Alex is the girl with short spiky hair and the kind of slightly odd voice, who did a shaky as hell version of 'Everybody Hurts' tonight. Carolynne has long black hair - dunno what she sang tonight.
21:06 / 16.08.03
Peter's hair? No, I quite like his hair too, in some incarnations at least.
16:29 / 17.08.03
There's nothing wrong with his hair, but he dresses like a member of a Libertine's Tribute Band. Fuck, etc.

No, I know who Alex is. Really, her voice is boring and my mother won't admit that she fancies her.
Hattie's Kitchen
06:08 / 18.08.03
So far I quite like Alex, Paris and Carolynne. I think Carolynne has the best voice but Alex kind of reminds me of Beth Orton in a strange way...Paris doesn't need to be in Fame Academy as I reckon he could get a deal regardless...

Agreed, Gary is a Robbie Williams wannabe wanker, he irritates the tits off me.

I'm quite surprised that Peter is still in there, given that he's probably the only one in there who's totally being himself - no Justin Trousersnake posing with him, thank god. And it's heartwarming the way evertone votes to keep Simone in.

What the fuck is Robin Gibb doing on there, Mr-I-don't-have-an-opinion-of-my-own-so-I'll-just-repeat-what-the-other-judges-said tosser.
Whisky Priestess
16:17 / 18.08.03
I know. I gave in eventually and started watching, dis on me. But hell, you're right about Gibb. He never says a damn thing, he's so bland and tries to be so inoffensive when all we (and they) want to hear is an honest opinion.

Peter, "character" though he is, managed to give about the worst performance I have ever seen on television in terms of singing last time, and STILL the public voted him in. He's the Jon Tickle of FA 2003. Alex ("wee boy-girl thing", as one of the commentators endearingly referred to her) is a classic girl singer-songwriter-with-guitar, but without the guitar. Paris is a cock. It's all good.
Hattie's Kitchen
06:38 / 21.08.03
Gary got voted out last night - bwa ha ha, serves him right, the little wanksplash. Deep joy!

Poor, poor Simone - I predict that she will crack under the pressure of not getting enough votes from the public and will soon break down on TV crying at the camera: "Why don't you love me?? WHYYYYYY??"
07:43 / 21.08.03
I have become faintly embarrassed at how much I have shouted at the TV whenever Peter appears. I mean, what the fuck? He's a one trick pony who dresses like one of the Libertines, sings indy songs badly and spacks about on stage like a wannabe at an indie disco. How much nonsense did Richard Parkes talk last night with his "the way the music industry is going, you could be a star, people like you, the Coral etc." Apart from betraying a fundamental fuckwittedness about who buys records, his shtick was derivative TWO YEARS AGO.

Must stop as my syntax is breaking down and my blood pressure going up.

Louise is a fairly dreadful live performer and unless she improves she's going to get booted out sooner or later. Dunno who's going to win. I worry it'll be Paris and I can already see him being a chopper on CD:UK. Mmm, maybe Alex or Carolynn. I'm hoping for Barry although as a) he already seems to annoy a loada people in the house and b) he'll undoubtedly sell zero records thus pissing Polydor off real good.
09:41 / 21.08.03
I agree about Simone. I got the impression she sort of wished she'd got voted out last night. Thing is, she's a great singer, as she proved in her first show - but since then she just hasn't done herself justice.

I hope Carolynne wins. I'd never buy anything by her, but she can sing (and without sounding like someone's got her bollocks in a death grip, too - Paris could learn much. Can that man sing in anything other than a falsetto?). For some reason, Alex really grates on my nerves - she seems so wishy-washy. Barry scares me (it's partially that eye thing he does at the camera - he looks like he's about to leap into the crowd and start ripping chunks off people) - he's got a good voice, but there was that frigging Tom Jones incident with the gyrating and the...yikes. Alistair - why does he have to do every hand motion in triplicate? Learn some new moves, man. James = boring. Peter needs a band, and is definitely a one trick pony, and not all that great at the one trick. Louise = why fucking bother?
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:40 / 21.08.03
Is Peter the Richard Ashcock wannabe? He's not "being himself"! He's being Richard Twatcroft by way of Fran twatting Healy from Twartvis! He's being Julian Casafackingblancas which is much worse than being Justin. He needs a punch.

I miss Ainslie.
Tryphena Absent
11:57 / 21.08.03
Oh come on! Alex has so got it going on. The others are just appalling- I don't even want to think about how many songs were brutally murdered last night. You are naturally all right about Peter- very seven years ago. He needs to pull himself together. Simone made me die a feeble death inside as she sang a song I already hate extremely badly.

I would also like to put Potus/Seldom Killer forward as the best person in the world to watch Fame Academy with... a marvellously critical ear!
Whisky Priestess
13:50 / 21.08.03
I know this is really sad but ... do they repeat the show, as I missed it last night and won;t be in the country on Friday?
14:12 / 21.08.03
I don't think so, WP.

Alex can sing, but she bores me. She's so...flat, personality-wise. Not that any of them are exactly gifted in that sense, but...

(Bear in mind I am not watching the stuff on BBC3, so they could all be sparklingly witty and clever conversationalists when they're outside the (bleurgh) 'Circle of Fear', for all I know)
Tryphena Absent
14:15 / 21.08.03
No, they're all terrible, just makes you cry for Ainslie. At least everyone last year had a distinctive personality.

The Radio Times tells me there are no repeats btw.
15:00 / 21.08.03
Alex is probably the forerunner according to my cloth-ears. She should, however, petition them to change immediately that awful photo they use of her. I can't help feel that it's costing her votes everytime they flash up her number alongside what appears to be Lofty from Eastenders in drag.
17:12 / 23.08.03
Bee Gees Night!
Paris grabbing his crotch!

Carrie calling Alistair out on his fucking window polishing!

But then he tried to dance a bit during that collaborative effort at the end...and I actually laughed out loud at his head-bobbing neck-stretching antics. So maybe he should just stick to the hand waving, after all. Wax on, wax off.

Robin Gibb sings like a camel. Seriously - watch his bottom jaw.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:43 / 25.08.03
Okay, I'm hooked now. You need to have BBC3 to get into this. Here are my thoughts on the remaining contenders, in roughly ascending order of preference.

James - worst of the lot, an absolute wanker. If you look up the word 'wanker' in the dictionary as written by Human Fly, there will a photograph of James. Hey ladies, you're More Than A Woman to James! Mmmm. Cockfarmer.

Barry - what is he doing here? Looks like the fourth man in a five-piece boy band... Lumpen, shuffling muppet, but not actively irritating until he performs, and then out come the sub-Robbie-isms. If shows like this are pop as kareoke - which is no bad thing in itself - then Barry is kareoke at its worst.

The girl whose name I can't remember - looks very weirdly static all the time - I know people who don't like pop etc always claim that the people involved look plastic and so on, but whatsername really does - nothing's quite going on beneath the surface.

Alistair - seemed quite likeable at first, but I can't help feeling he's just a slightly better-looking Sneddon. His wax-on, wax-off hand signals are hilariously bad.

Paris - sweet, but obviously so ripe for parody that I already imagine him wearing a plastic bird of prey called 'Our Kes' on his wrist. Needs the right kind of material to work with - I think upbeat r&b, soul or disco stuff suits him well, but I cringe at the thought of sitting through him singing a ballad. Song he should clearly perform: 'Rock Your Body'.

Peter - argh! Well, it's not so much Peter I hate. It's the way the judges keep saying very disingenuous stuff like "ooh, we don't really get your style but the people you're aiming for will love it!". The people Peter's aiming for hate Fame Academy, and they'll hate him. Poor Pete - so naive and so obviously doomed that it's hard to dislike him - I get the feeling he's really trying, and that he is actually quite genuine and idealistic. He's certainly enthusiastic, and I almost relished the way he tore into the chorus of 'The Lights Went Out In Massachusetts', even if the moves were classic indie club imbecile. Plus, he's friends with Alex, which earns him a measure of amnesty in my book. Song he should clearly perform: 'House of Jealous Lovers' (as if)

Carolynne - occasionally very annoying, as anyone who saw the footage of her singing in the house with her eyes shut and her hands held up in an "mmmm, feel it!" kinda way. But she's got a good voice, and I dunno, she just sort of projects the kind of strong, attractive persona that I think female mainstream pop stars should have, without being 100% conventional. Also: see Alex. Song she should clearly perform: 'Fighter'.

Alex - at the moment the favourite of me and mine by quite some way. This could be because she's so obviously queer as fuck. Let's look at the evidence: her favourite artist is Annie DiFranco. Then there's the hair, and the angst. Then there's the strong suggestion that she's in love with Carolynne (it's not just me that thinks so, honestly!). Anyway, Alex is miles ahead of the others in terms of stage presence, even if it is a very angsty kind of presence (but as Anna de L observed to me the other day, "for fuck's sake, she made 'Words' sound good" - ie, made a pretty dreadful song seem almost gripping and impassioned). Of the songs the students have written themselves, only the one she and Carolynne co-wrote ('Not Your Average Girl' - do you see?) was decent. People keep saying she sounds like Celene Dion or something, but she really doesn't - she sounds like a Tracey Chapman or that woman from Everything But The Girl - ie, a different kind of mainstream, but let's not forget that Ainslie was more Bono than Iggy Pop. Song she should clearly perform: 'Feel Good Time'.
Tryphena Absent
21:48 / 25.08.03
Ahem. Fly you queer loving bastard, it's Ani DiFranco!

I have had a major change since Wednesday. I want to screw Alex, hug Peter (he's so friggin' cute!!!), snog Carolynne, kill James, make Simone an expressive face and hit the idiot black guy who sits between Carrie and Robin on the judge's panel and clearly can't hear the students over the head with a spade.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:35 / 26.08.03
God, how did Paris and co's dull-as-dishwater ballad win the best original composition vote? Still, at least it beat that sodding appalling song that Barry and Peter did, which seemed to have the most embarrassing 'comedy' lyrics imaginable (boys drink more than girls, except for Peter? what? you fuckfaces!).
10:59 / 30.08.03
Hmmm. I think I recall Popbitch pointing out that all those in the Academy already have recording contracts. Or was that the one about the Pop Idol finalists having been chosen before the auditions?
Whatever, it's all a con.
12:08 / 30.08.03
Fly - having watched a bit of the BBC3 stuff, you're so right about the Alex/Carolynne thing.
23:00 / 30.08.03
What the fuck was that? Again, the public vote was mystifying. Barry's 'Sweet Caroline' was the most disturbing fucking thing I've heard in my life, and yet he got voted in by the public. Peter was actually genuinely good tonight - he was restrained, he was measured, he was singing a song I don't even particularly like, but I *did* like it, I did. And yet he ended up in the final three. WTF?

And the judges...if *I* know more than them about the history of the songs the students are singing, then they're just not trying hard enough, quite frankly. 'Tainted Love' wasn't written by Soft Cell, for crying out loud.

I did love Richard Park's 'I'm friends with Travis' speech for pure comedy value though.
Regrettable Juvenilia
23:59 / 30.08.03
Fame Academy drinking game ingredients all present and correct tonight.

If the judges or other students refer to Peter's style as "unique", or some other word that means "weird and I don't like it, but since I know nothing about this 'indie' stuff I cannot tell good stuff from bad and so will be polite" - drink.

If massive clues about Alex's sexuality are dropped - 'Tainted Love' because gay love, do you see? - drink.

If James is a smug, smarmy bastard - drink.

If Barry resembles the 'entertainment' from Phoenix Nights - drink until the pain in your head subsides.

Okay, well - Louise is one of the three I'd have been happy to see go, the other two being Barry and James, but I am now worried that the increasingly Satanic James could actually end up in the final three, which is a scary thought. But wasn't the best thing tonight the way Alister basically tried to convince the other students to vote him out, and looked increasingly annoyed as they voted to keep him in one by one? Ha.

I vacillate between hating Peter and just feeling sorry for him - I love 'The Man Who Sold The World', and I thought he murdered it, and not in a good way... There is clearly nothing going on behind those eyes, and if they show that clip of him skipping thorugh a wood in his stupid blue Libertines coat again I will have to track him down and kill him... but I was quite amused by him telling Barry that he was his best mate while admitting to one of the teachers that his best mate was Alex. Alex, who Carolynne sees as a "little sister" apparently - that's sooooo not how Alex sees it, clearly. (BBC3 also showed great footage of Alex being endearingly and rightly pissed off that they didn't get to perform the song they'd written on the Saturday night.)

Quick, someone get writing Richard Park / Patrick Kielty slash...
Tryphena Absent
10:01 / 01.09.03
I confess I'm finding it increasingly difficult to believe that the judges have missed over ten years of music history. Suede, Blur, Oasis and the current 'the' groups appear to have passed them by completely because they refuse to admit that Peter is not at all original.

Peter seems like a very sweet boy. I quite like him despite the terrible caricature amalgamation of Jarvis, Brett and god knows how many other Brit artists that rears its ugly head whenever he performs. Because I do like him I am increasingly worried that the bastards who criticise every other performer are going to destroy his fragile mind. They're giving him too much praise and too little advice and he is not going to have a target audience when he leaves that house. The job of this programme is not to screw with some poor kids head and give him false dreams- they're meant to be preparing him for the music industry.

While Alex and James and all of the others would be absolutely fine I get the sense that Peter is going to be screwed over big style and in a particularly nasty way. Imagine if he tried to perform to his 'target' audience... he'd probably be howled off the stage and it will be the fault of those twats telling him he's marvellous and new every single week.
14:04 / 01.09.03
Tis true. I still liked 'The Man Who Sold The World' though. You know, to the extent that I ever like anything that these people perform. It is a bit weird that the judges are constantly drivelling about innovation and blah. Are they kept in a box when they're not on telly or something?

Fly's drinking game = quality.
16:39 / 07.09.03
Ugh. That frigging Extreme song. Ugh. That frigging Wannadies song. Ugh. Alex singing U2. Ugh. James' crappy guitar stylings. Why? Alistair does Butlins. Ugh. Peter telling Alex she had bad breath. Yikes.

Carolynne was the best tonight. And then there was Richard Park's finest moment, ever: 'you rock like a row of cradles in a maternity hospital.'

Anyone notice how the Alex/Carolynne thing was treated in exactly the same way (but more so) as the Peter/Carolynne thing? I wish Carolynne had said she'd pick Alex.
21:24 / 07.09.03
Just what the fuck?? "That may not sound like good singing, but within his genre that's really good!". He doesn't have a genre, he wants to be the lead singer of The Libertines.

For a man who was bred by the NME, he seems remarkably devoid of an awareness as to how to manufacture authenticity (where's the pointing at the camera with the fag between yr fingers, or the pointing and the photographer with the fag between yr fingers? Or maybe some nice pointing at yr girlfriend with the fag between yr fingers? And the odd bit of pointing at pop stars shouting "talentless cunt" with the fag between yr fingers wouldn't go amiss... )
Hattie's Kitchen
13:49 / 08.09.03
I take back anything I said about Peter. Die, little indie geezer, die...

I haven't got BBC3 but judging by last night's BBC1 show, did anyone else pick up on a teensy weensy bit of antagonism between Paris and James? Maybe I'm reading too much into Paris being the only student that didn't vote for Barry to be expelled, but he just seemed to stare at James for a fraction of a second too long, as if to say: "Shove this up your arse, you smarmy little cockdrip..." That could make things very interesting indeed.
14:01 / 08.09.03
But how much better would it have been if he'd actually said "Shove this up your arse, you smarmy little cockdrip..."?

Can you tell I'm getting bored with Fame Academy?

James should've been voted out last night, despite the fact he can actually play the piano. Barry was alright, compared his nightmare-worthy effort last week.

I worry about the audience that thinks Peter's performance is worth a vote. [Yoda] Crap, it is [/Yoda] - last night's especially so.

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