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Yet Another Jenny Everywhere Thread


Page: 12(3)4

12:58 / 03.09.03
I've sometimes described Jenny E. to friends as a sort of mod/riotgrrl Dr. Who

Those naysayers at MillarWorld don't know what they're talkin' about.
Jack Fear
15:01 / 03.09.03
Scroll down a bit for Jack Denfeld's comments at MillarWorld.

Nice 'un, lad. I'm picturing you trying to keep a straight face while typing that...
15:46 / 03.09.03
I love the headline "I'm Dating Jenny Everywhere!" How cool must that be, to be dating the real-life template for the newest coolest comics character out there??
20:17 / 03.09.03
But I did test the site in Netscape. I'm looking at the site, like, right now in Netscape & it looks fine.

Well, this is why we need web standards. Maybe I'll redo the whole thing when I have time.
21:18 / 03.09.03
Perse, plenty of people have visited the site using Netscape without any problems. Besides, that person may have been referring to the Exclaim site. Maybe if that moron had been clearer and used punctuation...
21:44 / 03.09.03
Using netscape at work (on a clanky old Mac) the only problem i had was getting more than the first page of each of the strip...
22:03 / 03.09.03
I figured it out. It doesn't work in Netscape 4.

*starts to laugh*

Can you believe that a noted scientist is still using Netscape 4?

Well anyway, I've just finished reading this book on web standards & I really would like to bring the site up to scratch. Back to the lab!
09:07 / 04.09.03
Christ, has anyone Googled "Jenny Everywhere" lately.

Fuck snigs.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:00 / 04.09.03
"[S]he lacks the makings of a compelling character. She's a little too flawless and politically correct. In fact, some of the Jenny Everywhere comics have the blandly inclusive, committee-designed feel of a community health pamphlet or something."

All my life I've been waiting for someone to describe something creative I was involved with as 'politically correct'. ALL. MY. LIFE.
Tryphena Absent
11:43 / 04.09.03
Ohmygod, he said you wrote a health pamphlet and he wasn't even constructive ffs! Flame him, flame him!
rizla mission
15:13 / 04.09.03
ha, ha, cool..

Funny thing is that despite those grumbles, the whole thing isn't "commitee designed" at all - Moriarty made up the character on his own, and all the contributors have worked on their stuff on their own etc..

Another Jenny-related observation that I didn't think was worth starting a new thread about:
I was trying to brainstorm new ideas for a Jenny Everywhere story last night and was thinking "wouldn't it be cool if she met Jerry Cornelius?", and this led me to think - isn't Jenny rather a lot like Una Persson from Michael Moorcock's books?

frequently pictured in flying goggles & big coat - check.
short hair & asiatic features - check.
hops between dimensions on daring adventures - check.

Not that I'm suggesting this is anything to make a fuss over, but more, hey, whattayouknow..
19:11 / 04.09.03

"[S]he lacks the makings of a compelling character. She's a little too flawless and politically correct. In fact, some of the Jenny Everywhere comics have the blandly inclusive, committee-designed feel of a community health pamphlet or something."

Quote this on the back of the next zine. Credit it to the author, and remove all words except "Flawless."


Rizla: she must kill Una Persson. Next outing. Possibly by accident.
13:15 / 15.09.03
Jenny namechecked in today's International Herald Tribune. The News Analysis "Is Online Piracy Unstoppable?" includes a rundown of Open Source, so Jenny is cited about midway through the article.
13:20 / 15.09.03
That should read: International Herald Tribune. In the News Analysis "Is Online Piracy Unstoppable?" there is a long bit on Open Source, and Jenny Everywhere is mentioned, about midway through the article.
13:40 / 15.09.03
That's the same article as the one from the NY Times, if you're interested (registration required).
13:45 / 15.09.03
Wow. Mainstream. Same story was also in The New York Times.
15:01 / 15.09.03
I know it's linked, but I just wanted to repeat and highlight this paragraph:

>> The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is posting the content of 500 of its courses online this fall, a project called OpenCourseWare. In Britain, a small group of artists and editors has set up a Web site for Jenny Everywhere, an increasingly popular open-source cartoon. Its only requirement is that any "Jenny" cartoon include its license, which states "others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed."

How fucking COOL is that?!? Did someone do a magickal working to make sure that Jenny jumps from being mentioned on a few blogs and on small online zine to the NY Fucking Times?!!?
16:37 / 15.09.03
Does anyone mind if I use that little box in the upper right-hand corner (the one labeled "The Shifting News") to put a few comments about the site itself --e.g., improvements that will be coming down the pike in the next couple months or so?
16:39 / 15.09.03
Actually, I should switch those two boxes on the left-hand side. So the main info about Jenny is right on top.
16:56 / 15.09.03
Congrats, gang.

Actually, Hunterwolf, I'd say thanks should go to Max Douglas, Tony Walsh, and Kevin R.E. Watts for spreading the word around enough that it would get this kind of attention. Not to mention the hard work of the contributors, and Perse, who makes it all look so good.

Perse, you do whatever you like.
17:13 / 15.09.03
And I think we should add "As Seen In The New York Fucking Times" somewhere.
17:38 / 15.09.03
Jesus. All that was in the New York Times? God, congratulations everyone. Just seeing that little web address in the corner makes me want to puke. (In a good way, I guess.)

Is that today's paper? I may need to go to the library with scissors.
18:15 / 15.09.03
Fucking awesome.

I need to do the last frame of the newspaper strip haiku I started months ago.

A haiku. Months. This is what I'm reduced to.
18:47 / 15.09.03
The article first appeared in the sunday edition of the NYTimes (14/sept/03) written by Steve Lohr, a technology journalist for the NYtimes who got in contact with me after seeing the jenny website, which I guess he found after the mention boing boing that linked back to the exclaim article...

I picked up a copy of the NYTimes today to see how it came out (the online article sadly lacks the above image and only has a brief paragraph on jenny) and unfortunately it appears to lack the technology section that the article appears in. Rassum frassum. I'll try to pick up the International Herald Tribune tomorrow...

Thanks for scanning it in Moriarty!

So has there been much more interest on the back of this?
19:30 / 15.09.03
Sleaze, I don't know about the technology section, but I found the article in section 4, Week in Review.
19:56 / 15.09.03
Yeah i just found it - i just figured there'd be a tech section since that was where the article was placed in the online version (which I had to search long and hard before i found any jenny goodness) The NYT isn't exactly ergonomic... but i'm not going to say a bad word about a paper that prints Jenny stuff.
03:20 / 16.09.03
This is fantastic I'm so fucking proud of you guys.

And not to steal the thunder of the people doing the real leg work but I did do a pretty major spell about month ago with the intent that Jenny goes "big time".
17:28 / 17.09.03
I noticed this in Jess Nevins' annotations of LOEG Vol. 2, No. 6 - made me think this could be a Jenny connection! Jenny Everywhere comes into possession of the Nautilus! Just think of it!! I smell a story here...

>> "...a daughter that she has named Janni, for her mother..."
Ian Wildman says, "I'm almost positive that Jenny Diver, the oft-mentioned inheritor of the Nautilus in the Almanacs, is "Janni," the daughter Nemo is returning to at the end of the issue." I'm of the opinion that Jenny Diver is Nemo's wife, but the only way to answer this for certain is to ask Moore himself, which I will do.

Don't they also mention a Jenny Diver" in the song "Mack the Knife" ("[talkin' about] Miss Jenny Diver/Suki Tawdry/Miss Lottie Lenya and Lucy Brown"), from the Brecht/Weill ThreePenny Opera and then Bobby Darin's famous version? Could there be a connection there too? And another story? (I think Lottie Lenya was a real-life celebrity, the others are characters from the musical; but I could be wrong. They were all shady female characters, as I recall)
Jack Fear
18:44 / 17.09.03
Lotte Lenya was indeed a real person: she was, in fact, Kurt Weill's great friend and confidante, later his wife, and the foremost interpreter of his songs.

The insertion of her name into the lyrics of Darin's version of "Mack the Knife" was a tip of the hat to the woman who made the song famous in the first place.

Jenny Diver, a.k.a. Mary Young, was also quite real: she was a famous pickpocket and leader of a ring of thieves. She was hanged at Tyburn in 1740, and is a character in John Gay's original Beggar's Opera, which was first staged in 1765 and served as the source for Brecht and Weill's Threepenny Opera.

The alias "diver" may refer to her pickpocket skills: viz. other nicknames for pickpockets, such as "plunge" and "dip".

Sukie Tawdry and the others are also characters in Gay's opera. I don't know if they're based on real people as well, but given the satircial intent behind Gay's work, I wouldn't doubt it.

Sorry. Back to regular thread now.
19:33 / 17.09.03
So what we've got here is a story where Jenny Diver the pickpocket is also the Jenny Diver who inherits the Nautilus - she's immortal since she's really Jenny Everywhere in another aspect!! Anyone want this idea?

Thanks, Jack Fear!
18:00 / 23.09.03
I've really gotta hand this one to you guys. Fuckin genius.

Emily the Strange got nothing on this. Andre the Giant? Over. Bob Dobbs? Please!
18:07 / 24.09.03
Is down? I just tried to get to it and it repeatedly didn't come up. It even had the generic screen where it says 'you can secure this domain name if you want'. What gives?

I was writing to Scott McCloud and mentioned the site, so I wanted to just check it out and bask in its happy glow again
20:41 / 24.09.03
I was actually planning on doing something similar sometime soon - but noticed that he's going to be on the road for a while and didn't think he'd have much time to look at it until he got back so i figured it might be best to wait... the jenny website is working for me though for what its worth...
02:33 / 25.09.03
Yeah, it's working fine. maybe you typed it in wrong. I wonder what Scott McCloud has to say.
13:33 / 25.09.03
Glad to hear it's up -- I swear I typed it correctly, I tried it like 3 times in the span of 5 minutes. Maybe it was just a Net burp or something like that. I could access other sites but not jenny's. Well, who cares, as long as it's up so Scott McCloud can see it - he loves this kind of stuff! I'll let you when I get a response from him.

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