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Too darn hot


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12:16 / 14.07.03
It's damn hot here in England at the moment*. I'm not complaining (perish the thought) but I could do with a way to keep cool....
What do you recommend?

* Yes I know the members in other countries will laugh at what we deem hot but bear in mind humidity is at 56% and also we're not used to it, bless us!
Lurid Archive
12:18 / 14.07.03
Air conditioning or a dip in your pool. Seems to work where I am, anyway.
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:19 / 14.07.03
I advise painting the wall in your back garden bright blue, thus tricking your mind into thinking it's cooler than it is.
Char Aina
12:20 / 14.07.03
ice on the pulse points.
not sitting down on comfy things.
wearing less.
opening the freezer to look for something you know is not in there, but not giving up until you have made absolutely sure.


i dunno.

maybe try a cold shower? a cold bath works really well, but takes a wee bit longer.
Char Aina
12:26 / 14.07.03
it could be worse. on a Uboat, it is always unbearably cold while stationary, lying in wait for the merchant navy vessel to stumble into your hunting ground in the far north atlantic; or unbearably hot, as you eke every last ounce of power from the already overheating and overburdened engines, fleeing for the fjords and the relative safety they may offer...

of course, there are always pretty young things to keep you company, and they all wear sailors uniforms.
12:28 / 14.07.03
Air conditioning or a dip in your pool

I think the English forms of both are laughable. The pool is a lukewarm chlorinated filth-pit where muscular children kick you in the stomach, and the airconditioning gently pushes the hot air into a slow spin.
My advice: Draw the curtains. Hang out in churches. Wear a muslin tent, and move at a pace that would not startle a sloth.
12:32 / 14.07.03
Start wearing a linen suit, and drink gin and tonics. All the while never doing any physical activity more strenuous than lighting your cigarettes. If that is impractical go hang around the frozen food aisle of a supermarket, always arcticly cool round there.
12:36 / 14.07.03
I'm liking the linen suit idea: I can just see myself wafting around my grounds whilst the Ginwallah prepares the drinks!
Char Aina
12:38 / 14.07.03
you could get one of those chairs that floats in the pool, one with a parasol and a drink holder.

get your ginwallah to pull the chair over to the side, or better yet get him to swim over when you need a refill.
mondo a-go-go
13:10 / 14.07.03
Speaking of too hot, what the hell was Jack the Bodiless doing wearing so much black leather yesterday?!

I would've run after him to ask, but, ummm... it was too hot.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:15 / 14.07.03
Maybe that was actually his skin.
Kit-Cat Club
13:25 / 14.07.03
Feet in river. Added bonus: pleasant massage as the tiddlers nibble your toes (fish, not children)
Mourne Kransky
13:51 / 14.07.03
According to the Kinsey Report
Every average man you know
Much prefers his lovey-dovey to court
When the temperature is low
But when the thermometer goes way up
And the weather is sizzling hot
Mr. Pants for romance is not
Because it's too darn hot...

Ha! Quite the reverse I find, what with all that heat baking down on my pineal gland and only a suedehead to protect it. Not to mention the shirtless yoof all around. When my blisteringly hot world isn't going all Cole Portery, it's all gone Tennessee Williamsy, Big Daddy.

I'm bunking off work before I suffer heat exhaustion and heading into town for a long, cold drink. Sure gonna Pitch the woo with my baby tonight.
14:26 / 14.07.03
"I think the English forms of both are laughable. The pool is a lukewarm chlorinated filth-pit where muscular children kick you in the stomach, and the airconditioning gently pushes the hot air into a slow spin." Ex
ROFL! Our culture is just not geared for extreme heat (or cold, or rain, or autumn leaves...)

And I think Jack the Bodiless sweats leather.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:32 / 14.07.03
Mad Dogs and Englishmen

by Noel Coward

In tropical climes there are certain times of day
When all the citizens retire to tear their clothes off and perspire.
It's one of the rules that the greatest fools obey,
Because the sun is much too sultry
And one must avoid its ultry-violet ray.
The natives grieve when the white men leave their huts,
Because they're obviously, definitely nuts!

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun,
The Japanese don´t care to, the Chinese wouldn´t dare to,
Hindus and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one
But Englishmen detest-a siesta.
In the Philippines they have lovely screens to protect you from the glare.
In the Malay States, there are hats like plates which the Britishers won't wear.
At twelve noon the natives swoon and no further work is done,
But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

It's such a surprise for the Eastern eyes to see,
that though the English are effete, they're quite impervious to heat,
When the white man rides every native hides in glee,
Because the simple creatures hope he will impale his solar topee on a tree.
It seems such a shame when the English claim the earth,
They give rise to such hilarity and mirth.
Ha ha ha ha hoo hoo hoo hoo hee hee hee hee ......

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.
The toughest Burmese bandit can never understand it.
In Rangoon the heat of noon is just what the natives shun,
They put their Scotch or Rye down, and lie down.
In a jungle town where the sun beats down to the rage of man and beast
The English garb of the English sahib merely gets a bit more creased.
In Bangkok at twelve o'clock they foam at the mouth and run,
But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.
The smallest Malay rabbit deplores this foolish habit.
In Hong Kong they strike a gong and fire off a noonday gun,
To reprimand each inmate who's in late.
In the mangrove swamps where the python romps
there is peace from twelve till two.
Even caribous lie around and snooze, for there's nothing else to do.
In Bengal to move at all is seldom ever done,
But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

Closed curtains and cold water are what I find do the best for me (although on the latter it's probably an urban myth but I seem to remember something about 'pure' water being better for cooling you down than the variety of liquids in coke, lemonade, orange squash etc which are just there for taste).
14:36 / 14.07.03
I like to sit in the sun. And suffer. With cider.
14:38 / 14.07.03
cuppa tea mate, make yourself all that hotter on the inside, the outside don't bother you so much. works for me, but then it's going to take more than a half-inch of mercury for me to give up hot tea-based drink so i have to justify it somehow. if outdoors, go under a tree.
Kit-Cat Club
14:47 / 14.07.03
31 degrees in the office and we're being sent home early - huzzah!
The Strobe
16:25 / 14.07.03
Too fucking hot here, too. Today, in the last half hour at work, I flattened a hundred odd boxes. I also missed both the bus in and the bus back (the former due to oversleeping, and so had to pay a £7 taxi fare; the latter due to incompetent management at Virgin (and not staff)) and am now ready to kill things. Tomorrow, I shall carry lots of computers around and scream.
18:51 / 14.07.03
Buy one of those herbal shampoos with tea-tree and peppermint oil and use it as a body wash (don't put it in your eyes or anywhere else supersensitive, though). When you shower, crank it as hot as you can stand it, and then when you're adjusted, quick-rinse as cold as you can stand it.

Put a little DILUTED mint oil on your pulse points, or use mint in a massage oil. Do not put undiluted mint oil on your skin, and especially do not do this and then afterwards rub your eyes or any other mucous membranes.

To feel really good, make an astringent with mint oil and spritz on during the day. You can buy a commercial astringent and add mint extract, or if the commercial astringent has frou-frou smells added just mix some mint extract with isopropyl or grain alcohol, dilute with water, and put it in a spray bottle (shake before you spray). You'll smell like mint juleps, but you'll feel cooler and less sweaty.

The reason for all this stuff is that mint is a refrigerant, meaning somehow it actually lowers body temperature fractionally. Combined with alcohol on the skin, you could actually break a dangerous fever in many cases. The alcohol itself helps by evaporating at a superfast rate.

It's true that water does more for you in hot weather than sodas, but this is primarily because what water does is hydrate you and keep you sweating. Sodas have significantly less water in them once you get done filtering out all the dyes and corn syrup and crap, and then your body has to use water to flush all that extra stuff out of the system anyway. Plus, caffeine dehydrates you and puts extra stress on the kidneys, so avoid it unless you're already drinking plenty of water.

I speak as an expert. I live in FLORIDA.
19:21 / 14.07.03
Lime shower gel. Mmmmm.
19:50 / 14.07.03

Your best bet is a cold shower and a frozen drink. Preferably something involving frozen berries and a blender. And Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap in the shower (Dilute! Dilute! Dilute!)

The Floridians know. (Currently, West Palm is 32 degrees C/90 degrees F and 59% humidity. In Vero, just north of here, the humidity is 74%.)

If you're really uncomfortable, carry an ice cube around and rub it on your temples and forehead at regular intervals.

31 degrees inside an office, though, is far too hot. Obviously, the answer isn't to send the workers home, though. It's to have them all disrobe, and to assign an office assistant or temp worker the spritz bottle duty. If only the managers were better informed....
Tryphena Absent
20:05 / 14.07.03
Pah to you complaining people. You didn't spend hours wearing a heavy black robe for graduation and walking between buildings in the sweltering heat while your smart leather shoes gave you blisters. I combated the heat with nothing but a bottle of Fanta.
20:56 / 14.07.03
But didn't you feel just like Harry Potter? Graduation ceremonies are completely pointless, but the robes are the coolest thing ever.

My method of keeping cool is fairly crude - get cold water, drench clothed self in cold water, leave to dry, repeat as necessary (has not been necessary this summer). However, if such a thing is not practical, I am perfectly capable of thinking myself cool (even outside the UK). So nyah!
tom-karika nukes it from orbit
21:00 / 14.07.03
Or get a job working in a really huge freezer.

Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Tryphena Absent
21:05 / 14.07.03
(I felt like a Snape-Mcgonagall hybrid)
Mourne Kransky
21:39 / 14.07.03
Mr and Mrs de Logardiere must have been so chuffed though, young Anna. I bitterly regret having graduated in absentia and fucked off to Amsterdam for the summer, leaving my poor folks without all the photos and the proud moment.

And I'll bet you looked absolutely fab in your Snape-like attire. Hope there was a breeze to make the gown billow as you promenaded in it.

Congratulations, btw, you swot.
Tryphena Absent
21:56 / 14.07.03
Okay, I admit, it felt good when I put the damn gown on. I felt like a superhero, rather more importantly I felt like a Slytherin superhero, and my photo is terrible but my mum's happy and I only went because she was dying to see me involved in a ritualistic and archaic ceremony (I wasn't baptised or confirmed and ex-Catholics need ceremonial mind support thus education).

Anyway enough about me- it's still 24 degrees out there with a lovely soft breeze. Yummo!
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:35 / 14.07.03
Just been reading up on keeping cool and apparently the cold shower malarkey is a definite no-no...

Your body's way of keeping cool (god knows how Jack The Bodiless copes) is by sweating. When you take a cold shower all your pores close, thus preventing sweating (in the short term), therefore leading to an increase in body temperature.

Apparently a luke-warm bath will do the trick (maybe laced with a li'l mint oil?). As long as the bath is marginally below body temperature the water will cool you down without closing the pores.

Sorry to get all (pseudo)scientific on y'all, but I'm drunk so I can get away with it.
04:28 / 15.07.03
While this is true, spang, I've been told (and it's worked for me) that showering hot and rinsing cold will over time help your body adapt more readily to temperature extremes. But I considered that, and that's why I suggested keeping the cold rinse short.

Perhaps in extremely hot weather it would work better to shower cold and then rinse hot? The trouble is I think the abrupt change is what does it, and while it is very easy to make your shower go all cold suddenly it usually takes it awhile to warm up. Leastwise mine does.
12:15 / 15.07.03
Have tried all of the above and am now wet through, pungent and slightly tipsy...
.........but cool!
Thank you all (hic)
13:52 / 15.07.03
Reading this at work is making me feverish with desire for a cold mint cider shower spritzer. The only way to cool down here is to bitch about how hot it is to fellow roasted coworkers. I wonder how early I can slink off home to test these theories on mint...

(BTW Anna- Snape-Mcgonagall hybrid would be taller, and sniff)
15:00 / 15.07.03
Pores closing? A bad thing?

Pish and tosh. And likewise, a bunch of hooey.

The pores close because the skin is *cold*. If you stand under the cold water for any length of time, your whole body will get cold from skin down into the body core.

Besides, if you have a high humidity (currently, West Palm is 74%), sweat simply won't evaporate. It won't cool you off. You need something cool on the outside (cold shower) and something cool on the inside (iced drink).

Also, if any of you are using fans to keep cool, they only work when they're pointed right at you. The business with moving hot air around and that magically making it cool is bosh. It cools you down because moving air evaporates more sweat (like blowing on hot soup).

And Anna - you *are* a superhero.
15:23 / 15.07.03
Mm. I really meant any denizen of the wizarding world - was just using HP as an example. The idea of a Snape-McGonagall hybrid is scaring me though.

Now trying to work out what horrible amalgam of characters I'd be, but can't seem to manage it...
17:56 / 15.07.03
I think I could easily deal with being a Snape-McGonagall hybrid. Suave and eeevil, but wise and snappish. But the best I'd probably manage is a Snape-Hermione hybrid, which is too awful for words.

(hehe. Now I have planted an image in your minds which has approximately the same appeal as a mushy asparagus and vomit sandwich. On store white bread! My plans for world domination are nearing completion! *maniacal laughter here*)

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