Goodness me. I think the last time i was here, we were on lateshift 17 or so. My dad sent the puter in 2 weeks agoto get something small fixed, he went in on monday, and they said their man had just got back from holiday that day. So I had two weeks of internet-cold-turkey, for nothing. Pft.
I dont remember chicken-pox being sore, which is odd. I remember picking at them, but im a scab-picking fiend, and in some ways miss always having nice big knee-scabs to pick at (god what a tink am i?). As a result, i have been called crater-face by the fat bastard along the road for 13 years.
My nephew has something wrong with him, which nobody can figure our what, which means he's itchy all the time. Its so distressing, to sit and watch him scratch his legs until they bleed, and theres nothing anyone can do to stop him. He doesnt sleep much because hes contantly itchy, and as a result, i think my sister has had as much sleep in the past year as i have in a week. He had an operation to put a bag to collect his bile in last month, because they thought that was the problem. But apparently its not. And my sister is now distraught, and feeling even more helpless. And she lives in greece, so not only are there shit hospitals, but the heat makes him itch even more.
Anyways. Thats my itchiness and chickenpox stories. So I hope your little one gets good soon spangle. Many (rather distant,scared of getting shingles) hugs to him. XX |