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LateShift the sands through the hourglass...


Page: 12(3)

12:24 / 16.07.03
Thought I would share this weird little site I found -

Probably not that work safe

Probably not really work safe although there are no pics or anything like that - it's a hypnosis site with mp3 that you use to put yourself into a trance and then listen to other files that make you think your a dog/a woman/man or make you wet the bed and various other slightly unusual behaviours, has anyone heard of this kind of thing before?? Quite tempted to try one here at work
Tryphena Absent
13:19 / 16.07.03

Spank me with those little lilac lovesticks.
13:44 / 16.07.03
Um I don't think there is an option for that - how about -

For men only, this curse file causes you to experience a full 9 month pregnancy including morning sickness, mood swings, cravings, the whole 9 years all the way to contractions and the birth. The curse lasts 9 months and cannot be removed.

After looking at the site a little more it's actually quite terrifying...
23:32 / 16.07.03
Goodness me. I think the last time i was here, we were on lateshift 17 or so. My dad sent the puter in 2 weeks agoto get something small fixed, he went in on monday, and they said their man had just got back from holiday that day. So I had two weeks of internet-cold-turkey, for nothing. Pft.

I dont remember chicken-pox being sore, which is odd. I remember picking at them, but im a scab-picking fiend, and in some ways miss always having nice big knee-scabs to pick at (god what a tink am i?). As a result, i have been called crater-face by the fat bastard along the road for 13 years.

My nephew has something wrong with him, which nobody can figure our what, which means he's itchy all the time. Its so distressing, to sit and watch him scratch his legs until they bleed, and theres nothing anyone can do to stop him. He doesnt sleep much because hes contantly itchy, and as a result, i think my sister has had as much sleep in the past year as i have in a week. He had an operation to put a bag to collect his bile in last month, because they thought that was the problem. But apparently its not. And my sister is now distraught, and feeling even more helpless. And she lives in greece, so not only are there shit hospitals, but the heat makes him itch even more.

Anyways. Thats my itchiness and chickenpox stories. So I hope your little one gets good soon spangle. Many (rather distant,scared of getting shingles) hugs to him. XX
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:14 / 17.07.03
Relief at last!!

Archie's blisters have all scabbed over, so now he's back to his normal, inquisitive, mischievous self, except he's now his normal, inquisitive, mischievous self covered in scabs.

The one downside is my boss; remember my earlier post about phoning into work to tell them I couldn't make it in due to a total of 7 hours sleep over four nights? Well, my boss has told me that 'total exhaustion' is not an excuse for absence from a 12 hour shift in temperatures exceeding 35 degrees celcius, so has decided to motivate me by giving me a stage 1 disciplinary warning.

Nice man.

Gingerbop, your knee-scab-picking memory has really brought it all flooding back. I remember a time when I would relish picking a huge scab off my knee, trying gingerly to peel it off in one, continuous piece, then actually enjoying the fact that blood was pouring down my shin. Wow, the unfettered joys of childhood.

The tale of your nephew sounds really nasty - to itch constantly for a few days is bad enough, but for it to be a permanent fixture in your life must be pure hell. I sincerely hope someone finds a solution for him soon.

Anyone played iSketch yet?
02:16 / 17.07.03
The "Abuse a Stranger" thread is wonderful. I highly recommend it to everyone.

And ... um ... joycore(?).

I'm tired.
Saint Keggers
02:21 / 17.07.03
Hello folks!
Glad to hear Archie's doing better now, Spangle. Welcome back to the L-Shift Gingerbob.
12:36 / 18.07.03
Where are all the conversation people! It's Friday - wake up!
23:57 / 19.07.03
Well it's Saturday now, and I have come down from my TMBG joy-buzz. Is anyone else up and about?
Tryphena Absent
00:56 / 20.07.03
My mum's birthday party has just finished and it was fun. I chatted to my godmother about acid, argued with her husband about politics and ate very yum food. So yeah I'm still awake... but I'm guessing no one else is!
00:58 / 20.07.03
I'll be up for a bit longer. Good for me.
Tryphena Absent
01:43 / 20.07.03
If you're still around- how are you?
01:54 / 20.07.03
I'm awake...but only just... I'm trying not to fall asleep at my desk, cos that tends to go down badly.

Headline of the weekend- "Liven up your barbecue with toast". WTF?
02:40 / 20.07.03
That is completely fucked up. I am up, and starting to obsess about getting a new laptop, which is not good at all...
12:31 / 20.07.03
Toast? Not a toast, but toast, which is easy to make and more aerodynamic than eggs?
Tryphena Absent
09:54 / 22.07.03
Help me, I'm at work and I am so bored and barbelith is dead.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:45 / 22.07.03
Maybe we could have a 'Who killed Barbelith?' survey.


a) stupid newbies.

b) snotty old-timers.

c) joycore.

d) K********.

e) Grant Morrisey.
Tryphena Absent
11:02 / 22.07.03
F) a to e because I'm a tabby cat
11:27 / 22.07.03
Am just back from the pub and didn't win at Crib - what does think of Lamars first track all it needs is a bit of a remix and it'll rule! And what about Mark Owens one, if he'd made it sound just a little more 60's it would have been cool too!
Kit-Cat Club
14:04 / 22.07.03
g) Complete and utter boredom
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:24 / 22.07.03
Surely that's a side-effect of death, not a cause, Dr Club?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
15:23 / 22.07.03
Grrrrr! Vape. Vape! VAAAAAAAAAAPE!

When I work out what that word means, I'll let you know. I've just invented it so it might take a while.

I'm trying, trying, to be the person who, when the world is being shitty, increases the love they pump out, but I've got a feeling it's not going to work. I'm hot, I'm sweaty and I'm stuck doing a stupid job that's the only thing my stupid brain is fit to do. VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE!
Kit-Cat Club
15:36 / 22.07.03
I think it's both really, isn't it? It is an effect of the board being, well, boring, but it also means that it's very hard to think of anything interesting to post to liven things up a bit.

I'll doctor you, young man...

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