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LateShift the sands through the hourglass...


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Saint Keggers
00:48 / 08.07.03
Its hot. Damn hot. Humid damn hot. South American Jungle humid damn hot.
Im craving a week-end of gluttony style banana split or a good rhum and coke.
00:58 / 08.07.03
Chilled cheap champagne over here, possibly dyed pink with food coloring, and a nice cold sprinkler to relax nearby for me, thanks. How goes, Kegster?
Saint Keggers
01:12 / 08.07.03
Goes alright. No big complaints. Besides the usual Im broke, my art work is going shit oh what a world what a know, the same olds.
Must find some cash and but some photo lighting. Ah la vie dur du pauvre p'tit artiste.
01:22 / 08.07.03
Tell me about it. My job's been making me feel so old lately. How the hell do people get rich these days anyway? Sheesh, how the hell do people get middle class? I'm an American, damn it, wasn't I supposed to be born with a get-rich-quick scheme on the tip of my tongue?
Matthew Fluxington
01:23 / 08.07.03
It's going to be disgusting in New York tomorrow - something like 96 degrees with 97% humidity, but no rain.

So, no matter what, tomorrow will suck.

I hate this. At least it is supposed to cool down at the end of the week.
01:23 / 08.07.03
We used to have this bitchin' little season called spring...
Saint Keggers
01:26 / 08.07.03
Any hotter and my igloo will start to melt. What will the caribou think?
Saint Keggers
01:32 / 08.07.03
Damn! My cousin just bought himself a pool table. (jealousy mode enabled)
Must get better pool table...or plasmascreen h/d tv.

Will Work For Money
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:06 / 08.07.03
Morning all!

I've just splashed out on a new graphics card, processor and a spangly new case for my PC, so my bank account has a gaping great big ugly hole in it at the moment. But at least I can kick serious cyber-ass on Unreal Tournament 2003 now.

Rockets away, me hearties, arrrrrrr!
Saint Keggers
02:10 / 08.07.03
Never really liked Team Fortess...ooooh! I luvs it.
The Return Of Rothkoid
06:16 / 08.07.03
Well, I'm about to go and have shithouse takeaway and lots of absinthe. Today is difficult.
Tryphena Absent
22:28 / 08.07.03
Yuk. I bought pick n mix and now I'm eating them and I feel sick but I still have 8 and a half sweets and two mini aero's left. I will consume them all.
22:38 / 08.07.03
no confectionary or evil liquors here, I'm afraid... no Unreal either. Not even counterstrike.

why was I online?
22:57 / 08.07.03
My head hurts from noting that, dispite not ever doing anything with y lfei at all ever, I don't have a free weekend in August for people to come to the island (why the fuck August, you visiting freaks? The seas are warmer in September, and my life is purposeless and drifting. Come in September. Or the middle of the week. Why be dictated by these namby, bourgeoise liberal notions of "summer" and "weekend"??).

I'm also trying to get myself kneecapped by Orangemen so I cna laugh and claim moral high ground, which was a great plan when I started atacking them on my blog and now, late at night, seems even better when you factor in my holiday to a Protestant part of Northern Ireland in August.
Tryphena Absent
23:07 / 08.07.03
You know, you could suggest September to the visitors or even midweek though I hear quite a lot of namby's have to work!
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:35 / 08.07.03
I've got a whole slew of barbecues over the next couple of weeks. To the casual observer, it will appear that I am actually attempting a modified version of the Atkins diet. But look closely enough and you might just spot a wee bit of bread lurking around in the background, wedged between the case of Kronenbourg and the Mama Africa's Zulu Relish (not made with yer actual Zulus, of course).

MMMMmmmmmm.. Aberdeen Angus burgers, oriental spare ribs, mesquite chicken wings, otters' noses, beaver spleens & other highly flavoured animal parts.
Tryphena Absent
23:46 / 08.07.03
Mmmm chicken wings and that reminds me I've been trying to convince my beastly lovely to buy me Kentucky Fried Chicken for weeks but does he? No. Don't y'all think that's just horrible. One measly piece of greasy chicken is all I want and I'm that poor that I can't buy it myself!

Oh and if you were on the Atkins diet you couldn't drink Kronenbourg anyway (and that just proves how wrong it is)!
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:53 / 08.07.03
I'm considering trying a Kronenbourg-only diet for a couple of weeks.

Interspersed with charcoal-coated hunks of spicy sizzling animal flesh.

And cigarettes.
Tryphena Absent
00:40 / 09.07.03
Lovely, lovely cigarettes at the top of my addiction list along with chocolate. Tea has been usurped to way down below that with the short lived advent of hot weather.
00:50 / 09.07.03
I'm considering trying a Kronenbourg-only diet for a couple of weeks.

Interspersed with charcoal-coated hunks of spicy sizzling animal flesh.

And cigarettes.

The trouble with that diet is when you decide it's time to stop it....
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
01:04 / 09.07.03
I may never stop.

Having said that, I may run into trouble when I arrive at the office carrying a six-pack of Krony, a portable barbie, two dozen minted lamb chops and forty Marlboro Lights.
Tryphena Absent
01:07 / 09.07.03
Ah but what will kill you first? The smoking related illness, the cholestrol or the alcohol poisoning? Anyone care to take bets?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
01:12 / 09.07.03
Maybe I could balance them all out so finely that they all kill me simultaneously. Wow. Now that's what I call an ambition.
Saint Keggers
02:50 / 10.07.03
11:47 and Im bored as hell.
Char Aina
13:48 / 10.07.03

not bored, but here.
13:55 / 10.07.03
I've been here all day jumping on any thread that's been updated, work is quiet and I'm listening to a Pop Razor mix and that's about that...who else stays here all day, is it just me?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:06 / 10.07.03
I do, especially (and this will seem contradictory) when I'm working hard.
Tryphena Absent
14:20 / 10.07.03
Someone, someone must know where I can get a Chocolate Danish Pastry. I've had three dreams in the last two weeks about eating one and I think it's going to keep happening unless some lovely London kiddie tells me where to buy one.

If all else fails I'm going to have to go to Denmark.
14:21 / 10.07.03
Same here, all day when actually working on the computer. I think the distraction is good for me - like 'off-thinking'. But that might just be an excuse.

I have the soundtrack to FotR on repeat, because it doesn't get in the way of the chug chug chug of my little brain.
Saint Keggers
16:11 / 10.07.03
18:08...this is not my latshift.
This is my afternoonshift.
I fell so torn out of time!
23:34 / 10.07.03
An interesting question for you:

Why the fuck isn't the editor of Illustrated Ape up, and replying to emails I may be sending him, at half one in the morning? This is rude and selfish of the man, who must surely be thinking that what he should be doing right now is sitting at a computer ready to reply to people he doesn't know, becuase they sound earnest and aren't tired yet.

I should be using this time to write, instead of getting antsy over stuff that I wrote six months ago not getting published. What the fuck's up with that??
Tryphena Absent
23:38 / 10.07.03
I'm rather more concerned that no one can tell me where to buy a Chocolate Danish. Do you not understand that these things are haunting my dreams? Don't any of you want to help me? I have to assume that you don't and you're all complete bastards because someone out there must eat the damn things sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23:47 / 10.07.03
No, I'm more important.

But I will humour you... what is this pastry like? Does it even realy exist? How the hell do you define a Danish from any of the vast number of other bakery-made products sold by, well... me, really.

Really. Bread totally daunts me. Flicking thru the book, looking for the code. Why des it all look the same? Why is the German lady shouting Bavarian rye, yar, BAVARIAN when the bread in question is clearly a seeded 400g bloomer?

But the thing? With the man I will henceforth rather generously refer to as My Editor? That's still more important.
Tryphena Absent
00:25 / 11.07.03
Well gosh you might have gone by now but... these are like swirly pastries with a big blob of chocolate in the middle and coating the inside swirl of the (erm...) swirled bread stuff. They're yummy. Oh can't someone find me a Chocolate Danish, oh can't someone find me a Danish cake shop? Oh. Sigh. Oh woe is me. This is simply turning in to a lesson in denial.

And blah- I am more important than you.
Saint Keggers
01:50 / 11.07.03
What is a danish cake?

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