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You Think Too Much and other catchphrases that set my teeth on edge


Page: 12(3)

Baz Auckland
01:45 / 09.07.03
Nietzsch, I apologise on behalf of all of us who are guilty of that crime... in my defence, I was young, foolish, wanted to be Irish, and 'shite' sounded better than 'shit'.... well, it still does actually. I don't know how I got into the habit of saying 'bloody' and 'wanker', but I hang my head in shame...
16:15 / 09.07.03
it's the Black Cooountraay accent which offends most people.

Aw but it comes into it's on when spoken by the older generations. There's nothing so warming as being refered to as "chick" by a mates mom in this accent.

And anyway this is just a development of the great North/South divide arguement. We're niether, we're Midlanders and proud
The Puck
23:27 / 10.07.03
The Birmingham accent is shit, though

How dare a person from SCOTLAND tell me that the birmingham accent is shit, i have gritted my teeth all through this thread, yes i say 'dude' and yes i say 'youknowwhatimean' and guess what? i also say 'sweet' and 'cool' as well WITH NO TRACE OF IRONY. does this mean that i cant be in your fuckin cool little club now, does this mean i have to hand in "better than everyone else" badge because i speak like everyone i grew up with?

i like the way i speak and fuck anyone who has a problem with it youknowwhatimean?
Old brown-eye is back
00:57 / 11.07.03
"Can I get..."

Can I get mayo on that. Can I get a bacon sandwich. Can I get a copy of Guns and Ammo and a big jar of vaseline.

No, given your position as someone immediately dependent on a representative of the service industry you obviously can't 'get' it. If you could fucking 'get' it, you wouldn't need the nice man behind the counter to get it for you. You can have it - oh yes, you can have it alright. But you can't get it.
02:16 / 11.07.03
Any use of the word 'proactive' during the work day. There's someone I work with who says it in just about every conversation, and has rendered it entirely meaningless, since I don't think he knows what it means.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:56 / 11.07.03
Preach, brother Puck, preach.
The Falcon
13:08 / 11.07.03
I was just being glib, Puck.

Many dislike the Dundee accent, which I have a very, very mild version of in my *ahem* repertoire. But I don't.

I say sweet, cool and dude also; but only with a heft of irony, alas.
Char Aina
17:07 / 11.07.03
its nice to feel good.

and one of the easiest ways to feel god is to make yourself feel better than someone else. even only one person will do it.


hey. you! yeah, you. you look like a dick in that shirt!

fuck me, i feel wicked.
Kit-Cat Club
22:54 / 11.07.03
Kind Regards

If I have to read this hideous phrase at the end of another work email from someone I don't know from Adam I shall do such things, I know yet not what they shall be, but they shall be the terror of the earth, etc.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
23:07 / 11.07.03
Kit-Kat - how do you sign a basically 'cold' email?

Toksik - yes, but what really irks you? Snorting nasal grunts? Little scnupfs from the throat in between conversation? Excessive inhalation of saliva between sentences? Unshaved moles? Bum fluff on tennagers who think it makes them look like grown-ups?? Orange sunbed tans? Botox lips?

Scrambled Password Bogus Email
23:07 / 11.07.03
Kit-Kat - how do you sign a basically 'cold' email?

Toksik - yes, but what really irks you? Snorting nasal grunts? Little scnupfs from the throat in between conversation? Excessive inhalation of saliva between sentences? Unshaved moles? Bum fluff on tennagers who think it makes them look like grown-ups?? Orange sunbed tans? Botox lips?


Best regards

23:16 / 11.07.03
Actually what bugs me is people in North America who affect "britishisms" or pseudo-english accents. Man this is such shite! *holds a peace sign backwards*. What a git! Thats Bullocks! Some of the people who do it seem to be sex pistols fans the rest are me.

That's a "V-sign". And those are "bollocks".


ibis the being
14:44 / 20.12.04

My coworker used to say that all the time, and I thought it was something she made up or mixed up, since to say she was "prone" to malapropisms would be an understatement. But now I've heard Star Jones use it on TV twice inside a week. Ignore for a moment the fact that I've been watching Star Jones on TV, and someone please tell me whether the above is a real figure of speech, and if so what the hell it's supposed to mean!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
15:06 / 20.12.04

As opposed to a dumb-ass?
Benny the Ball
15:16 / 20.12.04
"Page one" really pisses me off.

As in, at work, new person or trainee makes mistake, older person or trainer tells them that something so simple would be found on "page one" of the imaginary booklet that teaches us all our job, eg. 'Did you use the duct tape on the wooden floor as a marker?' 'yes' 'well, it's left a mark on the floor now' 'sorry I didn't know it would' 'well, it's page one really'.

Fuck off you fat, opinionated, bitter, unhealthy, uncreative, dead-inside cock.

On one job I asked somebody for something that I needed, they tried to be funny, I was tired and said, look, I'm not in the mood, can you just get it for me, to which they said, I can make your job really difficult - I told him he couldn't as I was a trainee, and I was asking for this thing for the person training me, and that if you didn't get it, it would make his job difficult, not mine, and it would make himself look like the difficult prick he was being... he took humbrage for some reason. He would say "that's page one" to everything, except for the time that he placed a dimmer rack for a lighting rig on the floor and somebody kicked it, changing the settings and setting us back forty minutes while the technical folk tried to recreate the settings. He went very quiet at that point.
15:20 / 20.12.04
"Not for nothing"... it means exactly what it says. As in, "not for nothing is Lush known as the source of all bathy loveliness" - so, not without reason, not without cause.
modern maenad
15:28 / 20.12.04
"The problem is that you're an idealist, in the real world....."

so where am I living, outer space??
Liger Null
15:39 / 20.12.04
"Working hard or hardly working?"
"Hot/Cold enough for you?"

These two are bad, but the worst, the very worst:

Whoever: How are you today?
Me: Oh, I'm fine.
Whoever: Just fine?

AAAAARRRGGHHH! No, I'm dying of cancer, I lost my job, and my dog had to be put to sleep. But that's not really any of your business, is it? Don't you wish you'd just accepted "fine" as an answer?

Oh, and the "Smile!" thing really pisses me off to no end. I guess we're supposed to just walk down the street, grinning like the village moron?
Liger Null
15:50 / 20.12.04
"The problem is that you're an idealist, in the real world....."

Translation: I'm a lazy fuck who can't be bothered to work towards making a better world, I'm content to just accept the one I've got. And I suggest you do the same, so I don't have to feel guilty about it.
ibis the being
17:05 / 20.12.04
"Not for nothing"... it means exactly what it says. As in, "not for nothing is Lush known as the source of all bathy loveliness" - so, not without reason, not without cause.

All right, that's fine. I realize that my ex-coworker & Star Jones were just using it wrong, as a meaningless filler or a substitute for "by the way," like, "Not for nothing, I loved that movie with Jude Law and Robin Williams." I guess that still technically makes sense, but it's just pointless, isn't it? Unlike in the example Haus gave me.
18:04 / 20.12.04
"I could care less."

When what the person means is, "I couldn't care less."

RRRGH. Makes me want to tear throats out with my teeth.

As for the rest of this thread, I hang my head in shame, having been guilty of committing about 90% of all the aforementioned peeves, some of which I share. Eep.
Haus of Mystery
18:17 / 20.12.04
You should care less.
18:29 / 20.12.04
"I could care less."

When what the person means is, "I couldn't care less."

Didn't we cover this in the "teeth on edge" thread? It's inexcusable for a Brit to use it, but it seems to be fine for our colonial cousins when used in a particular way.

Using "Learning curve" in an unqualified way deserves eternal torment, though.
18:33 / 20.12.04
We probably did. I got a sense of deja vu when I wrote the post.
02:31 / 21.12.04
I like to sign my emails "sincerely" when I'm really not being sincere at all. But then, I like to live on the edge...
04:47 / 21.12.04

It's not really advanced vocab, is it, the word CON FUCKING FIRM?

Pray tell, how do you propose to 'confirm' my address when you don't know it in the first place?

Insurance seller: "Okay, and now I just need to confirm your address."
Dwight: "Okay."
IS: "Well, uh , what is it?"
D, now being an asshole: "Well you wanted to confirm it, what do you have"?
IS: "Uh, I don't have it."
D, to herself: "So how can you fucking confirm it then, you money-sucking piece of lint?"
D, out loud: "It's [address]"

What, somebody's going to 'trick' me into revealing state secrets this way?

I then have to hear it fifty more times, from various people who think they're going to somehow 'trick' me into revealing secret information this way.
09:30 / 21.12.04
Real People

Not the fake people, then?
09:55 / 21.12.04

Know what you mean Dwight. To be fair though all instances of tmesis annoy me too.

Abso-fucking-lutely, fan-bloody-tastic etc. Shut up. There are much better ways of expressing things. Maybe I'm just a bit highly strung.

modern maenad
10:11 / 21.12.04
Oooh, and another one is:

"I'm not a vegetarian, but I really don't eat that much meat"

I'm sure the individuals that you have consumed feel so much better now.
13:39 / 21.12.04
"Ewww. Too much information!"

Ewww. Not enough imagination.
13:49 / 21.12.04
I'm sure the individuals that you have consumed feel so much better now.

Whereas I'm sure they don't feel either good or bad anymore seeing as they are longsince dead.
14:22 / 21.12.04
"To be fair though all instances of tmesis annoy me too"

I apologize. You're right, it's annoying.
14:27 / 21.12.04
You hate those tmesises to pieces...?
21:05 / 21.12.04
Where do these phrases come from? Really, they must start somewhere, and now everyone goes around and spouts off spoiled shit that once upon a time was clever, or it never was, and we are all to damn stupid to know the difference.

The Barb is refreshingly cliché free, or close to it. Maybe we could get a little banner to fly at the top of the page that says: “Now with 90% less regurgitated rhetoric than name brand blogs.”
21:19 / 21.12.04
Ok, now give us one you hate before someone starts being sarcastic at you. Quick!

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