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If there was a barbelith entrance exam, and we all were allowed and expected to submit only one question...


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18:14 / 24.06.03
Question 12A: Imagine you are a professional wrestler.
(i) what is your entrance music? (5 marks)
(ii) are you a baby (good guy) or a heel
(bad guy)? (2 marks)
(iii) demonstrate your signature move on the person nearest you in the exam room who has not yet reached this question. (20 marks, plus Ultimate Hardcore Championship Belt)
20:44 / 24.06.03
Q: I have a blacklist. Do you want to be on it?
20:46 / 24.06.03
Q: Candles. Blunt or pointy end first?
Who's your Tzaddi?
21:20 / 24.06.03
Q: Are you The Knowledgeâ„¢ in yet another suit?
Rev. Orr
23:13 / 24.06.03
That's very kind of you, but I fear we don't know each other well enough. Will you still respect me in the morning?
23:56 / 24.06.03
Can you feel this?
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:22 / 25.06.03
Answer this question ONLY if you are taking the "male, heterosexual" module of this paper:

Are you able to read something that has been written by a member of the opposite sex in which they refer to their sexuality, physical form or choice of clothing without telling us all that it gives you a funny feeling in your tummy and you want to touch her in the bathing suit area?
15:47 / 25.06.03
You're in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down...and you see a tortoise, it's crawling toward you...the tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't, not without your help, but you're not helping...

why wouldn't you be helping?
16:45 / 25.06.03
What's a tortoise?
unheimlich manoeuvre
17:27 / 25.06.03
teenage mutant ninja tortoises?
Cat Chant
21:13 / 25.06.03
The single greatest force for evil in the world today is:

(A) Amerikkkan imperialism
(B) Heterosexuality
(C) Nazi lizard milkmen
(D) J K Rowling

The only hope for the future is:

(A) Scrupulous observance of copyright laws
(B) Troops of trained psychick cyborg warriors
(C) Evolving to the next level
(D) Western science
21:46 / 25.06.03
Is a feast of the gods vegan?
22:57 / 25.06.03
A: Moore
B: Morrison
C: McFarlane
23:11 / 25.06.03
Do troops of trained psychick cyborg warriors evoloving to the next level practice Western science?

Have you been Bopped?

What did Trent Reznor say about god?

Would you subvert the rules of a question thread without expecting people to bitch about the definition of the word "subvert?"

Are you Timothy Leary?

Are accordians the new pirates?

A. Manson
B. Darwin
C. Monroe
23:15 / 25.06.03
Unfortunately, yes; I got bopped.
The bastards.
Char Aina
23:31 / 25.06.03
Would you subvert the rules of a question thread without expecting people to bitch about the definition of the word "subvert?"

i might moan about the lameness of the subversion, edits and all.

"move to strike this invigilator from the board...? i see three, four... that's five... carried."

sorry luv, but just becaue you feel you are worth several of us, it doesn't mean you are.
01:19 / 26.06.03
Didn't think the original edit worked, so I posted my questions again, luv.

And I'm worth several of *them*, baby luv.

Bayyyyyyyyyyyybe luv.

Would you rot a thread if it meant eternal bliss?
09:47 / 26.06.03
Do you favour hyperbole or litotes?
10:38 / 26.06.03
Do you feel lucky?
Baz Auckland
10:51 / 26.06.03

Identify 3 ways to sacrifice a goat to Cthulu as well as 5 tasty dishes that can be prepared from the leftovers:

I'm getting flashbacks of 'Shallow Grave' here...
Morlock - groupie for hire
11:36 / 26.06.03
I take it you can explain all this?
13:32 / 26.06.03
20:36 / 02.07.03
What's your strnagest/most powerful dream?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
21:41 / 02.07.03
Why do you bother?


Does it really matter?


Who the fuck is going to clean up when we're all finished?
08:43 / 03.07.03
Who should JKR have killed off in 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'?
08:56 / 03.07.03
Do you want to be part of the innercircle?
unheimlich manoeuvre
10:21 / 03.07.03
i read that as "Who should JFK have killed off in 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'?"
should there be another inquiry?
Yay Paul
11:29 / 03.07.03
Rei, Asuka or Shinji ?

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