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Can't we all be Friendsters?


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16:38 / 21.06.03
Now I know that lots of you must be on the Friendster network (, and i need more virtual friends. So send me an invite email, so that you can see a flattering photo of ms. mononoke as a karaoke superstar.
Matthew Fluxington
17:30 / 21.06.03
But aren't we all "virtual friends" here already?
18:06 / 21.06.03
How are you getting on in the smoke anyway? Has there been a (another) Barb reception for you yet, for all the lamesters who didn't get up to Stokefest?
17:11 / 22.06.03
no, ill. there hasn't...just kindly single barbeloids taking me around the city. i'm having a lovely time so far, but i still need to find a good squat or cheap flat to live in, a real (ha!) job and some summer barbe-lovin'.
04:00 / 23.06.03
Huh. This is what's weird about friendster:

We're already connected.

By three different chains.
07:24 / 23.06.03
Well, it's payday this week for a lot of us, so maybe we can have a big drinking and falling over session?
07:25 / 23.06.03
10:05 / 23.06.03
Payday! This weekend! Drinking! And falling over!

Seems like the least we can do for a new-in-town 'lither...

Someone less fucked than me get down to the Gathering and sort it ahht! NAAAHHH!!!

10:33 / 23.06.03
You trying to take the piss out my "regional accent" Stoatie? I din't fink it showed when I woz typing. Or are you just excited at the prospect of BEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!! and then ... falling over.
11:06 / 23.06.03
Yeah... it was the beer and falling over thing. What tipped you off?
14:23 / 23.06.03
i just sent you a message and a request to add you. sadly, this will probably not be as immediately useful to you since i am rather isolated geographically from you and most of the rest of the Barbelith community.

on an incredibly dorky side note, ever since i joined Friendster, i have had the unfortunate tendency to get lines from gangsta rap songs stuck in my head, where i find the word "Friendsta" substituted for the word "gangsta." my brain has recently moved out of the incessant repetition of Tupac ("Ain't nothin' but a Friendsta party!") to the incessant repetition of 50 Cent ("What up blood? What up cuz? What up blood? What up FriendSTA?")

it's SO LAME, and it JUST WON'T STOP. please help me.
16:32 / 23.06.03
Going from 0 friends to 10644 friends is a little scary.
Eloi Tsabaoth
16:39 / 23.06.03
Just joined up and made various connections. I'm so crap at keeping in touch with my friends that maybe this is exactly what I need. Actually, I think a kick up the backside would help too.
Moriaty, I know exactly what you mean. Can't help picturing them all rushing towards me. I also seem to be connected to Prince William, Ali G and a Cake.
Jack Fear
16:56 / 23.06.03
The Friendster concept weirds me out: it smacks of social engineering by way of a Ponzi scheme, or maybe vice versa.

That's why I turned down Grant's invitation. I just had this awful vision that if you sign up, unless you get someone else to sign up within seven days, the phone rings and then this freaky broke-necked Japanese girl crawls out of your computer monitor and kills you...
19:40 / 23.06.03

Only she comes for those who refuse the invitation, too.

There is a weird mass-marketing feel to it, but I think that's because they're using a mass-marketing technology for non-commercial ends. I was ticked off when I learned that they would send more than one "reminder message" to people who simply hadn't responded to the invite one way or another. A bit annoying, that. Made me look bad.

I'm no longer sure what to *do* with Friendster now. I can't figure out how to introduce somebody to somebody they don't know on there any better than doing it via email. I think the only way to make it different is to have long and accurate "interests" lists and to make them more central to people's profiles somehow. To encourage users to seek out similar interests.
19:59 / 23.06.03
I couldn't even register, kept getting error messages... does this mean I am fated to remain sad and lonely drinking brown ale and blowing my pension on the dogs?
21:36 / 23.06.03
Does somebody wanna explain this whole Friendster thing to me... I was just gonna check it out myself, but you lot have all got me kind of nervous, now. What's the concept?
22:37 / 23.06.03
The basic concept of friendster is that you see, and may correspond with, everyone who deigns to add you as a friend as well everyone they know, plus everyone those people know, up to six iterations. Thus, while I have perhaps 15 friends I have about 60,000 people in my network. The bulk of this is due to a few people in my network who have very long lists of friends -- no doubt they have indiscriminately added anybody who made the request.

It gets interesting when somebody requests to add you as a friend and you neither want to offend nor add that person.

It is more or less a personal-advertisement service, one that offers the socially awkward possibly even less hope of getting laid than a service designed explicitly for that purpose.
23:44 / 23.06.03
the whole idea of Friendster is that you should only meet or be introduced to people that someone you knew and trusted could vouch for. in many cases, these would be people you knew in real life.

people only show up on your list if someone you know knows them or someone they know. unlike, say, LiveJournal, where anyone who happens to come by can see your profile and your (public) journal entries and start bugging you, there's theoretically an additional level of trust/reputation verification screening you from the Great Unwashed Masses (tm).

then, since everyone you see on there should be a friend of a friend (of a friend etc), you can avoid the whole awkwardness and embarassment of getting to know people online, especially (and this is the big part) if you want to eventually translate that relationship from a strictly online one to a flesh-and-blood one.

the advantage here is that someone, somewhere has verified that this person is who they say they are and can vouch for a reasonable degree of sanity. this helps out a lot for online matchmaking, but also for connecting multiple groups of friends through one or two people they know in common also.

i'm not sure how well practice matches theory, but that's the idea, anyway. i know that i've helped undermine the system by adding people (like mononoke, actually) whom i don't actually know for certain are on the level and haven't bothered to verify through a third party, and i know that other people have been far worse about inviting anyone who reads their blog/LJ to add them, which defeats the whole purpose.
bio k9
23:57 / 23.06.03
I'm going to go outside and say "Hi" to a stranger instead.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:02 / 24.06.03
...uncovers a crisis in the political imagination, a wide-spread failure to provide a profound sense of community "in which our need of belonging can be met."
Murray Hamhandler
01:00 / 25.06.03
...and see a real live tiger, while I'm at it.

Friendster seems patently un-user-friendly. I can't figure out exactly what to do w/the bugger. So I've not done much at all w/it, really. It's novel, in it's own way, but it's a bit too much of an irritant for me to truly appreciate its novelty.
09:18 / 25.06.03
I'm not sure I'm getting this, but you can email if you'd like to be in my network. Joy joy.

Wondering if I should unfriend this one dude who sent me a request from... someplace. Why does he want to be my friend? I just registered.

This'll be a good place to keep in touch with people, I guess.

Or maybe just another way to consume time.

Or maybe I'll stick to people I know IRL for this thing. Derrr.
09:26 / 25.06.03
I just joined, pretty painless but I have no friends! I just did a search for people within the UK and there said there weren't any? Add me - add me!!
17:59 / 26.06.03
Putting "Barbelith" in the interests list would probably be good idea...
20:02 / 03.07.03
i finally hopped on ye olde friendster bandwagon.
i thought you could check out the profiles of the friends of yr friends (i have *one* so far), but it's not letting me. can anyone explain that to me? i'm not too bright, in fact i'm dictating this while someone types it and i just sit here and reapply my lipstick, over and over.
20:28 / 03.07.03
Far as I know Friendster's been rampantly suffering from too much access so they're probably running around screaming, Macauley Caulkin stylee.

Which is really turning me off the site lately.
17:28 / 05.07.03
Weird - I was just invited to join by a long lost friend.

So I'm on there now, email addy
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
18:03 / 05.07.03
I'm on it now...Why, I have no idea.
11:04 / 17.07.03
friendster (at), if you're interested
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:28 / 23.07.03
So, one of my most excessively hipster friends has invited me to this - if you get an invite from some faceless joe, it's me, mononono dude.
ibis the being
17:38 / 25.07.03
A (live) friend invited me some months back, I accepted, & I forgot about it till now. Checking back in I find I have just shy of 20,000 "friends," despite never having used the thing. (Am I supposed to sift through TWENTY THOUSAND profiles??) Given that the friend who invited me is prone to such leisure activities as breaking into a suspicious sprint when she leaves the bank, her vouching for anyone means either nothing or something terrifying.

That is to say, Friendster is totally pointless.
17:46 / 25.07.03
i don't think friendster is pointless cos i eat up that six degrees of separation shit like woah. it's fascinating to me. it truly has influenced my worldview, i no longer think it's weird when i find out two people from totally different ends of my life know each other. now i almost expect that stuff.
the stuff that really makes it pointless is the fake people who have hundreds of friends. so you don't feel the ppl who are friends w/them are vouched for much at all.
does anyone else get random pm's from it? i get one at least every day, and not just from dudes tryin to e-mack, either. (altho' that mostly seems the case.)
Tryphena Absent
22:39 / 25.07.03
I too have joined Friendster. Actually I joined months ago but didn't verify it until I started entering data in to a computer for six hours every day... it might as well be my data.

I will probably never bother to hunt you people down or add a photo or log on ever again. Well, until Monday when I'm bored shitless. I saw all of you and then I left again to do no work.
23:01 / 25.07.03
I think it's pretty pointless, but how does that make it differ from the rest of the stuff I do on the net?

Plus you can leave interesting comments on other people's profiles.

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