Flux: of course kids are a massive part of the target demographic. How could they not be? The film's about massive robots that fight with laser-swords and photon missiles and turn into guns, planes and trucks! Come on! Yeah, geekboys like that shit too, but so does every. little. boy. in. the. world.
And, AAAARGH, of course this movie will suck - you don't have to be a genius to figure that out - but as long as it's got 'massive robots that fight with laser-swords and photon missiles and turn into guns, planes and trucks' then, fuck it, I'm happy. I'll spend a couple of hours of a summer afternoon watching Megatron bosh Optimus with his shoulder cannon and that's just fine by me. It won't change my world, but who bloody cares.
I like 'Attanarjat: the long runner' as much as the next man, but there's room for this shit, also. |