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While I agree with Flux that this movie will probably be trash, I have to disagree about the vehicle shifting properties of the robots. This was a premise written solely to sell lots and lots of toys. When children were bored with buying the trucks and jets, the writers changed the robots into animals or "headmasters" or I think there were even "targetmasters" with little people that turned into guns for the robots. If the robots were able to just change into anything, then the Transformer toys and Transformer mugs and Transformer refrigerator message boards would lose that trickle down marketing niche. Look at how many food products now have pictures of The Hulk on them. Because, you know, my Reese's Peanut Butter Cups were flooded with gamma radiation and that's why I can buy four for the price of two now. Like Pokemon after it, I think the Transformer franchise is based on the physical toy product, not on the story or plot of the characters. This is why I predict that while the film will be trash, it will make oodles of money, because gobs of fanboys and fatbeards will flood the theaters to relive their lost childhood, no matter how atrocious the story is or pathetic the CGI is. |