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16:34 / 26.09.01
"Most people" isn't everyone. 90% of the US thinks that military action is the way to go. Maybe "sheep" isn't the term for this idiocy... but you were the one who used it. Not me. I don't judge people. I wouldn't look at someone going to work and think "society product" without knowing them. That's ridiculous. It upsets me that you would think I would do something like this. You're the one who's judging.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
16:54 / 26.09.01
Want a revolution to hook up with?

How about we try to change the coming Xenophic, jingoist crap that always comes out of patriotism into the kind of care for each other the news people are talking about?

I like the idea os us just fucking being kind to each other instead of snarling at that bastard because You Don't Have Enough of Yours yet. Do it in ways that spread...

Last time I was on a plane, I was on the tarmac for 20 minutes. I gave the kid next to me my Gameboy and led a bunch of people singing the Brady Bunch theme. Be Nice To People Who Don't Deserve it. Do magik for folks you don't know and never will.

Jesus, maybe we could do what the Baby Boomers were too self-indulgent to do.

Make things better without making things cost money.
The Return Of Rothkoid
07:51 / 27.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Rage:
I don't judge people.
Well, you are, actually. You consistently talk about how people fail to think for themselves. Your line quote:I don't like to see innocent people become unwilling victims of such control.suggests that you have determined that these people are somehow under constraint when you don't actually know if they are or not. You made that call, not them; that'd be your take on the facts. Elsewhere on the board, you've referred to how stupid you think that the professor in your English class is, because he's not set aflame by your take on what you're studying. Isn't that a judgement, also? As was your labelling people in this thread mean before flouncing off-board for a while, because they were asking questions about your motivations and posting style.

You want a revolution? Good. But if you're going to say you're doing it for the betterment of everyone else, unless you know them individually and have asked their opinion, you're going to, to a certain extent, make a judgement/generalisation call. Everybody does it; especially here.

But enough pissing about the point! Solitaire Rose has the right fucking idea. I'm a curmudgeonly fucker, but agree that the efforts suggested are a step in the right direction. Even though that'd require me to actually be nice to people...

[ 27-09-2001: Message edited by: Rothkoid ]
13:30 / 27.09.01
Blah blah blah blah blah. You're just trying to start shit. You're the only person who's judging around here. Going by your standards of judgmental, everyone in the WORLD is judgmental. This means that unless you decide to call EVERYONE here judgmental, you're judging me by singling me out in relation to the judgmental spectrum. This means that you're a being hypocrite. I could easily create a loose definition of any adjective in existence, and show you how it describes you through means of quoting and opinion stating.

Saying that most people don't think for themselves isn't saying that this person and that person don't think for themselves. It's saying that "most people" don't think for themselves, which I think you would agree with.

I don't understand what crawled up your ass, but I really think you should pull it out of there. Just a suggestion.

Starting now, I will be nice.
The Strobe
14:10 / 27.09.01
Have you seen my grout?
20:10 / 27.09.01
Man, why did I ever start this thread? I feel like such a bitch. I don't want to argue with anyone here ever again. I won't get so defensive anymore. I'm just not used to people calling me on my shit like this. I kind of wish that I was. Bio, I understand why you wanted an explanation for revolution. I would have asked myself the same thing. I was just insulted by the "something thinks that revolution is about smoking pot" comment. I took it offensively, and decided to leave the board to prove some sort of point to myself. It was immature of me. I do think the break was good for me though. Posting here can be really addicting, and I needed to go a few days without it.

Roth, that last reply of mine was really bitchy. Maybe you weren't trying to start shit, and you were honestly trying to help me see my inconsistencies. You just seemed a little bit harsh. I don't think I'm a judgmental person, but I understand what you're saying. I guess it depends on your definition of the word.

I'm sorry everyone. No more arguing. This is the end of me arguing with anyone here. Let the revolution of kindness begin. We're all in this together.
autopilot disengaged
20:34 / 27.09.01
i think any thread devoted to 'revolution' as a kind of generalized abstraction was always going to collapse under its own weight. for my money, threads work best when there's a definite proposition to be analysed.

so let me suggest one: i don't wanna talk about revolution right now. right now, our countries may be on the brink of WAR. and there is not going to be a revolution because public support is stuffed right up to the bloody bayonet.

for my money, this kind of abstract ideal, while fine and dandy for theorising and formulating future plans is IRRELEVENT right now. right now, just to keep yr head and not join in the calls for blood, revenge - is to be counter-reactionary - and therefore as close to revolutionary as we deserve.

RIGHT NOW i suggest shelving the utopian project and doing our best to turn our energies to fighting war, to combatting disinformation. make our peace a virus. call for justice, not revenge.

(sings) "...shame me, flame me, you'll never tame me..."

02:58 / 28.09.01

lets all just take a minute and


i love fresh starts, now...

Regrettable Juvenilia
07:44 / 28.09.01
"Counter-reactionary" - great term, autopilot... Think maybe you're right and that sums up where we need to be right now.
11:38 / 29.09.01
Totally. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not a pacifist (meaning I WILL fight and/or die... preferably not the latter... for stuff I believe in... and a centuries-old holy war that's just been looking for a venue ain't wven CLOSE to any of the things I would fight for)
and I know quoting lyrics to support your argument is one of the most heinous sins a human can commit- but Crass knew what they were talking about...
09:02 / 05.10.01
"a revolutionary moves through the people like a fish through the water" Che'
There was a coalition between the far right (Birchers, Minutemen etc) and the far left
(Weather Underground, Black Panthers, etc)
that planned a revolution to "restore the US Constitution" and get gov't back from the rich governing elite.
We began at midnight July 4, 1976 EST.
By one AM all news media carried no story other than the Isralie hostage situation at Entebbe airport in Uganda.
Within three days hundreds were quietly arrested, dozens vanished without any trace, and we (all groups in the coalition) found that most of our leaders were "agents provocateur" from federal and state agencies.
Be very careful if you seriously want to discuss this topic.
Automatic recording is tripped even when you use code words. Some of the cookies on your hard drive will let the feds access a list of every website you have ever been to.
If you really want to understand what is happening in the USA now, read about Germany in the 1930's.
After their terrorist "reichstag fire", their Office of Homeland Security (RSHA/ Gestapo) rounded up suspected terrorists such as anyone who criticized their right wing President or his "God and country conservative party"
When the media focus solely one any one thing (Condit for example) something big is coming down!
The magician waves a flourish with one hand while he does the trick with the other.
"Be afraid. Be very afraid!"
Frances Farmer
09:22 / 05.10.01
Hey, Sirius -

Tell me a bit more about your experience, would'ya? Did your group intend or plan illegal activities, or was it more of an ontology-based shift? Did you discuss destruction of property, drug running, money laundering, et al? What were your plans like? I knew there was some wack-ass shit going down back then, but I've never heard a direct account of the agent-provacateur scenario.

Sorry about the wack-ass comment. Too much MC Hawking for me.
09:22 / 05.10.01

quote:Be very careful if you seriously want to discuss this topic.
Automatic recording is tripped even when you use code words. Some of the cookies on your hard drive will let the feds access a list of every website you have ever been to.

Are you paranoid, or am I naive?
autopilot disengaged
09:22 / 05.10.01
i'd guess the former, but what the hey - worth a go: (ahem) fuck the American Government: fuck the CIA: fuck the FBI: fuck the British Government: fuck the MI5: fuck the WTO and IMF and G8 and NATO.

fuck y'all: YOU DON'T OWN THE WORLD.
09:22 / 05.10.01
You are naive.
echelon is real, carnivore is real
the police state forms on the right
I am dead serious about this; no BS.
"He that would give up liberty
for security deserves
neither liberty nor security"
Ben Franklin
09:22 / 05.10.01
You cannot be sirius.
bio k9
10:57 / 05.10.01
If they are monitoring everything we type why would you put yourself at risk by telling us (a bunch of people you don't know) anything? Even if they come and get you and we never hear from you again, well, we probably woln't remember this anyway. In the future I'd start out with "I will reveal more when the time comes" or "Its not safe for me to tell you of such things at this time" or some such shit.
bio k9
11:00 / 05.10.01
And Rage isn't naive; she's stoned.

Frances Farmer
17:54 / 05.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Bio K-9, the Judgmental Jigger:
If they are monitoring everything we type why would you put yourself at risk by telling us (a bunch of people you don't know) anything? Even if they come and get you and we never hear from you again, well, we probably woln't remember this anyway. In the future I'd start out with "I will reveal more when the time comes" or "Its not safe for me to tell you of such things at this time" or some such shit.

Echelon is real. It does not trap all text, all transmission. It does trap a large amount. Most of what Echelon monitors is international in relation to the U.S. Some of what Echelon monitors is internal (U.S.) exchange. Echelon is technologically imperfect, but still frighteningly effective.

Carnivore is real. Carnivore is run by the FBI, and has many technological limitations. Carnivore ostensibly involves e-mail. It is technologically capable of monitoring more from what I can tell from the specifications (which are publically available), but there aren't sufficient deployments for such advanced functionality yet. Carnivore is a relatively focused tool.

Please don't dismiss information out of hand without checking the research. Both Echelon and Carnivore are internationally recognized as very, very real intelligence apparati.

It has nothing to do with 'them' monitoring 'everything' as you say. They monitor specific types of exchanges for specific types of information. Is that so far-fetched?

I think people should be warned that there's a fine line between critical induction of all new information and stifling the flow of possible information by refusing out of hand to consider the evidence. An open mind is not closed to foreign thought ; but should always consider and weigh the data being inducted. Here you have demonstrated a lack of desire to consider the data, dismissing it out of hand purely, it would appear, out of association (you seem to think anyone who is concerned about governmental abuse of surveillence power is a Laila/Chrome/RRM fictionsuit). In fact, I have a moderately researched piece regarding Echelon in the 'zine, under either the Switchboard or the Labatory. You'll notice I cite as resources patents registered to the NSA (National Security Association) and white-papers published by the NSF (Nation Science Foundation). Take a look. It's very, very real.

While I don't vouch for everything Sirius has to say, he's not full of shit in this particular instance. I'm sympathetic to your feelings if I'm correct about your reaction being a knee-jerk out of fear of encountering another Laila/Chrome/RRM clone. However, what Sirius has to say here is not nearly in the same territory as insisting the world is run by blood drinking reptilian paedophiles, and that difference should be noted.
Frances Farmer
17:59 / 05.10.01
Oh .. And Sirius ... Did you (Ahem) Siruisly blow some shit up? That's not the sort of 'Revolution' most of us are all about around here, so I don't think your concerns are valid - though appreciated.

But that's not what I was curious about, really. I want to know more about agents-provacateurs. I am quite aware of documented instances, in the Black Panthers, for example ... Gosh. I almost can't be bothered. I can't believe you people actually tried to blow shit up.


Interesting data, but I've got to say, I just don't see that as an acceptable or effective way of creating positive change.

Why did you?
autopilot disengaged
18:07 / 05.10.01
not to forestall sirius' answer, which i too would be interested in hearing - i'd just like to say: yeah, sure - echelon is real. i've been involved in agitating against the US' planned expansion of Yorkshire's Menwith Hill base for this very reason. but - after the catastrophic intelligence SNAFU of 911, i just find it difficult to run scared from it.
18:56 / 05.10.01
you axed for it:

Sirius, aren't you afraid that they're reading what you're writing now? Please share the code words that they pick up from our writing with me. Or can you not share the code words, because they can tell when you're sharing them with a tracking device? Will they punish you if you share the code words? Wouldn't sharing information about these code words be helpful to us, fellow revolutionary? Whos side are you on?
bio k9
20:08 / 05.10.01
Frances, my problem is this:
quote:Originally posted by sirius:
Within three days hundreds were quietly arrested, dozens vanished without any trace, and we (all groups in the coalition) found that most of our leaders were "agents provocateur" from federal and state agencies.
Be very careful if you seriously want to discuss this topic.
Automatic recording is tripped even when you use code words. Some of the cookies on your hard drive will let the feds access a list of every website you have ever been to.
If you really want to understand what is happening in the USA now, read about Germany in the 1930's.

If I was a part of a group and "dozens vanished without any trace" and the "leaders were 'agents provacateur'" sent by the government, I would be a little bit more careful about who I tried to tell my story to. I certainly wouldn't share it on a bulletin board with people I've never met. After all, any of us could be the enemy. But thats just me.
Frances Farmer
20:17 / 05.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Bio K-9, the Judgmental Jigger:
Frances, my problem is this:

If I was a part of a group and "dozens vanished without any trace" and the "leaders were 'agents provacateur'" sent by the government, I would be a little bit more careful about who I tried to tell my story to. I certainly wouldn't share it on a bulletin board with people I've never met. After all, any of us could be the enemy. But thats just me.


Yeah. I can see your point. On the flipside, though, you know, if the statute of limitations is up and he's no longer involved in illegal activities, he doesn't have too much to worry about.

But maybe he's an agent-provateur testing the waters to see if he can convince Barbelith members to subscribe to the "Blow Shit Up" mentality.

09:07 / 07.10.01
09:07 / 07.10.01
Declan Cullagh, (Journalist at sends these links to support my paranoid ravings.,2100,47051,00.html,1283,46747,00.html,1283,47006,00.html,2100,47307,00.html
I add: ordo ab chao (order out of chaos)
"There is no such thing as a free press. You know and I know it. There is not one of you who would dare to write his honest opinion. The business of a journalist is to destroy truth, to lie outright, tp pervert, to vilify, fall at the feet of Mammon, and sell himself for daily bread. We are tools, vessels of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping jacks. They pull the strings, we dance. Our talents, our possibillities and our lives are the properties of these men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
-- John Swainton, the ex-editor of the NY Times, addressing his staff on the day of his retirement.
Mystery Gypt
07:58 / 08.10.01
so... what does "the flag goes up" mean, btw?
11:22 / 09.10.01
"This is how it is because this is how it has to be,"
said one law-enforcement official.
"This is a police state now."
Frances Farmer
02:32 / 12.10.01

With all due respect:

Barbelith has a long, long history of self-censorship. If someone doesn't approve of your points or what you have to say, they'll argue you into oblivion. I don't believe I've ever seen someone locked out of threads or hte board due to unpopular opinions. Evidence; Laila, RRM, Chrome. In fact, I'm not sure UBB supports, technologically, barring an individual from one thread at a time.

I admit the atmosphere around here can become startling cliquish and territorial at times, but I don't honestly believe anyone is censoring you. If you have something to say and can't post in a thread, copy the subject matter you're responding to and open a new thread.
04:42 / 12.10.01
Actually, that happens all the time. About once or twice a month, I reckon. I'm not sure about the technical reasoning behind it, but needless to say no one can access those threads you refer to, or any thread touched by the creeping death that is member 722.

At least until Tom fixes it.
05:07 / 12.10.01
In the meantime, sirius appears to enjoy rotting every thread ze comes by; instead of warning us that we shouldn't talk about planning the reptilian paedophile revolution through manipulating local lexics.
07:08 / 12.10.01
thanks Moriarty,
your response is reasonable and informative as opposed to tom's.
Never been shut out of certain selected posts before so it is a new experience to me. I've only been on the net since it was DARPA back in the late '70's. So this is a new experience.
being shut out of only selected forums.
08:29 / 12.10.01
It's really not spelled "zieg", you know. Although not being able to spell in German presumably shows how very non-Nazi you are.

Try going back to the same threads now - see what happens. I got the same error message while trying to post this morning.

Oh yes, and grow the Hell up. Think before you start throwing accusations around. Tom runs this board as a non-profit-making service and should as such possibly be credited with a chance to explain himself, rather than an abusive email (sent, as it happens, to the wrong person) and this psychotic threadrot.
11:25 / 12.10.01
<sniffs keyboard suspiciously>

And Tom 'Benito' Coates can bloody quit it with the suggestible keyboard vapours too...
Mordant Carnival
16:27 / 12.10.01
Look! If you watch the targetty thing next to the word "Underground", you can see him jumping up and down and waving.

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