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US and Israel in a huff after being accused of racism.


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bio k9
14:21 / 13.09.01
quote:Originally posted by runt:
"A bunch of people get blown up by a suicide bomber? Fuck it! Who gives a shit? It's time the white middle class establishment woke up to what's really going on, man: the real world's full of death and war and cultures desperate to self destruct - stop romanticising everything! Yeah!"

I know you were being facetious but...a day later...FUCK.
14:37 / 13.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Ice Honkey/Turbo Shark:
There's this bullshit, liberal, humanist notion that every society is capable or 'deserving' of survivial, when in fact, many societies do everything in their power to self destruct. Change your narritives or perish. Societies have to transform themselves. You can lead a horse to water....

You mean like the way the US, or to some extent the entire industrialised West, guzzles power and fossil fuel reserves, has no recycling infrastructure to speak of, piles up its rubbish, contributes massively to climate changes which endanger it and the rest of the world, and refuses to enter into any agreement seeking to curb the destruction of the planet which might ask it to behave a little better?

Or the way that some atavistic, primitive multinational pharmaceutical companies refuse until forced to consider reducing the cost of AIDS treatments in the Third World, even though they know it will cause not only massive suffering but also political destabilisation?

Or....did I misunderstand?

(altered to make the point that I'm not America-bashing, as such, just suggesting that people screw other people over in places without witch doctors as well)

[ 13-09-2001: Message edited by: The Haus of Willow ]

[ 13-09-2001: Message edited by: The Haus of Willow ]

[ 13-09-2001: Message edited by: The Haus of Willow ]
14:50 / 13.09.01
if I'm reading correctly, Haus, I think you got I-Honk's (I-Ho?) point dead on. It's one of those statements that requires one finger pointing out, and three curled back.
Molly Shortcake
17:57 / 19.09.01
Dead on Haus. Changing American narritives would heavily involve the media IMH. Very problematic. America arguably holds the fate of the world in it's hands.

To be fair, I'm not too good at changing my own personal narritives lately, things I know intellictually to be false.

There's this film (I can't remeber the name) I saw in Coco Fuscos post/colonism class by a famous Palestenian filmaker. After five years of research, his film about the civil conflict was.....strange. The characters didn't take it seriously at all. It was made fun of through out the whole thing. Needless to say very few people got it (me included).
In retrospect, it's really funny and some of just what the region needs.

She stated something to the effect that after a certain period of time, conflicts become narritives and people more or less have 'forgotten' why they originally started fighting.

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