Off the tip, top, the tippity-top, I’d like to say hey stop with the “yeah erh just to qualify i am only a layman and am no philosophy graduate so sorry if my questioning is random and halfbaked...” I tend to feel that every human is a philosopher, artist, and scientist—if we can’t communicate our experiences amongst ourselves, then we’re pretty screwed. What I mean is all these questions are good questions and don’t worry about qualificatin’ yer status!
“what i wondering about is Bertrand Russell and his attempts with Whitehead (?) to create a system that didn't contradict itself. i know this was refuted by Godel but there are lots of puzzles there.”
What you are referring to here is the work that R & W did to produce the Principia Mathematica. This work stems from work that Frege did with predicate logic and mathematics. In the Principia we find the formal beginnings of what is called “logicism.” This is the attempt to frame mathematics in terms of logic. So here we can note a distinction between what gets called a “formal language” (maths and logics) and a “natural language” (English, Greek, Swahili, etc.). Where the Principia runs into problems is that for much of its important work it needs to assume “the axiom of infinity.” This axiom is problematic in some systems, and some people, finitists such as Hilbert, wanted a consistent way to talk about infinity that stemmed from proofs using finitary means.
Now, it’s true that Godel showed that a formal language can’t be both complete and consistent. There is a thread on the proof here. To me, this is again connected with problems with infinity. There is a thread on infinity here. Myself, I feel that I ought to be better able to explain Godel’s proof, but I still currently “get it” at an intuitive level. Rudy Rucker gives a good discussion of it, that is comprehensible without having done any logic courses, in his “Infinity and the Mind.” Look for it at yer library! In a sense, it has to do with figuring out a way to code up an infinite number of infinities in a way that shows that some statements are True, but the language does not have the resources to prove that these statements are true. Here’s Rucker’s take:
1. Someone introduces Godel to UTM, a machine that is supposed to be a Universal Truth Machine [i.e., it operates with a language that is complete—it “knows” everything and it is consistent—everything it “knows” it knows to be true], capable of correctly answering any question at all.
2. Godel asks for the program and circuit details of the UTM. The program may be complicated, but it can only be finitely long. Call the program P(UTM) for Program of the Universal Truth Machine.
3. Smiling a little, Godel writes out the following sentence: “The machine constructed on the basis of the program P(UTM) will never say that this sentence is true.” Call this sentence G for Godel. Note that G is equivalent to “UTM will never say G is true.”
4. Now Godel laughs his high laugh and asks UTM whether G is true or not.
5. If UTM says G is true, the “UTM will never say G is true” is false. If “UTM will never say G is true” is false, then G is false (since G = “UTM will never say G is true”). So if UTM says that G is true, then G is in fact false, and UTM has made a false statement. So UTM will never say that G is true, since UTM only makes true statements.
6. We have established that UTM will never say G is true. So “UTM will never say G is true” is in fact a true sentence. So G is true (since G = “UTM will never say that G is true.”).
7. “I know a truth that UTM can never utter,” Godel says, “I know that G is true. UTM is not truly universal.”
Like Rucker goes on to say, this is similar to the “Liar’s Paradox,” but Godel’s proof has more depth and subtlety. It is not the mere inability to evaluate the sentence, “This sentence is false,” but rather, the proof shows that we can know a statement in a formal language is true, but the language itself does not have the resources to show that this statement is true.
So, when you ask, “if a system is ‘sufficiently complex’ a strange loop occurs and meaning arises despite itself?” some might ask you to be more precise about some of your terms, but I’m gonna’ stick my neck out (but only a little, really) and say that yes, what you are saying here makes sense to me. It does seem that a complex enough system (even if the axioms—the “program” in Rucker’s example—are finite) will create a sort of infinity that is simply neither assessable or accessible to our best possible formal language. And I do tend to feel that this is due to a strange loop—one created in contradiction, paradox, and absurdity—and that it is this loop which is the generator (of meaning, of things, of relations, etc.). I also feel this is entirely a function of self-referencing. I think that Godel’s formal proof relies on showing how it is possible to code up a sentence in arithmetic in such a way that we get a whole infinite set of sentences that are True, but arithmetic can’t say that they’re true because it would be false for it to say so, and each of these sentences relies on a self-referencing property of the coding protocol.
OK, so I also feel that mathematics and logics are languages that are most clearly metaphorical in nature—they are, after all, often called “abstract.” Maths talk about numbers as its objects; in other words, a numbers is assigned to something as if it were a number. Logics talk about statements as it objects; in other words, letters and symbols are assigned to something as if it were letters and symbols. In both case it seems to me that we are “applying an name or description to something which it is not [logically] applicable.” In any natural language this also seems to occur. For example, in English we assign the word ‘dog’ to something as if it were a dog. Our meta-phoros brings “dog” to whatever phenomena we experience that seems dog-like. Again, we seem to apply a name or description which is not logically applicable to the thing. In a sense, the self-referencing of the language is ourselves: we cannot, as speakers of English really answer the question, given our experience of a dog-like phenomena, “Was that really a dog?” because in doing so we can only rely on the fact that we have arbitrarily assigned the word ‘dog’ to the dog-like phenomena. In other words, we know that we have experienced a dog, but we cannot rely on our language to consistently prove that we have indeed experienced a ‘dog’. The proof is self-referential with respect to the very meaning of the word ‘dog’ and that meaning is found in 1) the shared universal meaning of ‘dog’ in the English language, and 2) the particular internalized meaning of ‘dog’ with respect to the individual user of English.
This is a little of an aside, but if our best formal language cannot be both consistent and complete, then how in the world do we expect our natural languages to adequately convey the “whole of the truth,” i.e., the entirety of what we intend to relate of our experience? Put differently, if there are an infinite number of knowable true sentences in arithmetic that the language of arithmetic itself cannot say are true, then how many more true sentences are there in, say, English—a natural language less precise and defined than a formal language—that are knowable as true, and yet not provable to be true. An example might be “ESP exists”—who knows?
“also there are questions about etymology in language and meaning and seemingly non metaphorical connections between words dependent upon origin.”
Always questions about etymology—words are power, and part of the power, as in any good witch’s brew, comes from the roots! I would argue (like I have been) that there are only “seemingly non-metaphorical connections between words” and things in any linguistic circumstance. I feel very agreeable with C.E when s/he says “Speech definitely started as metaphor and then became more and more abstract over time.” I would say that, yes, in a sense it became more abstract over time as the same sound (and later picture, symbol, or text) became associated with the same phenomena; thus, we get the universalization of the meta-phoros—it dies and becomes the truth: the sound, image, symbol, or text ‘dog’ truly means dog-like phenomena.
“makes me think of heidegger and his belief that german (?)language was based on ancient greek (logos) where/when the word and its meaning was united...”
My Heidegger is rather sketchy—I’d have to do some research to comment. You could, if you can, say more also…
“also thinking of derrida and play... with the "death of god" and the lack of a transcendental signifier in the language system is there a lack of legitimacy and logic in...”
Hmm, I think I get a sense of what you might be saying about Derrida and “play,” but are you clear on what you’re trying to say? What does Derrida’s notion of “play” mean to you (don’t worry about the depth of your answer, but please, try to answer)? Derrida put forth the idea that there is “nothing outside the text.” While I think that, in a certain sense this is pure rubbish, in another sense it is right on the money. What I feel is right about this is that the words only refer and defer their meanings to and through one and other, or to use Derridese there is “differance” in the “play” of words.
“Death of God,” I think this is a Nietzsche thing and not Derrida (although Derrida might certainly “play” with some of N’s ideas and works—reading N with a “deconstructionist” interpretation). Lack of transcendental signifier might be Saussure, but again, I’m getting into sketchier territory here and would have to do research to comment. And for you, dear unheimlich, it sounds to me that you’d quite enjoy a trip the library—as the ancients said “Lege, lege, et relege” (“read, read, and reread!’). |