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Language: speaking about speaking.

—| x |—
05:47 / 17.05.03
Some of us had talked a little about the idea of all language being metaphorical (scroll down a touch, looking for the paragraph with ‘ALL LANGUAGE’ embedded in it), and then grant’s thread was sorta’ derailed when Lurid and I got to talking about the language of science as being metaphorical. So, I figured it might be fun to talk about language in general and framing all language as metaphor in particular.

I suppose we could go anywhere at this point. I mean, we could discuss the pros and cons of the view—why it won’t work, why it would, what work would it do, what couldn’t it do, etc. But Lurid had commented that he figured

…there are problems with the science [as] metaphor line as it seems to me to make it harder to distinguish between action and speech act.

I’d certainly like to hear more about this from Lurid. In the meantime, I do wonder about the distinction between action and speech act. It appears to me that a speech act is the performance of an action. Why might we want to make this distinction and what might this have to do with taking language to be metaphorical?

And with respect to the discussion of the language of science as metaphor, Lurid also commented that

Moreover, it makes it much harder to discuss many of the trappings of science like instruments, double blind experiments and falsifiability.

Again, it would be great to hear more about this from Lurid—but for anyone interested: in what way would taking language as metaphorical make it more difficult to discuss the things that Lurid mentions in particular, or what other things would the view make “harder to discuss”? What might it overlook or set aside? In what ways might it break down completely—or is it nonsense from the start?

Or what are other ways we might look at language?
13:09 / 17.05.03
I always thought of language as a tool or instrument, or yes even a map. The word is not the thing, yes I think were all familiar with that one. Metaphors help to communicate meaning by restricting what a thing can mean, but at the same time language kind of hypnotizes a monkey brain so that meaning becomes ignored and responses to words become automatic. We are conditioned to react a certain way towards certain words. In the fifty's if I called someone a communist or a nigger loving jew, those words would have triggered certain responses, now they trigger different responses. Language in that context can be considered a reflection of the social norms and standards of the time, a metaphor of social interaction that goes unnoticed.
—| x |—
05:56 / 05.06.03
I thought, given the population of theory bitches around here, that this thread might generate a little more interest—what theory bitch worth hir salt doesn’t want to talk about language? Then it dawned on me: perhaps, if only you said a little more about what you mean, dear chap, then these lean, mean, theory bitch machines would come tearing out of the woodwork to eat you alive!—or not. Anyway, here’s a little more to work with, perhaps.

It’s always good to start with a definition, so here’s the definition of ‘metaphor’ from the Oxford Dictionary of Current English:

1 application of a name or a description to something to which it is not literally applicable (e.g. ‘a glaring error’) 2 an instance of this. [Latin from Greek]

Now this same dictionary also defines ‘meta-’ as:

1 denoting change in position or condition (metabolism) 2 denoting position: a behind, after, or beyond (metaphysics) b of a higher or second order kind (metalanguage). [Greek ‘meta’ with, after]

And, this might be stretching the etymology—what do I know, -phoros is ‘-bringing’ in Greek. So, in a sense, we might have in ‘metaphor’ the idea of “bringing a higher or second order.” In other words, by using a metaphor we construct a meaning that is “above, behind, or beyond” the usual meaning of the words employed. Or perhaps better, the construction of a metaphor uses the common meanings of words, but juxtaposed in such a way as to generate new meaning or illustrate a connection between things that wasn’t present in the original words alone. In this sense the meaning of a metaphor emerges from the composition of the standard meaning of words. However, this has not yet said anything about all language being metaphorical.

To get to all language as being, at base, metaphorical, I think it might be informative to look at what is termed “dead metaphors.” Dead metaphors are metaphors that have been used often enough that their meaning is no longer so surprising or the connection that the metaphor makes is no longer novel. In a sense, the meaning that was “above, behind, or beyond” appears to sink, withdraw, or enfold itself back into the standard meaning through common usage. An example, I think, might be the expression “cool as a cucumber.” Now, while this was at one time a novel metaphor in the language and likely served a similar but by no means identical effect of a Zen koan perhaps, the repeated use of this metaphor makes it become, in a sense, cliché, and the novel connection or meaning that it may have once carried becomes lost in the equating of ‘cool as a cucumber’ = ‘very cool’. We have lost the emergent meaning of the metaphor. Originally, perhaps, we might have been beckoned to have a moment’s thought about how here ‘cool’ = ‘not excited, composed, calmly bold, very good’ which contains no direct connection to ‘cucumber’ = ‘a long, green-skinned fruit with firm, white flesh, used in salads or preserved as pickles’. When this metaphor was “alive” its metaphorical meaning was generated by the juxtaposition of things used in salads or made into pickles with an attitude of composed behaviour or with some event or thing being very good. However, with repeated use, this novel side of its meaning, unless reflected upon, seems to have disappeared.

The next step we’ll take is looking at the idea that the majority of our language is made out of dead metaphors. To get to this, we will take a quick detour through a Hegelian conception of language. Hegel felt that our language could never actually mean what we wanted to say; rather, the speaking of language was always conveying something about the universal when we would have it mean something about the particular. He discusses this in his chapter on Sense-Perception in The Phenomenology of Spirit. In other words, in using language we seem to bring something to our perceptions of sense-experience which is not directly present in the experience itself. While it might be a stretch of the Oxford definition, it does seem as if in using language in an attempt to convey our perceptions of a particular experience we are “applying an name or description to something which it is not [logically] applicable.” In other words, we would like to logically convey something about the particular, but in our interpreting of the particular sense experience we bring to that sense experience, through our language, something that is not logically present in the thing—we speak of the universal when what we experience is the particular. In this sense a meta-phoros is the bringing of language after or with the particular sense experience.

Now, what seems to be the case is that language develops out of bringing this novel meaning or connection with particular sense experience. Thus, through common and shared use, this emergent meaning becomes fixed and no longer surprising. For example, ‘rock’ refers to a certain sensory experience and when we use the word ‘rock’, even though we logically mean the universal—that what we can logically mean can only be the universal experience of the phenomena of rock and not what is brought to the particular experience of rock as a function of its and our own specificity—we are under the illusion that we mean the particular. Put differently, the meanings of our words were all, at one time or another, ways of bringing novel meaning and connections to particular sense experiences; however, over time the constructed and novel nature of this meaning and connection becomes effaced through use. In other words, our language is largely made up of dead meta-phoros: we have been lured into thinking we can say something specific and true through our words, when we can only mean something universal, and thus, contradictory (again, see Hegel’s discussion of “Sense-Perception” on the contradictory nature of universals). Perhaps this style of thinking about language is what led Nietzsche to conclude that Truth “…is a mobile marching army of metaphors, metonymies and anthropomorphisms…truths are illusions of which one has forgotten they are illusions…coins which have their obverse effaced and which are no longer of value as coins but only as metal” (from pg. 58 of Christopher Norris’ Deconstruction Theory & Practice).

So there you have it—language as metaphor in a nutshell. Now let’s crack it.
09:14 / 05.06.03
There are levels of metaphor.
Language is a metaphor for the world, like speech acts are a metaphor for actual acts (the difference between saying 'I slap you' and slapping you). Within language, as you say, some metaphors are dead, others novel, some are more metaphorical than others. If I say 'Her eyes burned away my sorrow' that is more metaphorical than saying 'She looked at me' which is more metaphorical than her looking at me.
A speech act can be seen as an action (and so not metaphorical) but it is a subclass of actions in general. Within the realm of speech acts, some are self referential or more abstract than others and so more metaphorical.
In general language is used to describe, and so is a metaphor for the actual thing it describes (whether that thing is a chair or a speech act).
19:32 / 06.06.03
The assertion that "all language is metaphorical" seems to rest upon some contradictory premises.

Firstly, there is an assumption here that this statement is not itself metaphoric: that there is some position from which language can be viewed, outside of language ( a metalinguistic perspective), which enables literal, denotative access to the truth regarding the form, substance and process of language. If the formula for metaphor is " x is y", then the statement "all language is metaphoric" is a closed loop of self-referential nonsense. In other words, if the definition of metaphor relies upon the distinction between figurative and literal meaning, how then can 'literal meaning' remain as a basis for the definition of 'metaphor, and yet be non-existent due to the absolutely figurative nature of language?

Secondly, there is an assumption here that 'metaphor' is the all-encompassing term for figurative language. What about synecdoche(?):
"a figure of speech in which a part is substituted for a whole or a whole for a part, as in 50 head of cattle for 50 cows, or the army for a soldier."
You could say that synecdoche is the conservative twin of the radical metaphor: while metaphor creatively leaps great distances from one concept to a foreign other, synecdoche remains local and connected in its substitutions. One moves beyond a system of relationships; the other moves within.
I suppose it could be argued that synecdoche is a subset of metaphor in the sense that metaphor is concerned with substitution as such, while synecdoche with the narrower process of substitution within an accepted system of relationships. But if metaphor relies, not only, on its distinction to 'the literal', can it be said to also rely on its distinction to synecdoche? Or rather, is this second distinction worth making? Is synecdoche as important a linguistic process as metaphor? Are dead metaphors the domain of synecdoche?
unheimlich manoeuvre
00:52 / 07.06.03
i feel that allusion is a better word to use than metaphor.
dictionary definition
allude to make indirect reference(to), to hint at

metaphor a figure of speech by which a word is transferred from one object to another, so as to imply comparison

"language is metaphorical" presupposes a materialist outlook.
i reckon language is allusive.
—| x |—
03:55 / 07.06.03
All right!

‘Allusion’ does seem like a nice word to convey the general idea as well. However, with regard to the idea that “‘language is metaphorical’ presupposes a materialist outlook,” I don’t think that this is the case. It could be that it assumes a materialist view, but I think that this would depend on the story we were telling about objects. But the phrase “language is allusive” is very nice.

I’d say that, in a sense, I have used ‘metaphor’ itself metaphorically, like agapanthus notes I’ve assumed—like a fault or something. In fact, it seems that I’ve used metaphor like a so-called “term of art”—a synecdoche standing in for {allusion, simile, synecdoche, metonym, etc.}. This would lead me to figure that, yes, there is a contradiction of sorts in my premises; however, from what I can see, it is a consistent kind of contradiction. That is, it appears to me as a facet of the same self-referential paradox or absurdity that shows up again and again—but that is another story. As for “…if the definition of metaphor relies upon the distinction between figurative and literal meaning, how then can 'literal meaning' remain as a basis for the definition of 'metaphor, and yet be non-existent due to the absolutely figurative nature of language?” I can see where you are coming from, but note that, due to this difficulty, I remove ‘literal’ and substitute in ‘logical’. Perhaps this is an inappropriate move, i.e., there might be disagreement that this move is sound.

Is synecdoche as important a linguistic process as metaphor?

Well, like you’ve coaxed me to come clean about above, I guess I’m counting ‘synecdoche’ in my synecdoche ‘metaphor’!

Are dead metaphors the domain of synecdoche?

This is a really interesting question. I don’t know what I’d say—it hadn’t occurred to me to think about it that way, but I do like the sound of this. If synecdoche is cashed out as “a figure of speech in which a part is substituted for a whole or a whole for a part,” then the meaning of a dead metaphor, like in the “cool as a cucumber” example where the phrase simply equals “very cool,” seems to act somewhat like a synecdoche. I’ve gotta’ take some more time to think about this!

Q, I like what you’re saying, especially the idea of there being “levels of metaphor” (however, I’d prefer to use ‘depths’ or ‘degrees’ instead of ‘levels’—a technical point related to other matters). As for the action aspect of a speech act not being metaphorical, hmm, I don’t know what to say. The actual action of speech…

Perhaps, if we want to rule out the idea that the language being spoken is itself metaphorical and so counts the action of performing a speech act as automatically metaphorical, then…

perhaps we would want to say something about the action itself being “metaphorical” in the sense that in performing the action is the intent to “literally” or “accurately” communicate something about our experiences; however, we are unable to speak the particular experience, but only the universal. So the speech act is “metaphorically” communicating what we would intend to communicate. How does this sound—promising, too sketchy, flawed but perhaps workable, or a dead end?
unheimlich manoeuvre
00:39 / 11.06.03
posted by ...>0<... So the speech act is “metaphorically” communicating what we would intend to communicate.
what you have written so far is stimulating. are you aiming at trying to define the relationship between the real relative/specific intention of the speaker and the real subjective interpretation of the action/event in universal(ist) terms. even with a loose definition of the term metaphorical we enter a minefield of presuppositions, language "play" and the postmodern death of the "agent".
need to find my anthropology notes on language and approach this thread without a head full off drugs.
—| x |—
17:21 / 12.06.03
what you have written so far is stimulating.

Thank you!

are you aiming at trying to define the relationship between the real relative/specific intention of the speaker and the real subjective interpretation of the action/event in universal(ist) terms[?]

Hmm…this might play a role in what I am talking about; however, I am hesitant about the use of the word ‘real’ here. I do think that there is always a loss of information in interpreting a signal. That is, I tend to feel that the intended meaning of a speaker is never fully realized by the interpretation of his or her statements. I believe there are at least two reasons for this: 1) the given language of a speaker is unable to fully (re)present the intended meaning—but is useful enough to convey some degree of meaning, and 2) the resources of meaning within the receiver’s interpretation do not ever exactly match that of the speaker; thus, there is also lost degrees of meaning in the interpretation.

To reiterate and restate what I’ve said above, I am employing a Hegelian attitude regarding language as it functions to (re)present the Universal when we would like it to (re)present the particular. It seems that we can glean something about particulars from the reception of a linguistic signal, but I feel that this is derived from understanding what is being said about Universals. A quirky function of language use perhaps, and likely needs to be expanded and examined in more depth.

we enter a minefield of presuppositions, language ‘play’ and the postmodern death of the ‘agent’.

I think there is much in this that is interesting and likely very tied into this discussion; however, this really needs to be "unpacked" (hate that word, would prefer "unfolded" or "plumbed" but "unpacked" seems the standard phrase). It would be great if you could say a little more about what you see as being presupposed, what you are thinking about with regard to the Deridian notion of linguistic “play,” and how you see “the death of the agent” (I thought it was ‘death of the author’) fitting in to this.

Looking forward to your continued contributions!
10:18 / 13.06.03
I'm reading "Understanding Media" by MCLuhan, as part of my research into scholarly communication.

I think it could be relevant. Speech is a media. Media is a way of encapsulating another media. For example a website encapsulates a text file, which encapsulates printed text, which encapsulates speech which encapsulates thought.

However, with use, the medium can become the message. Communication using that medium is shaped by the medium and the medium shapes the communicators.

Speech/lanuguage is amongst the oldest media. An older media would (probably) be gestures.

As someone mentioned before, origional language was probably grunts representing demonstratable verbs and nouns (eat pig),(get rock). Kinda like an old text adventure (XYYZY anyone?). But in time language evolved to take advantage of the possibilities of the medium.

In a similar fashion, heiroglyphics were origionally ideograms. A picture of a tree meant "tree", a picture of a man with an axe meant "chopping" etc. However after a few thousand years of that scribes started using some of the images to represent speech-sounds (phonograms) however, for added whackiness, they only represented constanants (like Hebrew) and to give a clue WHICH word was meant they put a kinda lightweight ideogram which gave a clue to what the word meant.

Media changes from acting as a "wrapper" of an old media, to finding its own style.

Another example is television. Origionally TV was produced in a very stilted style, A TV program was just a televised stage play. Over time television has evolved it's own "language". Eg. "Shot of a cottage", "shot of people chatting in lounge" means that the lounge is in the cottage

The most common use of most media, including speech, is to attempt to get ideas from one brain to another.

Speech definitely started as metaphor and then became more and more abstract over time. I think that parts of language are still metaphor, but its possible that some of it may have become something else entirely. Sometimes speech is an end in itself without being a metaphor for anything.
unheimlich manoeuvre
00:28 / 18.06.03
yeah been racking my brain...
only to come up with questions. the concept of language being "metaphorical" (in its loosest sense) does indeed hold water. what i wondering about is Bertrand Russell and his attempts with Whitehead (?) to create a system that didn't contradict itself. i know this was refuted by Godel but there are lots of puzzles there. if a system is "sufficiently complex" a strange loop occurs and meaning arises depite itself?
also there are questions about etymology in language and meaning and seemingly non metaphorical connections between words dependant upon origin. makes me think of heidegger and his belief that german (?)language was based on ancient greek (logos) where/when the word and its meaning was united...
also thinking of derrida and play... with the "death of god" and the lack of a transcendental signifier in the language system is there a lack of legitimacy and logic in... well all of it.

yeah erh just to qualify i am only a layman and am no philosophy graduate so sorry if my questioning is random and halfbaked...

@C. Elsewhere sorry to ignore your McLuhan post (the medium is the message) but i am really unfamiliar with him

—| x |—
10:14 / 18.06.03
Off the tip, top, the tippity-top, I’d like to say hey stop with the “yeah erh just to qualify i am only a layman and am no philosophy graduate so sorry if my questioning is random and halfbaked...” I tend to feel that every human is a philosopher, artist, and scientist—if we can’t communicate our experiences amongst ourselves, then we’re pretty screwed. What I mean is all these questions are good questions and don’t worry about qualificatin’ yer status!

what i wondering about is Bertrand Russell and his attempts with Whitehead (?) to create a system that didn't contradict itself. i know this was refuted by Godel but there are lots of puzzles there.

What you are referring to here is the work that R & W did to produce the Principia Mathematica. This work stems from work that Frege did with predicate logic and mathematics. In the Principia we find the formal beginnings of what is called “logicism.” This is the attempt to frame mathematics in terms of logic. So here we can note a distinction between what gets called a “formal language” (maths and logics) and a “natural language” (English, Greek, Swahili, etc.). Where the Principia runs into problems is that for much of its important work it needs to assume “the axiom of infinity.” This axiom is problematic in some systems, and some people, finitists such as Hilbert, wanted a consistent way to talk about infinity that stemmed from proofs using finitary means.

Now, it’s true that Godel showed that a formal language can’t be both complete and consistent. There is a thread on the proof here. To me, this is again connected with problems with infinity. There is a thread on infinity here. Myself, I feel that I ought to be better able to explain Godel’s proof, but I still currently “get it” at an intuitive level. Rudy Rucker gives a good discussion of it, that is comprehensible without having done any logic courses, in his “Infinity and the Mind.” Look for it at yer library! In a sense, it has to do with figuring out a way to code up an infinite number of infinities in a way that shows that some statements are True, but the language does not have the resources to prove that these statements are true. Here’s Rucker’s take:

1. Someone introduces Godel to UTM, a machine that is supposed to be a Universal Truth Machine [i.e., it operates with a language that is complete—it “knows” everything and it is consistent—everything it “knows” it knows to be true], capable of correctly answering any question at all.
2. Godel asks for the program and circuit details of the UTM. The program may be complicated, but it can only be finitely long. Call the program P(UTM) for Program of the Universal Truth Machine.
3. Smiling a little, Godel writes out the following sentence: “The machine constructed on the basis of the program P(UTM) will never say that this sentence is true.” Call this sentence G for Godel. Note that G is equivalent to “UTM will never say G is true.”
4. Now Godel laughs his high laugh and asks UTM whether G is true or not.
5. If UTM says G is true, the “UTM will never say G is true” is false. If “UTM will never say G is true” is false, then G is false (since G = “UTM will never say G is true”). So if UTM says that G is true, then G is in fact false, and UTM has made a false statement. So UTM will never say that G is true, since UTM only makes true statements.
6. We have established that UTM will never say G is true. So “UTM will never say G is true” is in fact a true sentence. So G is true (since G = “UTM will never say that G is true.”).
7. “I know a truth that UTM can never utter,” Godel says, “I know that G is true. UTM is not truly universal.”

Like Rucker goes on to say, this is similar to the “Liar’s Paradox,” but Godel’s proof has more depth and subtlety. It is not the mere inability to evaluate the sentence, “This sentence is false,” but rather, the proof shows that we can know a statement in a formal language is true, but the language itself does not have the resources to show that this statement is true.

So, when you ask, “if a system is ‘sufficiently complex’ a strange loop occurs and meaning arises despite itself?” some might ask you to be more precise about some of your terms, but I’m gonna’ stick my neck out (but only a little, really) and say that yes, what you are saying here makes sense to me. It does seem that a complex enough system (even if the axioms—the “program” in Rucker’s example—are finite) will create a sort of infinity that is simply neither assessable or accessible to our best possible formal language. And I do tend to feel that this is due to a strange loop—one created in contradiction, paradox, and absurdity—and that it is this loop which is the generator (of meaning, of things, of relations, etc.). I also feel this is entirely a function of self-referencing. I think that Godel’s formal proof relies on showing how it is possible to code up a sentence in arithmetic in such a way that we get a whole infinite set of sentences that are True, but arithmetic can’t say that they’re true because it would be false for it to say so, and each of these sentences relies on a self-referencing property of the coding protocol.

OK, so I also feel that mathematics and logics are languages that are most clearly metaphorical in nature—they are, after all, often called “abstract.” Maths talk about numbers as its objects; in other words, a numbers is assigned to something as if it were a number. Logics talk about statements as it objects; in other words, letters and symbols are assigned to something as if it were letters and symbols. In both case it seems to me that we are “applying an name or description to something which it is not [logically] applicable.” In any natural language this also seems to occur. For example, in English we assign the word ‘dog’ to something as if it were a dog. Our meta-phoros brings “dog” to whatever phenomena we experience that seems dog-like. Again, we seem to apply a name or description which is not logically applicable to the thing. In a sense, the self-referencing of the language is ourselves: we cannot, as speakers of English really answer the question, given our experience of a dog-like phenomena, “Was that really a dog?” because in doing so we can only rely on the fact that we have arbitrarily assigned the word ‘dog’ to the dog-like phenomena. In other words, we know that we have experienced a dog, but we cannot rely on our language to consistently prove that we have indeed experienced a ‘dog’. The proof is self-referential with respect to the very meaning of the word ‘dog’ and that meaning is found in 1) the shared universal meaning of ‘dog’ in the English language, and 2) the particular internalized meaning of ‘dog’ with respect to the individual user of English.

This is a little of an aside, but if our best formal language cannot be both consistent and complete, then how in the world do we expect our natural languages to adequately convey the “whole of the truth,” i.e., the entirety of what we intend to relate of our experience? Put differently, if there are an infinite number of knowable true sentences in arithmetic that the language of arithmetic itself cannot say are true, then how many more true sentences are there in, say, English—a natural language less precise and defined than a formal language—that are knowable as true, and yet not provable to be true. An example might be “ESP exists”—who knows?

also there are questions about etymology in language and meaning and seemingly non metaphorical connections between words dependent upon origin.

Always questions about etymology—words are power, and part of the power, as in any good witch’s brew, comes from the roots! I would argue (like I have been) that there are only “seemingly non-metaphorical connections between words” and things in any linguistic circumstance. I feel very agreeable with C.E when s/he says “Speech definitely started as metaphor and then became more and more abstract over time.” I would say that, yes, in a sense it became more abstract over time as the same sound (and later picture, symbol, or text) became associated with the same phenomena; thus, we get the universalization of the meta-phoros—it dies and becomes the truth: the sound, image, symbol, or text ‘dog’ truly means dog-like phenomena.

makes me think of heidegger and his belief that german (?)language was based on ancient greek (logos) where/when the word and its meaning was united...

My Heidegger is rather sketchy—I’d have to do some research to comment. You could, if you can, say more also…

also thinking of derrida and play... with the "death of god" and the lack of a transcendental signifier in the language system is there a lack of legitimacy and logic in...

Hmm, I think I get a sense of what you might be saying about Derrida and “play,” but are you clear on what you’re trying to say? What does Derrida’s notion of “play” mean to you (don’t worry about the depth of your answer, but please, try to answer)? Derrida put forth the idea that there is “nothing outside the text.” While I think that, in a certain sense this is pure rubbish, in another sense it is right on the money. What I feel is right about this is that the words only refer and defer their meanings to and through one and other, or to use Derridese there is “differance” in the “play” of words.

“Death of God,” I think this is a Nietzsche thing and not Derrida (although Derrida might certainly “play” with some of N’s ideas and works—reading N with a “deconstructionist” interpretation). Lack of transcendental signifier might be Saussure, but again, I’m getting into sketchier territory here and would have to do research to comment. And for you, dear unheimlich, it sounds to me that you’d quite enjoy a trip the library—as the ancients said “Lege, lege, et relege” (“read, read, and reread!’).
09:39 / 19.06.03
Check out Hofstadter's 'Godel, Escher, Bach, the eternal golden braid' for details on Godel's theorem and self-referencing in general. Godel basically proved that Russel's magnum opus was fundamentally flawed (much as Russell did to Ayer years before) and self-defeating.

Ayer started Logical Positivism, which says 'Unless a proposition can be tested (at least in principle) it is meaningless' so assertions about the soul, or the afterlife etc. were literally meaningless. Russell (an undergraduate at the time I think) came along and pointed out that proposition was untestable and thus meaningless

When considering a philosophical axiom, apply it to itself and see what happens- often it just falls apart or disappears up it's own arse.
20:25 / 24.06.03
"I am cool as a cucumber" is a simile, actually. A metaphore would be to say "I am a cool cucumber."

How this related to language has to do with the use of identifiers. If youtrace language back far enough, at its root the simplest device is that of naming. I grunt and point to a rock and say "rock." Now Thag knows that if I say "rock" I refer to that big thing over there he's sitting on. I have created a name. To our understanding, the word "rock" now refers directly to the type of object described by my pointing at it and Thag experiencing it by looking at it. We can not break down the root of the word further, for it is arbuitrary.

However, there is still a root below that of even naming: The experience of the thing itself. Sensory input. Our experience of reality is something that we can not directly express or share. Thus, we must find a middle ground in words to identify the experience in question. When I say "rock", what is transmitted is not my experience of rock. What happens is *your* experience of rock is referenced, causing you to review that experience, and by the similarity between our experiences of rock are we able to communicate effectively. Our personal experiences will differ somewhat, but be close enough to carry whatever additional meaning we wish to express by using the reference to rock, such as "under rock is pie."

This foundation is built upon by adding additional meaning to rock, by saying things like "rock is heavy and hard". Now, once established, I understand that rock has the attributes of heavy and hard, and can thus make the leap of using this reference as a form of shorthand to describe a third thing in these terms. For example, log. Log is heavy and hard, and I and Thag understand this. So, when Thag says "Log is like Rock", I apply those attributes to increase my understanding of log. Though this use is a simile, by drawing the comparison between rock and log the same use is made as with a metaphore, though it is not so poetic as pointing to Log and saying "Rock." Metaphore actually equates the names, requiring one to already know that Log is not Rock but Log, and so infer that what is intended is to give Log the attributes of Rock. And thus is born the first poem.

So if metaphore attempts to link the things themselves, allowing the transfer of information to be inferred rather than spelled out specificly, the use of naming is a form of metaphore. A name is linking the experience of something with a word (or phrase, in complex usage), saying that the word is the thing while meaning that the attributes attached to the word are existant in the thing. So in this way, yes, I have to agree that language at its base is metaphorical, for the foundation of language itself (naming) is an act of metaphore.
—| x |—
05:57 / 25.06.03
We can not break down the root of the word further, for it is arbitrary.


The experience of the thing itself. Sensory input. Our experience of reality is something that we can not directly express or share. Thus, we must find a middle ground in words to identify the experience in question.


…by drawing the comparison between rock and log the same use is made as with a metaphore, though it is not so poetic as pointing to Log and saying "Rock." Metaphore actually equates the names, requiring one to already know that Log is not Rock but Log, and so infer that what is intended is to give Log the attributes of Rock. And thus is born the first poem.

Rally nice! And yes, I guess technically there is an equating of names in metaphor that is not present in simile. Although, I am using metaphor itself as a synecdoche: the plot thickens…
14:54 / 25.06.03
Although, I am using metaphor itself as a synecdoche

How delightfully recursive
Lurid Archive
15:11 / 25.06.03
I must say that I have no idea what people are meaning here when they say that something is a metaphor. Hence, though some statements seem a little shaky to me, I couldn't really claim that I've understood what is being said.

Also, and this is perhaps a touch predictable of me, isn't a little bit too much being made of Godel's Incompleteness Theorems? I mean, there are lots of interpretations of what is going on there. One tack one might take is to say that you can't speak completely about the infinite, unless you allow yourself to speak infinitely.

That sounds a bit fruity, I know, but its kinda there in the maths. Godels Incompleteness Theorems disappear if you allow infinitely long "sentences". They also kinda disappear if you allow multi valued logics - which is why they are poorly applied to natural languages.
—| x |—
07:01 / 26.06.03
…isn't a little bit too much being made of Godel's Incompleteness Theorems? I mean, there are lots of interpretations of what is going on there. One tack one might take is to say that you can't speak completely about the infinite, unless you allow yourself to speak infinitely.

Hmm…I don’t know if that really works though, because there are, apparently, different “sizes” of infinities. There are infinities that we can name, and then there are infinities we can’t name. It’s like you can’t tell me pi’s real and secret true name…This is outta’ Cantor’s stuff though, really. There’s infinities of which we can name off every member, and so, “speak [the] infinity” (if we allow ourselves to do so); however there are infinities we can’t even name all the members of, even if we could speak infinitely.

Godels Incompleteness Theorems disappear if you allow infinitely long ‘sentences’.

I’m not so sure about this Lurid, I mean here I don’t know. I was always under the impression that infinitely long sentences were not the problem, but rather that you can code up an infinite number of sentences that are of the form “the godel number of n = x” (where n = any rational number & x = a member of the Natural numbers which the particular coding assigns to ‘x’).Now all this is done in the language of the system, so the system ought to realize that these statements are all true; however, the system cannot do this because it amounts to the system saying that a contradiction is true because to it the sentence reads, for example “the number 13 = 1” (again, ‘13’ depending on the protocol of the coding). In other words, it seems more of a subtle and complicated self-referencing problem.

They also kinda disappear if you allow multi valued logics - which is why they are poorly applied to natural languages.

But where do they “disappear” into? More clarity? No, more obscurity and vagueness in multi-valued logics; thus, I was prompted to ask earlier, “…if our best formal language cannot be both consistent and complete, then how in the world do we expect our natural languages to adequately convey the ‘whole of the truth,’ i.e., the entirety of what we intend to relate of our experience?”
Lurid Archive
08:50 / 26.06.03
Yeah. The technical thing is that Godel doesn't apply if you allow transfinite induction. Which is just a fancy way of saying that you allow yourself infinite sentences of any length. Of course, there are some problems with that, but it is nevertheless instructive.

Godel also disappears if you settle for a weaker math - of the kind that physicists would probably be happy with.

And as for multi valued logics? I don't think I would describe them as either vague or obscure. They are simply different. Completeness doesn't apply, though I think you are right that it isn't more definite in the non binary situation. However, in multi valued logics, one simply accepts that a strict binary definition of truth is problematic. Much as one does in a natural language. The 'whole of the truth' is unavailable for so many, quite obvious, reasons however, that I don't think Godel sheds any real light on it.

The lesson I would draw from it is that natural language is not a formal language with a two valued logic. But thats kinda obvious.
—| x |—
02:37 / 27.06.03
The technical thing is that Godel doesn't apply if you allow transfinite induction.

But it doesn’t have to, I think. I mean, once we are talking transfinite numbers we move into 2nd order logics—again, as far as I am aware. 2nd order logics are already taken to be incomplete or inconsistent. So it’s a little more than saying that we will “allow…infinite sentences of any length.” Also, it seems to me, that Godel’s theorems are about 1st order logics, and not only maths. And we know that 1st order logic is undecidable, which means that there are at least some sentences our methods of deduction can’t say are true or false.

Godel also disappears if you settle for a weaker math - of the kind that physicists would probably be happy with.

I don’t think so, again, because most maths are representable in 1st order logics, and since there are isomorphic models from maths into 1st order logics, Godel’s theorems apply to most maths—except those that must be represented in a higher order logic, which are, again, taken to be incomplete or inconsistent.

And as for multi valued logics? I don't think I would describe them as either vague or obscure. They are simply different.

Oh, I agree that they are different; however, if we move from having a binary truth value schema (true or false) to having, say, a tri-valued logic (such as true, false, and unknown), then it seems pretty obvious we move into vagueness and obscurity with the introduction of “unknown.”

However, in multi valued logics, one simply accepts that a strict binary definition of truth is problematic.

Yes, but certainly multi-valued logics are far from what is the norm, and even if they were, they still have many particular and acute problems of their own.

The 'whole of the truth' is unavailable for so many, quite obvious, reasons however, that I don't think Godel sheds any real light on it.

Well yes. But I don’t think Godel’s theorems are being used here to shed light on natural language, only on formal language—where typically the whole of the truth is taken for granted.

The lesson I would draw from it is that natural language is not a formal language with a two valued logic. But thats kinda obvious.

Interesting, but somewhat inaccurate I think. To me personally, formal languages are closer to “natural” languages then so-called “natural language”: our bodies implicitly speak the language of maths and physics (and in a sense, “logics”)—if they did not, then we would not function in this world at all. This is, perhaps, why the (re)presentation of maths and sciences are abstract and often difficult to understand: we are often abstract and difficult to understand! How complex is the system that strokes these keys anyway? Our “natural languages” come later in our history. So it’s a faulty distinction to begin with; merely a convenient way that some people have decided to talk about things.

Also, I don’t think it is “obvious” at all that natural language works on more than a two valued logic. In fact, I think that for a large chunk of our language, a bivalent logic is implicit. Every statement we make is typically taken to have two truth values: it is the truth or it is a lie.

“I ate all the ice cream.”
“The car is out of gas.”
“The movie starts at 7:15.”
“The sun is a star.”

There are more examples than I could write in a lifetime and in every one most people operate as if such statements are true or false: either I ate all the ice cream or I didn’t, either the car is out of gas or it is not, the movie starts at 7:15 or it doesn’t, and the sun is a star or it isn’t. See—all two valued. Even our questions are two valued. If I ask “What time is it? or “How’s the weather?” implicit in each of these is it’s opposite: “What time isn’t it?” or “How isn’t the weather.” So I don’t think it is in any way “obvious” that our “natural language” is not two-valued, and a cursory examination seems to reveal that a large part of it is.
Lurid Archive
08:00 / 27.06.03
I noticed that you edited your post to add an intuitive proof of Godel's incompleteness theorem. It isn't quite right (and hence doesn't make the point you want).

I think. I mean, once we are talking transfinite numbers we move into 2nd order logics

Not true. I'm talking metamaths, here.

Also, it seems to me, that Godel’s theorems are about 1st order logics, and not only maths. And we know that 1st order logic is undecidable,

You seem to think that math is a subset of first order logic. It isn't. And yes, we know certain first order logics are undecidable, while others are decidable. Of course, undecidability says nothing once you allow infinite sentences.

I don’t think so, again, because most maths are representable in 1st order logics, and since there are isomorphic models from maths into 1st order logics

Most? Perhaps. Certainly not all. Isomorphic models into 1st order? Sometimes. Maybe. It wouldn't work for Topology, say.

And besides, not all first order logics are undecidable. Its possible to pick one for physics that is decidable.

Godel’s theorems apply to most maths—except those that must be represented in a higher order logic, which are, again, taken to be incomplete or inconsistent.

Godels incompleteness applies to all formal systems, I believe. Higher order logic is not "taken" to be incomplete or inconsistent, but is too large for computers to deal with. Hence "undecidable".

Also, I don’t think it is “obvious” at all that natural language works on more than a two valued logic.

What a startling statement to make in the Headshop. Have you never watched a court case where the defendant is only allowed to answer yes or no, and thus distorts the answers?

Have you stopped beating your wife? Yes or no.
The Matrix: Reloaded was fun. True or false?
—| x |—
18:52 / 27.06.03
I noticed that you edited your post to add an intuitive proof of Godel's incompleteness theorem. It isn't quite right (and hence doesn't make the point you want).

I edited my post with regard to the formulation of a godel sentence (sentences that are of the form “the godel number of n = x” (where n = any rational number & x = a member of the Natural numbers which the particular coding assigns to ‘x’)). This editing comes directly as a result of a brief stint of research and comes from “Computability and Logic” by Boolos and Jeffery; thus, since that is a standard text in higher level Logic courses, I would think that it is a reliable and correct source.

Not true. I'm talking metamaths, here.

Yes “meta” meaning “above,” in other words, using a language that is “above” the normal language of maths. Most common maths are 1st order languages: they quantify over objects (or positions in structures). When we shift to metamathematics we are now quantifying over either predicates or structures, and thus, need to move to at least a 2nd order language, if we go to modal interpretations, then we typically move to a 3rd order language. So yes Lurid, it’s true.

You seem to think that math is a subset of first order logic. It isn't. And yes, we know certain first order logics are undecidable, while others are decidable. Of course, undecidability says nothing once you allow infinite sentences.

No, that’s not what I said. I said that some formulations (models) of 1st order logics are identical (isomorphic) to, say, formulations (models) of arithmetic. One is not a subset of another, but they can be basically equivalent. Undecidability applies to any 1st order logic regardless of whether or not there are infinite sentences.

Most? Perhaps. Certainly not all. Isomorphic models into 1st order? Sometimes. Maybe. It wouldn't work for Topology, say.

Yes, most but not all. If a given mathematical discipline isn’t isomorphic to a 1st order language, then it is likely a “meta-math,” and thus, must be isomorphic to some logic of > 1st order.

And besides, not all first order logics are undecidable. Its possible to pick one for physics that is decidable.

WHAT?!?!? I don’t think so Lurid. Any 1st order logic is undecidable: there is no decision procedure for 1st order logic which decides if a sentences is valid or not (there are positive tests for validity, but no negative tests). This is directly from my notes taken in Logic II, as instructed by Ali Kazmi, logician extraordinare and graduate of MIT. 1st order logics can be complete and sound (“For any delta, if delta is unsatisfiable, then delta has a refutation” and “For any delta, if delta has a refutation, then delta is unsatisfiable,” where delta is an “annotation” of some sentence S). So physics is screwed as far as this goes.

Godels incompleteness applies to all formal systems, I believe. Higher order logic is not "taken" to be incomplete or inconsistent, but is too large for computers to deal with. Hence "undecidable".

Yes, I just got off the phone with Ali, to make sure I’m not going off into the murky blackness, and while I was incorrect about higher order logics being “inconsistent” it is an established fact that there are no positive nor negative tests for 2nd order validity in “full” 2nd order logics; thus, they are incomplete.

What a startling statement to make in the Headshop. Have you never watched a court case where the defendant is only allowed to answer yes or no, and thus distorts the answers?

Have you stopped beating your wife? Yes or no.
The Matrix: Reloaded was fun. True or false?

I think you are calculatedly missing the point here. Yes, questions can be formulated such that the answers given in bivalent truth conditions distort the facts: this doesn’t negate the fact that most people operate under the common assumption that statements are either true or false.
23:13 / 27.06.03
Yes “meta” meaning “above,”

Language note: meta does not mean above. It means "after" or "with", "among", "looking to", or "over and above", not "above", depending on the case of the following noun.
—| x |—
05:46 / 28.06.03
"Over and above" or only "above"--close enough for me in this context! Thanks Haus.
Lurid Archive
15:10 / 28.06.03
I should probably refrain from this, as it is both threadrot and pointless. I'll make a few comments and then bow out.

This editing comes directly as a result of a brief stint of research and comes from “Computability and Logic” by Boolos and Jeffery; thus, since that is a standard text in higher level Logic courses, I would think that it is a reliable and correct source

Perhaps, but then you have misunderstood it. The idea is to encode a statement based on the liar paradox. But the encoding depends on certain properties of the viable proof deductions you allow. It isn't as simple as saying 1=13. If you change the valid proof deductions, it is possible to remove the possibility of certain encodings, thus making it possible to circumvent Godel.

Gentzen proved that there are consistent and complete formulations of arithmetic, if you allow transfinite induction as part of your metamathematics - this refers to the arguments you are allowed to make inside the system, and isn't about 1st, 2nd etc order.

One is not a subset of another, but they can be basically equivalent. Undecidability applies to any 1st order logic regardless of whether or not there are infinite sentences.

Some subsets of mathematics can be thought of as equivalent to some formulations of first order logic. Godel's result is usually interpreted as saying that maths is much larger than logic.

Yes, most but not all. If a given mathematical discipline isn’t isomorphic to a 1st order language, then it is likely a “meta-math,” and thus, must be isomorphic to some logic of > 1st order.

I think that you do not undestand what metamathematics is. It does not refer to the order of logic, but to the reasoning behind the reasoning. I'm really not splitting hairs here. Topology (which I am amused to see you caracterise as being outside of 'most' maths) is not first order, but is by no stretch of the imagination, metamaths.

WHAT?!?!? I don’t think so Lurid. Any 1st order logic is undecidable: there is no decision procedure for 1st order logic which decides if a sentences is valid or not (there are positive tests for validity, but no negative tests).

Yes, you are right. I meant complete and sound. The confusion is because Godel doesn't talk about decidability, but about whether a system is complete and sound. You switched and I wasn't paying enough attention. Godel doesn't always apply, for sure.

I reckon that a weak form of arithmetic, which didn't have the full strength of induction, would suffice for physics. Decidability is about whether everything can be automated, which isn't really that big a deal, IMO.

it is an established fact that there are no positive nor negative tests for 2nd order validity in “full” 2nd order logics; thus, they are incomplete

I did say they were undecidable, which is what I think you are really getting at.

I think you are calculatedly missing the point here. Yes, questions can be formulated such that the answers given in bivalent truth conditions distort the facts: this doesn’t negate the fact that most people operate under the common assumption that statements are either true or false.

Yes, I calculatedly chose questions that distorted or didn't have true or false values. But I didn't have to search very hard for them and I challenge you to find someone who would think they were surprising. In other words, binary truth is a convenient fiction that everyone acknowledges is limited.
22:41 / 28.06.03
"Over and above" or only "above"--close enough for me in this context!

Linguistically, I'pretty sure that's not right - "over and above" is not the usage of "meta" in English, and the usage in Ancient Greek translated as "over and above" isn't really what you are talking about here. This sort of thing is important. "meta" as prefic here is often defined as "transcendent" but seems more like "concerning a removed level of reference reapplied to the referent".
—| x |—
06:27 / 29.06.03
The idea is to encode a statement based on the liar paradox. But the encoding depends on certain properties of the viable proof deductions you allow. It isn't as simple as saying 1=13. If you change the valid proof deductions, it is possible to remove the possibility of certain encodings, thus making it possible to circumvent Godel.

Yes, quoting Rucker I mention the Liar Paradox earlier—but it is not as simple as that. And yes, it’s not a simple as 1 = 13 either, but you were referring to the part of my post that I edited, which was the formula part: the ‘1 = 13’ was there the whole time, so you can see how we are both confused here. Believe me, after putting in time proving things about functions to get to Godel, I can appreciate its difficulty and subtlety. I’m not sure what you mean by “changing the valid proof deductions—can you say more?

Gentzen proved that there are consistent and complete formulations of arithmetic, if you allow transfinite induction as part of your metamathematics - this refers to the arguments you are allowed to make inside the system, and isn't about 1st, 2nd etc order.

Hmm, I know of no Gentzen so I don’t know his work. Can you provide a direction for a resource? Our problem here with “metamathematics” and “transfinite induction” is that I think we might understand these words differently, perhaps? See, it seems to me that if we are using “metamathematics,” then we are using a higher order mathematics; thus, it would need to modeled in at least a second order language, since mathematics is modeled in first order language (like the Peano axioms). “Transfinite induction” to me means that we are quantifying over infinite totalities, again, must be done in at least a second order language: a first order language doesn’t have the resources! It is still about the arguments that we can make inside the system, but those arguments are framed in at least a second order language.

I think that you do not undestand what metamathematics is. It does not refer to the order of logic, but to the reasoning behind the reasoning.

OK, but what do you mean by “reasoning behind the reasoning” because that is exactly the purpose of higher order languages: they have the resources to express the “reasoning behind the reasoning” that no first order language can have. I am beginning to feel that you might not be so familiar with formal logic, perhaps?—because you do not seem to understand the necessary limitations of first order languages and that in gaining the resources to talk about “the reasoning behind the reasoning” we must necessarily move to a higher order language. It is a matter of what is quantified over in a sentence.

Topology (which I am amused to see you caracterise as being outside of 'most' maths) is not first order, but is by no stretch of the imagination, metamaths.

I don’t recall saying anything about topology—this was your example, and not really explained as to why it made an example, BTW.

I reckon that a weak form of arithmetic, which didn't have the full strength of induction, would suffice for physics. Decidability is about whether everything can be automated, which isn't really that big a deal, IMO.

Hmm, do you mean a finite based arithmetic? Similar perhaps to Hilbert’s program? What do you mean by it “not having the full strength of induction”? And how would this suffice for physics?

I did say they were undecidable, which is what I think you are really getting at.

Incomplete and undecidable are two different things…

In other words, binary truth is a convenient fiction that everyone acknowledges is limited.

But Lurid you are so clearly wrong here. If everyone acknowledged that binary truth is limited the world would be such a lovely place. It wouldn’t be “us vs. them” or other garbage binary opposed views. I don’t deny that binary truth is a convenient fiction (in fact I endorse that truth of any sort is convenient fiction), but it seems clear that while we can easily come up with tricky misleading questions based on binary truth conditions that distort the facts, we basically go about our everyday business geared to statements and questions based on simple bivalent truth conditions. Either you are with Mordant or you are not. Either you have money in your pocket or you don’t. You are working or you are unemployed. You went out tonight or you stayed in. See, outside tricky lawyer-like business, the everyday world and the everyday people in it are pretty much steeped in a world of true and false.
Lurid Archive
08:32 / 29.06.03
I’m not sure what you mean by “changing the valid proof deductions—can you say more?

Sure. A first order system contains both axioms and rules of inference. Usually, these rules are finitary, but if you allow transfinite rules of inference you get a different system. This is what Gentzen did to circumvent Godel. This is about metamathematics, in that it deals with the framing of a formal system. Nothing to do with order of logic. If you formalise metamaths in a logical system, one still has metametamths which would be about reasoning about the reasoning about the reasoning. You can't formalise this at all levels.

See, it seems to me that if we are using “metamathematics,” then we are using a higher order mathematics; thus, it would need to modeled in at least a second order language, since mathematics is modeled in first order language (like the Peano axioms).

I'm afraid this is just wrong. Metamaths is not about higher orders. And topology, containing concepts like compactness, is not modeled in first order languages, yet is ubiquitous in maths. So maths cannot be modeled in first order languages - at least not totally. Moreover, the whole point of Godel is that any (consistent, and moderately strong) first order system has true but unprovable statements. Which indicates to many that the maths is much richer than the logic.

OK, but what do you mean by “reasoning behind the reasoning” because that is exactly the purpose of higher order languages

No, it isn't.

Hmm, do you mean a finite based arithmetic? Similar perhaps to Hilbert’s program?

You do realise that Godel is directly about Hilbert's program?

Incomplete and undecidable are two different things…

Right. Godel said things about incompleteness rather than decidability. Undecidability does not undermine notions of truth, but rather says that there is no automated procedure for getting at truth. You say above that,

And we know that 1st order logic is undecidable, which means that there are at least some sentences our methods of deduction can’t say are true or false.

which I should have picked up on before. It is wrong. Undecidability, says there is no procedure for finding proofs. But it doesn't say that you can't find the proofs, by luck, ingenuity, mystical revelation or whatever.

But Lurid you are so clearly wrong here. If everyone acknowledged that binary truth is limited the world would be such a lovely place.

There are lots of statements for which binary truth makes sense, and for which that is a reasonable approximation. Binary truth is often extended too far - agreed - and is assumed by people in lots of situations where it is inappropriate. Again, agreed. In a formal language, *every* statement is either true or false. In english, there are lots of phrases that are neither.

The fact that you can produce lots of statements that are taken to be binary is irrelevant. I am not arguing that no one ever uses binary truth. I am arguing that not every statement has a meaningful binary truth separation (and actually there are lots of statements like these. I am finding it slightly amusing that you are arguing against binary truth yet seemingly insist that natural language either has binary truth in toto or not at all). Hence binary truth cannot be a total aspect of natural language, which makes it quite unlike a formal language.
—| x |—
06:33 / 30.06.03
Sure. A first order system contains both axioms and rules of inference. Usually, these rules are finitary, but if you allow transfinite rules of inference you get a different system. This is what Gentzen did to circumvent Godel.

Hmm, again, transfinite rules of inference are quantifying over infinite structures: this means that the object language of those structures is first order; thus, the language that takes the infinite structures as objects must be in a second order language, OSISTM. Do you understand how formal languages work?

So I’m checking out the link provided for “metamathematics” and it says, “Important branches include proof theory, model theory, and mathematical logic,” which are the topics I’ve been discussing with you over the course of our dialogue, Lurid. The “framing of a formal system” is done in a formal language—this formal language is logic—logic being our model of reason. What sort of language do you think the framing of a formal system is taken to be in, then?

If you formalise metamaths in a logical system, one still has metametamths which would be about reasoning about the reasoning about the reasoning. You can't formalise this at all levels.

Oh, I quite agree. This regress occurs all over the place though, if we look: there is no upper limit!

Metamaths is not about higher orders. And topology, containing concepts like compactness, is not modeled in first order languages, yet is ubiquitous in maths. So maths cannot be modeled in first order languages - at least not totally.

OK, so you are saying that metamaths isn’t about “higher orders,” and yet, when I flip to the page you link to it is talking about proof theory, model theory, and I am surprised to see it doesn’t also include category theory, but anyway, what order of formal language do you think these theories are formalized in?—it sure isn’t first order!

Moreoover, the whole point of Godel is that any (consistent, and moderately strong) first order system has true but unprovable statements. Which indicates to many that the maths is much richer than the logic.

Yes, but I am not sure this means that “maths are richer than logic.” Godel’s proof concerns the formalization of (some) maths in a first order language; that is, some maths—the kinds Godel’s proof are applied to—are modeled in first order languages, for example Q is a model of arithmetic in a first order formal language. And I think we agree that this is not possible for some maths: we are both saying that some maths need to be modeled, that is, formalized, in a language with richer resources than first order languages; thus, these maths need to be formalized in a higher order formal language. Can’t you see we are saying the same thing here?

You do realise that Godel is directly about Hilbert's program?

Really?!—Get out of the city!

Undecidability does not undermine notions of truth, but rather says that there is no automated procedure for getting at truth.

Yes, what I’ve said more recently above is that undecidability means there is no negative test for first order validity; i.e. there is no procedure for determining when an argument is not valid, but there is a procedure for establishing first order validity. Although, yes, I do admit that earlier in the thread I make a remark about undecidability and truth, I misspoke there, but I think we’ve well since sussed it out, ya’?

So it is interesting to me that you would make a remark such as, “But it doesn't say that you can't find the proofs, by luck, ingenuity, mystical revelation or whatever,” since I didn’t think you put much stock in things like “mystical revelation.” So, how would these sorts of proofs be received by a system that operates within a largely formalized structure: would a proof of ESP that wasn’t able to be given in the formalized language of some system or another be counted as proof by those same systems?

In a formal language, *every* statement is either true or false. In english, there are lots of phrases that are neither.

I agree very much with your later statement, but the former is simply not so. There are formal languages in which every statement need not be true or false—like the multi-valued logics we were talking about earlier.

I am arguing that not every statement has a meaningful binary truth separation (and actually there are lots of statements like these. I am find it slightly amusing that you are arguing against binary truth yet seemingly insist that natural language either has binary truth in toto or not at all).

Again, what I find funny is that we appear to be saying the same things in many places: I agree that not every statement is subject to only bivalent truth conditions. I have certainly never claimed that natural language has binary truth entirely or not at all: where did I assert this?

Hence binary truth cannot be a total aspect of natural language, which makes it quite unlike a formal language.

Yes and no. Certainly binary truth is not “a total aspect of natural language” (although, I am not entirely clear what you mean here, but intuitively I think I’m picking up what you are putting down); however, while so-called “formal languages” are different from so-called “natural languages,” we have seen that there are similarities too, and perhaps that they are not as easily dichotomized as some would like to assume. Formal languages need not be based upon only bivalent truth conditions, but can be framed to include further truth values (such as “unknown”) and we can note that at base all language appears to be an attempt to relate modes of our experiences—language seems largely descriptive, even when we are making assertions or asking questions; thus, “language as metaphor.”
—| x |—
08:26 / 30.06.03
And one more thing, Lurid: instead of you and I going back and forth about Godel, math, and logic here (which we could do in the thread you made on Godel), would you care to answer the questions I pose on your behalf from the first post to this thread?
Lurid Archive
09:17 / 30.06.03
Do you understand how formal languages work?

I believe so, yes.

The “framing of a formal system” is done in a formal language—this formal language is logic—logic being our model of reason. What sort of language do you think the framing of a formal system is taken to be in, then?

Metamath isn't framed formally in any standard treatment. The infinite regress you refer to is the reason why.

OK, so you are saying that metamaths isn’t about “higher orders,” and yet, when I flip to the page you link to it is talking about proof theory, model theory, and I am surprised to see it doesn’t also include category theory, but anyway, what order of formal language do you think these theories are formalized in?—it sure isn’t first order!

Although you will notice that absolutely no mention is made of higher order logics. There is a good reason for this, you know. It just isn't relevant. Also, category theory is not metamaths, which is why it isn't listed there. I have no idea how I can give you a link that is about metamath, makes no reference to higher order logic, and yet you can conclude that it proves that metamath is exactly about higher order logic.

I've even given you an example of Topology (and there are lots more) whose concepts cannot be expressed in first order language and which isn't metamaths. So, I can vainly hope you accept that higher order logic and metamath are not synonyms. The point is, of course, that these things aren't formalised. If they were, then we would start moving down the infinite regress.

Yes, but I am not sure this means that “maths are richer than logic.”

This is a fairly standard interpretation. Given that you have been quite certain about the incompleteness of logics, it doesn't seem like a big point to make, tbh. Also, since we are both familiar with Hilbert's programme - which was about reducing all maths to logic - and its failure, I am somewhat unsure of what point you are making.

Godel’s proof concerns the formalization of (some) maths in a first order language; that is, some maths—the kinds Godel’s proof are applied to—are modeled in first order languages

Yes (although Godel is not restricted to first order, I believe). But incompletely. There are theorems of arithmetic that are not provable in the first order formulation. Godel proved this in the abstract, but there are concrete examples of this, IIRC.

So, how would these sorts of proofs be received by a system that operates within a largely formalized structure: would a proof of ESP that wasn’t able to be given in the formalized language of some system or another be counted as proof by those same systems?

You misunderstand. One is allowed any inspiration whatsoever, and one can then use that to find a formal legal proof. Undecidability says that the method of finding the proof is not able to be automated. It does not say that there exists no formal proof. Godel says that about some, perhaps most, systems. But that isn't undecidability.

“In a formal language, *every* statement is either true or false. In english, there are lots of phrases that are neither.”

I agree very much with your later statement, but the former is simply not so. There are formal languages in which every statement need not be true or false—like the multi-valued logics we were talking about earlier.

Given that we are quoting Godel, I assumed that we were sticking to standard binary logic systems. But you were arguing that natural language is binary valued and I was arguing that it is not - I'm not sure how you can counter my point by conceding yours.
Lurid Archive
09:19 / 30.06.03
I'm gong to have to bow out of this. It is threadrot and, given your style of argumentation (it is impossible for me to make a point if you will not accept anything, even if referenced, and continue to stick to what must be a personal agenda: see metamathematics), a waste of time.

Moderators should feel free to delete the threadrot.
17:53 / 30.06.03
Moderator hat: This thread is, as it stands, pretty much a dead rubber. I could go through and move to have the lengthy threadrot removed, but I think it might be easier just to lock the thread, or leave it to die, and start again if anyone feels language as metaphor has some juice left in the tank, quoting selectively if they so desire.
—| x |—
07:53 / 01.07.03
First, while the “thread-rot” might not seem directly related to the original discussion, it is enlightening perhaps to some who might want to know more about Godel and formal languages. Formal languages do fit into the topic of discussion: they are, after all, languages and we *are* speaking about speaking. So no, please don’t have anything deleted—at worst merely move the posts of mine and Lurid’s to the Godel thread (if that is somehow possible).

Second, I’m not sure if this discussion is “out of juice,” perhaps Lurid’s and my discussion is on its final legs, but not the topic overall, OSISTM—why have to start a new thread?

Third, Lurid, I don’t think “my style of argumentation” has anything to do with the difficulties that you and I are having communicating here. I simply don’t think you have a good grasp on metamathematics and formal languages. I mean, you may be a damn good mathematician, but that doesn’t make you a good logician. I’ve looked at the link you provide—here are some quotes:

Proof theory, a form of metamathematics studies the ways in which proofs are used in mathematics. However, in contrast to common mathematics, statements and proofs in proof theory are purely formal. This means that they are specified in a formal language that usually employs some symbolic logic [italics added].”

Also from the link to Proof Theory:

“…derivations of logical statements [italics added] are constructed. These derivations constitute formal proofs of the statements.”

From the link to Model theory:

From Model theory:

A model is formally defined in context of some language L [italics added]. The model consists of two things:
1. A universe set U which contains all the objects of interest, and
2. a mapping from L to U (called the evaluation mapping or interpretation function) which has as its domain all constant, predicate and function symbols in the language.

A theory is defined as a set of sentences which is consistent; often it is also defined to be closed under logical consequence [italics added]. Under this definition a theory is thus a maximally consistent set of sentences.”

And finally, from the link to mathematical logic which simply redirects to Logic:

“…nowadays logic is accepted as an accurate way to describe mathematical reasoning.”

So you might see my confusion when you accuse me of not accepting what you’ve said, not reading or understanding the reference you’ve provided, and etc.. Again, I’ve read the resource: have you?

Metamath isn't framed formally in any standard treatment. The infinite regress you refer to is the reason why.

From the links it seems as if metamaths are most certainly tied to logic, reasoning about our reasoning, and formal language. There must be a “standard treatment” of some sort, if by this we mean “formalization.” I do not see how a formal language is expressed in anything other than some more or less standardized notation and according to some more or less standardized logical practices. The regress is largely either ignored or defined away—to a point. The point is to become more clear about the language we use, the standards of reasoning we use, and etc.; thus, we accept that we are not getting absolutely clear about what is going on, but we do gain more insight as we move to examine first order languages in a second order language, OSISTM.

Although you will notice that absolutely no mention is made of higher order logics. There is a good reason for this, you know. It just isn't relevant.

Hmm, it seemed to me more because it is not an overly complex presentation of the ideas: why crowd the explanation with something that most people aren’t going to understand anyway? It clearly talks about the important role that logic plays in metamaths as the formal language in which these things are discussed.

See it’s like this:

A first order formal language is the base object language. Wrt many maths the quantifiers range over the objects: numbers. Predicates are extended or given via definition. Any statement in such maths, such as ‘4 + 4 = 8’ can be modeled in a first order language. By analogy, this is like me (or someone like me) saying “That house is old,” in a natural language—in this case English. They are similar because they are both about the objects in some world—in the former case “the world” of numbers (whatever these turn out to be), and in the later case “the world” around us. Both are statements that we can see (by analogy) as “first order” because there is taken to be some kind of connection between the “object” language and its “world.”

Now a second order language is about the statements of the first order object language: it is reasoning about our reasoning. Put differently, the connection between a first order language and a second order language is that a second order language can be seen as an “object language,” however, the objects of a second order language are the statements of the first order language: a step away from the first order language’s “world.”

As a little bit of an aside (but perhaps not so much), the reason I haven’t said much about topology is because I am not very familiar with topology—although by synchronicity my sis gave me a book on topology recently and I’ve been reading it (only my second book on the subject so far). Now this Stephen Barr author guy says that topology is about the invariant properties of certain structures—particularly mathematical structures (he discusses the mobius strip in various ways, the klein bottle, the torus (topologically equivalent to a coffee mug, btw folks), map colouring, the projective plane, and etc.). These mathematical structures are objects in so far as their existence is dependent upon the relations between the objects of the first order language: numbers. The relationships (which are the predicates and functions of the first order language) mark out the various statements we make about the objects in groups (or in some interpretations “sets”): that x is a circle, here is how to determine properties of the circle—we now give a formula with fixed relations, but variables where the numbers would be.

OK, so topology according to Barr says, forget these sorts of variables (size and such isn’t the issue) let’s look a t the invariant properties under various sorts of defined transformations. Thus, we are no longer taking numbers as objects in the language of topology, we are taking the statements made about classes of objects in a first order language and examining them from a “higher” perspective: we now have a second order language (of some sort) simply because we a now quantifying over relations—certain relations of the mathematical structure become variables in the language of topology, OSISTM.

Wrt our analogy between formal languages and natural languages, this is now like allowing variables into the sentence in a different way. Whereas before the object was “house” and the first order language can substitute a plethora of objects in its place. When we move to “quantify” over the predicate ‘is old’, we move into a sort of second order language: we could replace this predicate with a variety of others: ‘is new’, ‘needs paint’, etc.. The difference between a formal language and a natural language here seems to be that a formal language marks a sharp break between first and second order, but the distinction in a natural language is so fluid and common place it goes unnoticed.

What is even more interesting, perhaps, with respect to natural languages is that we can not only see an implicit or fluid “higher order” in our easy use of variables wrt predicates, but we can also see that we move to an entirely different order (which is perhaps in ways closer to the technical notion of a second order language) when we simply make a new statement not about the house or it being old (or by recognizing the possibility that not only could we say “dog” instead of “house” for example, but we can also say “has fleas” in place of “is old), but by attempting to become clearer about what we had said: “By ‘that house’ I meant the brick one and by ‘old’ I meant built more than thirty years ago.” Here we see immediately that infinite regress that lurks when we try to talk about what we mean (or reason about our reasoning): we can further differ and deflect our meaning (or the reasonings about our reasoning’s reasoning) to still further clarification—we can still say more. This is back to Derrida’s differance.

To bring this back to the metamaths: model theory and proof theory rely on logical reasoning which is commonly held to be expressible in symbolic logics (typically some sort of predicate logic: sentential logic is too simple). Proof theory seem to me to have to be second order because it is talking about the proofs about, say, mathematical objects: it takes the statements of mathematics as its objects. Model theory, it seems to me, discovers/creates/examines mappings from one first order language to another (or one domain or “world” described in a first order language into another). Thus, it too takes the statements of a domain and maps them to the statements of another domain; i.e., it uses a language that takes statements for objects: the very definition of a second order language. Of course, there are first-order model theories that examine many models in the same language, and in these cases, we need not necessarily move to higher order langauge.

Also, since we are both familiar with Hilbert's programme - which was about reducing all maths to logic…

This isn’t quite right: Hilbert’s program was to get at consistent proofs about infinities that were obtained by finite means—in this way he is more of what gets called an “intuitionist” than he is a supporter of what gets called “logicism” (which is people like Russell and the early Wittgenstein). However, Hilbert is also more of a so-called “formalist” since he wanted to have infinities in math as “ideal” elements so long as the system remains consistent. He figured that mathematics did have an extralogical subject matter (and this too is counter to the position of the logicists who felt that mathematics has no subject matter but was merely pure logical relations), and this is captured in his famous remark: “Points, lines, and planes could be tables, chairs, and beer mugs.” The point being that the formalists don’t care so much what the objects of mathematics are: they are more concerned with maintaining consistent ways to prove things about these objects.

Godel directly undermines Hilbert’s program: we both know this. Logicism isn’t so much affected by Godel’s proof, but has other unrelated shortcomings.

Yes (although Godel is not restricted to first order, I believe). But incompletely. There are theorems of arithmetic that are not provable in the first order formulation. Godel proved this in the abstract, but there are concrete examples of this, IIRC.

Godel simply doesn’t matter to much but first order languages (or perhaps some “weak” second order languages?): like I have already said, “…it is an established fact that there are no positive nor negative tests for 2nd order validity in ‘full’ 2nd order logics; thus, they are incomplete.” The theorems of arithmetic are in a first order language: Godel’s proof depends on this fact in order to show that first order languages are incomplete by showing that there are statements in the first order language which we know are true (from a second order perspective?), but which the language itself cannot prove: see Rucker’s take on it above for a more or less “concrete” example.

One is allowed any inspiration whatsoever, and one can then use that to find a formal legal proof. Undecidability says that the method of finding the proof is not able to be automated. It does not say that there exists no formal proof. Godel says that about some, perhaps most, systems. But that isn't undecidability.

Inspiration is not proof. What if there is no “formal legal proof” that exists at all regarding our inspiration. Validity is about the form of the argument: if there is no way to know if the form of an argument is indeed valid or not (no positive or negative test for validity—i.e., incomplete) then how can conclusions be assumed to be proven based on the form of argument? Undecidability says that there are some statements that may or may not be of valid form; that is, there might be no end to the computation involved in deciding; thus, we simply can’t tell; however, in first order languages, we can definitely decide if an argument isvalid (i.e., true premises can’t possibly yield a false conclusion—Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy), but not definitely if it isn’t.

Given that we are quoting Godel, I assumed that we were sticking to standard binary logic systems. But you were arguing that natural language is binary valued and I was arguing that it is not…

Godel was a self-professed Platonist, ya’ know. He figured we had direct intuition (not to be confused with the intuitionsits) of a mathematical realm of ideal objects—and he was a logician (not to be confused with logicism). He certainly believed in only bivalent truth conditions. Perhaps like old Plato himself, either a thing partakes of the form of truth or it does not. I was not arguing that all natural language was binary valued, I was arguing against your claim that all natural language was *obviously* not understood in terms of bivalent truth conditions. I was arguing that at least some (but an apparently large and significant portion) of our language appears to be interpreted as if it was modeled in only bivalent truth conditions under normal circumstances regarding normal interactions in everyday life.

You see what I’m saying about languages here?
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