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Which Superhero? Slightly more serious than you might think...


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14:02 / 20.05.03
Jack Fear is the Spectre.
Jack Fear
14:38 / 20.05.03
Ooh, I like that. Being as I am moaning, crotchety, and older than dirt, I was afraid I was gonna get stuck being Elijah Snow.
15:41 / 20.05.03
I was inches away from declaring Jack Fear The Thing.

Mainly for the curmudgeon factor. Like the Hulk, the Thing pulls no punches. Unlike the Hulk, the Thing will occasionally apologize afterwards... but won't really agonize over it.

The whole Yancey St. thing doesn't quite fit, though.


Weird. I never saw myself as a Mr. Fantastic type. He's so... upstanding!



moriarty: So, which am I? Power Man or Iron Fist? Sweet Christmas!

I think you just answered that question. Duh.

Again, like the Thing, there's that "up from the streets, down in the ghet-to" thing that I'm not sure fits exactly. Although there was that topic you started about the roommate maybe not being ready for the roughness of your neighborhood....

Still, Luke Cage believes in getting things done. So he goes and does them. Doesn't matter if SHIELD is supposed to be out there, or if Kingpin's goons are in the way, right?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
19:19 / 20.05.03
Wondering whether Whisky is Barda.
Mr Tricks
20:54 / 20.05.03
Weird. I never saw myself as a Mr. Fantastic type. He's so... upstanding!

perhaps you're the BIZARRO FANTASTIC MR.
Perfect Tommy
21:29 / 20.05.03
I'd be the superhero that is like Beast, but with a higher goofy-to-broody ratio. If there is one.
Tom Coates
21:47 / 20.05.03
My theory about super-heroes and super-villains isn't particularly original I fear, but it's to do with the basic easiness with which super-heroes interact with other people. Their aspirations for the world are defensive, they're not transformative - they want to keep things as close to what they tend to see as down-home values. Their morality is obvious and any complexity must be abandoned and reduced to a more obvious morality at all times. Because of this they generally find other people easy to get on with.

If you look around yourself in your daily life you can see a lot of superheroes - they're the people who have a kind of weird charisma about them for whatever reason - they're good looking or they're athletic or something and as a result, they've not battled or struggled for much, life has seemed essentially simple for them. These are the bastions of obvious justice - the most banally noble of humanity. They're the people that secretly we all want to be, even when they accomplosh nothing. But in fact they often accomplish great things without realising how difficult it should have been. People part like the red sea in front of them, lesser people work to help them accomplish great things out of some weird sense of adoration or awe...

Super villains are entirely more complex beasts, or at least they believe themselves to be. The best villians aren't in fact villains at all - they simply have a more complex approach to morality or to the world. They're normally borne of frustration, of a sense of disconnection. There's often fundamentally a sense of resentment - that the world isn't as it should be, that THEY are not what they should be or want to be, and that something needs to be done about this situation. Super villains are, in essence, as bitter as super-heroes are oblivious.

I know a lot of bitter, frustrated people who want to accomplish great things. I know as many of those as I know the comfortably and happily naive who accidentally accomplish great things. I'm a bitter griping super-villain. This is obvious. At best I'm someone morally neutral and inscrutable like Metron or something. I'm not sure I'm a Magneto - but I'm something like that...

Fist is an interesting one in that he's clearly NOT bitter about his place in the world, but he's also not naive about it either. He's a pragmatist to the bone I think - the kind of person who would have no problem balancing an immediate wrong for a greater moral gain in the medium term. So he's an ideal Batman , really. The kind of person whose only not a super-villian because his ends coincide with everyone else, even if hiis reasons are profoundly different...

Nick just IS more difficult that this though - he does adhere to a slightly blurry moral code that infuses everything he does - he doesn't believe in ends justifying means, which I think both Fist and I do (to varying extents) and I think he has that permeating sense of spirituality and the essential warm fuzziness of life that bounces off me like bullets or compliments. I think he's got traces of the Martian Manhunter in him because - again - his short-term ends meet with the ends of the blander superheroes, and are very strongly against the more linear process-driven thinking of some of the rest of us. If I'm a super-villain and Fist's a super-hero (because it remains expedient to be one), then Nick is - I think - more of an accidental hero - a priest or something. It's KIND of like this:

I think the world should be changed.
Fist thinks the world should be fixed.
Nick thinks the world should be helped.
Perfect Tommy
22:07 / 20.05.03
That's fascinating. What I want to know, then, is: in the comics, how do the accidental heroes generally differ from the accidental villains? Do the villains always come with disfigurement (the Joker, Dr. Destroyer), without which they'd be reluctant heroes?
—| x |—
23:34 / 20.05.03
Flux I think your Persephone-Jean Grey interpretation is spot on!

For some reason or other—but certainly unclear to me—I am intrigued and would be pleasantly delighted if someone were to take a crack at giving me a superhero (or villain) match up. And if you can’t say something nice…then say it like you mean it!
Mr Tricks
17:18 / 21.05.03
I am intrigued and would be pleasantly delighted if someone were to take a crack at giving me a superhero (or villain) match up.

As I don't even know you & this is, I think, the first post of yours I've read..

I'll dub you a Phantom Stranger
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:41 / 21.05.03
I have a deep and gnawing fear in the pit of my stomach that I'm Arthur.
Brigade du jour
21:15 / 21.05.03
I'm definitely a hero, and I'm definitely The Beast. He's a bit stuck-up and shows off how clever-clever he is (although I end up making a tit of myself more often than he does) and he's big and furry but a soft sensitive sausage underneath.

But I'm not blue. Well ... sometimes.
—| x |—
21:45 / 21.05.03
Thanks Mr. Tricks!

I don't know so much about Phantom Stranger, but I like that he appears to be levitating in the picture. Cool.
The Strobe
21:52 / 21.05.03
Bah, no-one's bothered to do me yet. [sulks]
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:32 / 22.05.03
Can someone post pics of who I'm meant to be? I can't really find anything that explains 'em good enough. Are we talking Disney Beast, here?
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:34 / 22.05.03
And Paleface; you present a strong Tintin vibe. Dunno why. But I think he's a champ, anyway; how many other boy journalists do you know that survive UFO abductions and constant inebriation? Jimmy fucking Olsen? Not likely.

And you get out to hang out with Captain Haddock. How cool is that?
Whisky Priestess
16:31 / 22.05.03
Nick: "Wondering whether Whisky is Barda"

That's Big Barda to you. And don't forget that "Big Barda possesses the "Mega-Rod" which has various functions including opening gateways to other dimensions". Could be useful, that.
The Strobe
16:58 / 22.05.03
OK, so other people get to be, like, cool superheroes and shit and I get to be Tintin? (The fact I look like him not withstanding...)

Dude, this is wack.
17:04 / 22.05.03
Roth, I think we are almost undoubtedly talking about the X-Men Beast here, you know, the big blue hairy guy:
17:28 / 22.05.03
Um - apologies for that being an X-Men animated series Beast pic.
The Return Of Rothkoid
17:53 / 22.05.03
Paleface: you have a cool dog, cool hair, you hang out with a man descended from pirates and you're not fucking blue. You're ahead on points.
Brigade du jour
21:19 / 22.05.03
Being for the benefit of Mr Rothkoid - I was referring to myself very much as the X-men's Beast, as pictured above. Now I look at him again actually, the resemblance is rather striking ...
Kit-Cat Club
21:40 / 22.05.03
I think Beast is very appropriate for Rothkoid actually. My first thought for Paleface was Iceman, but I'm not sure how appropriate that actually is. Not Tintin though...

I have always identified with Eric from Dungeons and Dragons.
The Strobe
22:30 / 22.05.03
Which one was he?
Kit-Cat Club
22:59 / 22.05.03
Eric? The one with the shield, who you were supposed to think was completely useless, but in fact was the only one who a) was comparatively normal and b) had enough sense to get out of the way of the three-headed monster or whatever it was that week... the girl with the disappearing cloak (Sheila?) was all right as well, I suppose, but the others were pretty unbearable.
23:39 / 22.05.03
what, even Uni?


I've obviously wasted my life trying to live up to the standards of that poor abused unicorn with the original name - It's Bobby for me from now on.

"Bobby!" - (in some kind of feeble unicorn type voice).

- don't see what's so good about Sheila anyhow, how many undead/unrighteous(?) types did she ever smite?
Jack Denfeld
05:10 / 23.05.03
Oh, someone do me! I love superheroes!
05:37 / 23.05.03
I'm not sure, Johhny Alpha maybe.
The Strobe
08:07 / 23.05.03
Oh yeah - Eric was comparatively normal, wasn't he? The defensive characters weren't that shit because they had enough sense to dodge stuff and think about things. The rest of them were gash, though. Sheila again not so bad... but she was called Sheila.

And Uni... fucking Uni. Ugh. I hated that thing.
Whisky Priestess
10:03 / 23.05.03
Uni always sounded to me like it was being strangled underwater, which it certainly should have been. Uni snuff, mmm ....
11:46 / 23.05.03
Someone do me then, please? It'd have to be something shit, like Hothead Paisan if she was a brain in a jar...
13:20 / 23.05.03
Well Cho, based upon the brief interludes into my life with your words and yr general inclination to look at all sides of the story, coupled with your phenomenal moderating duties, I was thinking of some sort of living tribunal / inbetweener entity.

But after much deliberation I think it's got to be Howard the Duck. please don't look for reasons as complete lack of often disappoints.

I’m sure someone with greater insight and wider reading knowledge can do better than that
The Return Of Rothkoid
07:02 / 24.05.03
Dang. I think I need some explanation here. Can someone do me a "So there's this Beast, right, and..." For Those Who Came In Late thing, much like happened with Haus' exposition on The History Of Comic Characters?
Char Aina
15:07 / 25.05.03
i am SO king mob.

except i am better in bed, and at silat.
The Falcon
15:48 / 25.05.03
Jack Denfeld = Connor Hawke Green Arrow.

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