Kit Kat –
It would be more appropriate to think about what might constitute a sustainable lifestyle, and then about what it would cost to maintain that, now. The past is, well, past.
I agree (I was simply seeking to address the whole “what is poor” question by referencing a lower level of wealth as compared to what we have today (the typical comfortable 1850s lifestyle would be poor by today’s standards, but would it be an acceptable level of poor for a non-third-world-screwing economy ). Any ideas on what would be sustainable? 
Leap, yeah, I gathered that, I just didn't (and don't) think that looking for a direct historical parallel or example is going to work - circumstances have changed too much. If you wanted to work out what constitutes being poor in this country you might take things like the ability to pay rent/utilities bills and supply food and clothing needs as the basis for working out a sort of poverty line - which would vary, obviously, as it would rest at a higher level of income in the South-East than the North-East, for example.
That would still all be based on an economy that has the to 20% in luxury and the bottom 80% (world population) in poverty. We need to look outside of the current economy and find a basic lifestyle that would be sustainable on a global scale (in terms of population count and density, land area accessibility, environmental sustainability, avoidance of massive differences between rich and poor, non-exploitative trade, and civil liberties). I would hazard a guess that the lifestyle of the typical comfortable 1850s family would be (at least) the base line point (ie: it would not necessitate global slums, with poverty as the standard, in order to undo the severe wealth imbalance (I have no problems with differences in wealth so long as they do not create the high-wealth/master/luxury vrs poverty/slave/sweatshop divide).
Haus –
Can anyone scare up some hard facts on the financial consequences of a structured reduction in or abolition of third world debt? Only I suspect the balances in terms of reinvestment and trade might actually soften the blow a fair bit...
I am seeking them out……
Quantum -
The comfortable of 1850 would be poor by today’s standards (Leap)
What, a houseful of servants and massive amounts of leisure time?
Sorry; my terminology was a bit misleading. I did not mean the middle/upperclasses. By comfortable I meant “non-slum” life rather than the “pride and prejudice” brigade 
they could not achieve western wealth. We got here on their backs. If we redistribute the wealth we stole from them, the colonialist power will be undone and western hegemony will collapse from this world. (Leap)
No it won't. The third world have not had their turn at being rich. If we're going to be totally fair then they should be unsustainably rich at our expense for a few centuries. Why should we deny them our level of wealth? Because we know better? Isn't that terribly patronising? They want what we have...
…because they are told to want it and taught no alternative. It is not patronising to “Know better” than someone who is kept in an artifical state of ignorance by a colonialist oppressor [eeek! I sound like “holy grail” ]
Why not local-regional small govts... (Leap)
Because that would 1) mean our imposing our idea of govt. on them (Regime Change anyone?) and 2) be Leapworld, discussed elsewhere
Advocacy through argument is not quite the same as “tank assisted” 
A misunderstanding here I think due to my poor clarity, I mean the people who own the most wealth (5% own something like 80%) should give most of it to the people who have the least (something like 80% owning 5%) so a few sacrifice their excess to the many who desperately need it. I hope we're saying the same thing.
But that wealth is created through oppressive commercial practices; it is not sustainable without there being a “third world” to create in a dehumanising environment (being poorly paid in sweatshops and shantytowns).
Not if you just do it once- how about a one off tax of this kind to introduce a little parity, then leave everyone to get on with it?
If you do it just once, the colonialist structure will still be in place and will still rest on cheap production matched by expensive selling (also based in a banking system that works on western national debt that can be written off – what is the US national debt currently at? $6,400,000,000,000+ and climbing at $1,130,000,000 a day! )
(I can't help but hum 'Where is my Mind?' from the end of Fight Club while thinking this, blow up the banks, that'll teach 'em...)
Well, perhaps return them to the gold standard would be a good start……
The current global GDP is: 27,358,000,000,000 (27 TRILLION dollars!)
Divide that by the 6 billion population and you get about $4500 each. That’s four and a half grand WITH an economy based on sweatshops-n-shantytowns and enormous western debt!!! |