I'm sure I can't be the only one who reconciled myself a while ago to having my politics (not to mention morality/ethics in general) attributed to guilt, motivationally speaking, by right-wing/reactionary assholes. Liberal guilt, white guilt, heterosexual male guilt, yada yada yada. It's never bothered me too much - for one thing, it's one of those stock, instinctive phrases that hardly counts even as rhetoric, so little has it been thought out... As Haus likes to say, it's not an argument, it's an emotional sound effect. I do believe in examining the motivations for one's own beliefs and convictions on a pretty regular basis, and I've done this - done it enough, I think, to know what I'm talking about when I say that guilt is not a serious motivating factor. Awareness of my own complicity/privilege? Sure. That's not the same thing. Apart from anything else, stop trying to fucking psychoanalyse me.
Like I said though, I've got used to hearing this from the expected quarters. What really gets my goat is hearing it from people supposedly "on the same side" as myself - and I know how fucked-up a term/concept that is, but can anyone think of a better one? More specific terms like "left-wing"/"liberal"/"progressive"/"radical" are even less helpful... The point is, I've heard this accusation both from so-called 'moderates' - eg, the claim that ideas such as open borders or the redistribution of wealth are crazy concepts motivated by guilt - and those who consider themselves more radical - eg, a recent claim that certain white men, myself presumably included, were only objecting to a transphobic article to mask our own privilege and sexism (no, I don't quite get the rationale there either).
Obviously, nobody likes having aspersions cast on their motives. But the main reason I object to the term being used here is still the same as when it comes from the right, only more so - it doesn't in itself seem to mean anything. If you think someone is being tactless, or condescending, or a poor ally, or denying someone a voice who needs it more, or even "going to far", then for God's sake say how and why. Don't just bandy about a term which is little more than a substitute for "political correctness gone maaaaad!"
So does anyone here think this kind of guilt *is* a bit factor in motivating liberal politics, and if so, who wants to make that case? |