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The Return Of Rothkoid
23:31 / 25.06.03
My only true rule? Don't call before you say you will, and if they say they'll call you at a certain time, do not cave in and call them up. It lowers your Cool Factor.

Or something. Assuming I had one.
08:26 / 26.06.03
Ah, this old thread.

Update: S'all off with Kat. Not unhappy, just bloody disappointed. I suppose my timing was bad.

Unfortunately I'm left with a great big whole that needs to be filled by a girlfriend. Sadly I hardly ever meet anyone I find attractive in that "I'd like to go out with you" way.
Whisky Priestess
09:58 / 26.06.03
Picky, picky. Just go to a bar, close your eyes, spin around and start humping the leg of the first woman you touch.

What? Works for me ...
10:11 / 26.06.03
You know something I don't think I've ever been on a date (probably not that suprising really, self pity etc...etc...) that's pretty weird.

Oh no actually there was one, she moved to Australia the following week.

I think I need a drink....
10:26 / 26.06.03
Do I have to look up at them, whilst humping, with wide eyes and a serious, determined expression?

Seemed to work for my dog.

Seriously, girls I want to shag: an infinitude.
Girls that make me want to blither: few and very far between.
10:57 / 26.06.03
Unless 'blither' means something very different from what I think it does, that surprises me. For me, the latter is embarrassingly and inextricably associated with the former.
Baz Auckland
17:58 / 26.06.03
Called today! Unecessary stress over. Success. weeee!
23:02 / 26.06.03
A couple of weeks ago, i went to see this girl, isla. Everyone who knew us both went around saying to everyone including her and me, that we were going on a date. It totally put the pressure on both of us, making us really shy, and whether or not it was because of that, nothing came of it. Argh.

So i trundle along, alone.

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