It could be he's making every other issue dissapointing on purpose, to show that even mysticism has its moments were you say, aww shit that wasn't even worth my time.
Max could be pulling more tubing out of Murcury Moogs skull, at least that was what I thought.
As to Max creating the Hand in order to fight it, I don't think thats likely, it would seem that the science gestapo found that god was dead for whatever reason(I like the 'universe as suicide note' idea), and have stepped in, which is why their cops are called the Hand, god was supposed to eliminate the unnecessary, and now they eliminate what they find unnecessary, even though it may be just fine, the Hand never gives anything a chance. So if Grant is trying to eliminate his dreams and become an Ipissimus or whatever, he is also showing that in every portrayal of the truth that you can think of, + or -, it necessarily contains the atecedent. The hand are an autoimmune system in most cases, but they are also taking the role of arbitures of creation, without the omniscience of god to guide them, just the antiquated theories of two old farts. In this way he restates the primary objection to absolutist science, or fundamental materialism, which means he didn't ever wander off topic, so yeah this issue was kinda a let down. |