What I'm saying is that a primate society taken as a unit can be considered one organism, as individuals we are cells in this organism, and perform different functions. But as primates, we maintain a balance between individual autonomy and social integration, the extremes of this are communism and social dissolution. I avoid the term anarchy because I see government as an artificial introduction that disrupts the function of the human organism. Human beings naturally will follow an alpha, but in tribal society, an alpha who lies too much, (or yes, gets caught too much, hehe), looses respect and simply isn't followed anymore. The problem with formal archisms is that they tend to slide toward the extreme of communism, or for lack of advanced social theory, (but communism isn't that advanced), feudalism. Tribal society in it's original form is the most fairest, (if fairness actually exists), because the tribe most often respects individual rights, there commonly aren't any victimless crimes, but entity thing, there are social taboos that, while victimless, are punished either mildly or severely, depending on the local custom. But outlaw, you seem to take human behaviour as somehow reprehensible, but you must remember, most people are just dumb animals, they can't help wanting to be told what to do, it is written into their DNA, they have no choice. It seems to me that you think free will exists within everyone when they are born, and this simply isn't so, the facts you quote and the points you make point this out. It is very rare that a human being developes individual conciousness beyond what is needed in the social organism. So to return to that analogy, the individual functions as a source of new and/or different info, new ideas ect. Often the individual gets crucified for it, but like I said, not happiness, maxproliferation. So most people don't want to be free, you can either sulk about it or do your best not to let western society lead us down the road to social hell, a la 1984/brave new world. People like us are miserable because the only frontier, (were their ever is any real freedom), is inaccesable to us, it will be someday, perhaps after we're dead, perhaps not, but until then we have cyberspace, which will have to do. Do I seem like an intellectual now? |