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Camera Syndrome: paranoia, histrionics and always being "on."

20:10 / 01.05.03
Does she still seem to think that barbelith is a place for therapy? Who knew that I'd actually be able to go to parties and... exist? Lots of recent breakthroughs. Everyhting was so panoramic before: I felt like I had some type of role to play. Very high school, but wait! There's more!

The 1st year of attending parties/events that you feel comfortable at can be like running around the candy store with so much excitement that you forget where you are. (especially if you were raised in a place where candy/fringe culture didn't exist) But wait! There's more! There's what I'd like to call "Camera Syndrome."

What is Camera Syndrome?

Camera Syndrome is a juvenile behavior cosisting of a constant "on" state. People with CS tend to annoy everyone around them. They feel that there is a camera on them 24/7, and are in a perpetual state of performance art. While people with CS can be the most entertaining bursts of hilarious creativity since sliced feds, they tend to have trouble "letting go" of themselves.

What causes Camera Syndrome?

Usually it's one of your parents, though going to the airport can do wonders these days. If you have a mom that listens on all your phone calls, thoroughly reads your diary, endlessly spies on you, etc. etc. etc. there's a good chance you'll develop CS. You'll feel like there's a camera on you at all times.


You might start off paranoid. There's a camera on you, after all. You're constantly being watched, after all. Even when you're not being watched (you've moved away from mommy and you've been on your own for almost 5 years) you'll still feel the camera.


If the government or the mommy is watching, you don't have to be paranoid. Might as well perform. Ya! Take that! If there's a camera anyway, you might as well wave to it!

All these thoughts: no idea how to string them together: (in this world of chaos chaos little star) but I guess a good question would be:

Does one turn histrionic to transcend paranoia?

And, of course, where does one turn to transcend histrionics? The answer would be "off," I assume.

Breaking the camera.
20:06 / 02.05.03
Yeah, histrionics are a pretty common defense mechanism, if you're meaning by that what I think you're meaning.

And, of course, where does one turn to transcend histrionics? The answer would be "off," I assume.

I think one just is, you know. Content to be thought of as boring. Knowing that you're not. That no one is, really.
20:19 / 03.05.03
Been working on this for a while. Makes sense every time I trip, but I always seem to forget it afterwards. The whole "turning off" thing. (while still being tuned in, for I took Leary's "turning on" thing a little too far in attempting to reach tripstates without trips, meanwhile forgetting that "turning on" was about becoming one with the experience/world around you as opposed to being a subversive counter cultural performance artist, you know?)

So do you think that paranoia and histrionics are related? Started the thread all narcissistic, right, but I've got a serious inquiry here.
21:02 / 03.05.03
Woah scary stuff. I'd say im at the parania stage: always feel like im in the Truman Show. But i'd never heard of it before.
Think probably they've got to be related, but some people skip the paranoia bit- the people who do it more subconsciously. But then i dont really have a clue.
22:54 / 03.05.03
I do not have this syndrome, and to prove it, I will now pick my nose.... there! HA!
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