Fuckdrops on roses and fuckskers kittens,
Bright fucking kettles and warm fucking mittens,
Brown fucking packages fucked up with string,
These are a fuckload of fuckvorite things.
Cream fucking ponies and crisp fuckle strudel,
Door fucks and sleigh fucks and fucktzle with noodles
Wild fucks that fuck with the fuck on their wings,
These are a fuckload of fuckvorite things.
Fucks in white dresses with blue fucking sashes,
Snow-fucks that fuck on my nose and eye-lashes,
Silver white fuckters that fuck into spring,
These are a fuckload of fuckvorite things.
When the fuck bites,
When the fuck stings,
When I'm fucking sad,
I fuckly remember my fuckvorite things,
And then I don't fuck so bad. |