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Fuck 'em!


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19:38 / 01.05.03
That's what I say! Fuck 'em!
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
20:54 / 01.05.03
You know, before noon today i said "Fuck Em" about 10,000 times, so im adding myself to the fuck em list
Spatula Clarke
20:56 / 01.05.03
I'd rather not. Have you seen them?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
21:09 / 01.05.03
i dont know, some of them are pretty good looking around the edges...
Saint Keggers
22:56 / 01.05.03
I did..once. They never invited me back and claim their cat's still not right.
09:00 / 02.05.03
I'm right there with you. Fuck 'em all. Fuckers.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
09:07 / 02.05.03
Fuck the fucking fuckers!
09:10 / 02.05.03
Oooh - why so angry? Whassa matter velvet? Who did what to incur your wrath?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:29 / 02.05.03
Fuck 'em all. Especially that one. Over there. Yeah. You. You know who you are, fucker. Fuck 'em all, but you? You're fucking fucked with a fucking side order of fuck and a tasty super-sized Fucky Shake with Fuck Sprinkles and a dollop of fuck on the side.

Fucking fuckers.
Spatula Clarke
12:46 / 02.05.03
No! Smoochle them, buy them cakes and fizzy pop. Take them for a kickabout in the park. Tickle them behind the ears. Learn to love them like your own.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:14 / 02.05.03
Smoochles? Fuck smoochles. I fucking will smoochle no fucker. Fuck them! Fuck them in a lavishly-decorated Fuckage theme, with classic, well-upholstered fucks, low-wattage mood fucking, halogen spot fucks, watered fucking silk fuckery embroidered with fuck, a fucking cornice fucking stenciled with teeny tiny fucks, a few antique fucks on the side fuck and little throw fucks carelessly fucked around in odd fucking corners.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:54 / 03.05.03
Fuck that.
09:58 / 03.05.03

Fuck, I mean I'm kind of fucked off over these fucking generalizations about them and how those fucks all need to be fucked!

For fuck's mother fucking fuck! Don't any fucks pay one fucking moment of their fucked attention to how fucked it is to want them fucked?

Fuck it.
10:05 / 03.05.03
Mordant: for a classic-yet-contemporary effect, I recommend discreet touches of fuckoupage.
20:13 / 03.05.03
You mean ur not gonna smoochle me, mordant? I will cry.
21:23 / 03.05.03
Now this is intelligent conversation!
16:08 / 04.05.03
I wasn't pissed off at all, actually. I just decided it would be amusing to post a totally throwaway fuck 'em line in the convo thread and see what happened. I like it - particularly the Changing Rooms-fuckery post, which reminds me of the time I rewrote the opening passage of Bleak House inna contemporary-stylee, replacing the word 'fog' with the word 'cunts'. That was how boring that particular lecture was...
20:23 / 05.05.03
I've been away. And I fucked 'em. And now I'm back. And, to be honest, they weren't all that.

Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:34 / 06.05.03
Fuck dairies, Fuck the west coast and Fuck everybody on the east
EAT Fuck AND DIE, or Fuck off atleast
Fuck pre-schoolers, Fuck rulers, kings and queens Fuck gold jewlers
Fuck wine coolers
Fuck chickens, Fuck ducks
Everybody in your crew sucks punk motha Fucks
Fuck critics, Fuck your review
Even if you like me, Fuck YOU!

-Fuck the World, Insane Clown Posse.

Oh yeah, and fuck everyone on MSNBC except Keith Oberman, and Fuck Faux News.
Char Aina
02:54 / 06.05.03
fuck this thread.

and the whores it rode in on.
Saint Keggers
02:59 / 06.05.03
I just read the police reports...they have been thoroughly fucked.
I mean them, not the police. Well, maybe Sting.
04:20 / 06.05.03

ah I feel better.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:37 / 06.05.03
So fucking go, walk out the fucking door,
Don't fucking turn around now, you're not fucking welcome any-fucking-more,
I should have changed the fucking lock,
I should have fucking made you leave your fucking key,
If I'd fucking thought for one fucking second,
You'd be fucking back to fuck around with me...
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
16:24 / 06.05.03
This is fucking great. Fuck you all, you magnificent bastards!
17:15 / 06.05.03
Fuck, the fucking fuck's fucked!

Three cheers for FUCK! Is there no part of speech this wonderful word can not occupy?
Mourne Kransky
18:10 / 06.05.03
Where the bee fucks, there fuck I.

Shakespeare The Tempest
(Does that count as getting mediaeval on their asses?)
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:01 / 07.05.03
Fuckdrops on roses and fuckskers kittens,
Bright fucking kettles and warm fucking mittens,
Brown fucking packages fucked up with string,
These are a fuckload of fuckvorite things.

Cream fucking ponies and crisp fuckle strudel,
Door fucks and sleigh fucks and fucktzle with noodles
Wild fucks that fuck with the fuck on their wings,
These are a fuckload of fuckvorite things.

Fucks in white dresses with blue fucking sashes,
Snow-fucks that fuck on my nose and eye-lashes,
Silver white fuckters that fuck into spring,
These are a fuckload of fuckvorite things.

When the fuck bites,
When the fuck stings,
When I'm fucking sad,
I fuckly remember my fuckvorite things,
And then I don't fuck so bad.
14:56 / 09.05.03
Fuck those "friends" who would rather see in the simplest form possible ,edited and easily digestible, and fuck myself for being too weak to do anything but fall into line.
Mourne Kransky
15:00 / 09.05.03
Thank fuck it's Friday!
15:25 / 09.05.03
(sung to the tune of "Old McDonald Had a Farm")

Fuck Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!
Fuck Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!
fuck-fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK
fuck-fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK
fuck-FUCK fuck-FUCK fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCKFUCK!
Fuck Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!

the word 'fuck' looks different after you type it out a lot.
8===>Q: alyn
21:08 / 10.05.03
Fuck me.
The Return Of Rothkoid
07:07 / 11.05.03
Ahh, fuckya.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:47 / 11.05.03
"You'll be given love, you'll be taken care of.
You'll be given love, you have to trust it.
Maybe not from the sources you have poured yours into,
maybe not from the directions you are staring at.
Twist your head around; it's all around you.
All is full of fuck; all around you.
All is full of fuck; you just ain't recievin'.
All is full of fuck; your phone is off the hook.
All is full of fuck; your doors are shut.
All is full of fuck."
15:03 / 11.05.03
I think that could use a few more fucks.

So could I, actually, come to think of it, but that's another question altogether...
15:04 / 11.05.03
'The fucks are alive, with the sound of fucking...
with fucks they have fucked, for fucking years...'

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