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Those Wacky Japanese


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Saint Keggers
02:41 / 03.05.03
If you put Adamants post to a funky beat its quite fun for the whole family. Especailly if you sing it in a Fred Flintsone voice. I just want to see the look on my mums face as dad unwraps this at christmas time (from Santa, ofcourse).
03:02 / 03.05.03
sorry if you were offended by it, mr mantis.
i'm not a mr!
she said, faux huffingly.

i too have ignored the japanese stereotype aspect...and yet, isn't there truth to it, if you phrase it a bit nicer? i.e. rather than calling them/the stuff they come up with*unusual*, maybe? i mean, these are the people who invented bukkake, yes?
03:08 / 03.05.03
Jeez now your going to have a go at bukkake, what's with you squares!!?

Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:50 / 03.05.03
Eeek! Just managed to avoid a sacking.

In my naivety, having never heard of the practice of bukkake, I just did a quick google search for it from my office PC. All I can say is I'm glad I didn't press the I'm Feeling Lucky! button - it would have been a good contender for The Least Aptly Named Button In The World award.

But yes, the dolls are about the most disturbing objects I think I've ever come across. So to speak.
Saint Keggers
04:55 / 03.05.03
Now if only they could be combined with pez dispenser technology!
07:37 / 03.05.03
Rather late to this thread, but...

Use of "sick" to describe other people's adult, consenting sexual choices really pisses me off - partly because, with only a slight reframing or from a slightly different viewpoint, many of my own sexual preferences might be similarly damned, and partly because, as a psychiatric professional, it irritates me when 'health/illness' labels are misappropriated to stigmatise this or that behaviour.

To many of us, shit provokes an instinctive 'disgust' response. To many of us, homosexuality provokes an instinctive 'disgust' response. We should attempt to be a liiittle more self-examining of our rush to label something 'sick' because a) we don't want to do it (no-one's making us), and b) we don't understand why other people do.

With you 100%, Cholister.
08:36 / 03.05.03
In my opinion,

1)I am not into the more extreme forms of sexual play, missionary, doggy, usualy do me just fine. Sometimes some cuffs but thats not the issue, the issue is I find scat disgusting and sick, but if you want to eat shit I'll hand you a silver spoon and you can go to town, I don't know, I'm just an American that way.

2)Yes, dropping the bomb on those people broke them in some fundamental way that can't be easily quanitified. I spent 4 yrs in the marine corps and a year of that, (separated into two 6 mo periods), gave me a chance to really see there culture unfiltered, especially when I was in tokyo, away from my slave masters. They were broken, there god surrendered to an elected official, a man. It broke them, the atomics broke them, they are a broken people. Say what you want in abour the permissive spirit and that scat doesn't mean the're broken, I've been there, they are broken.

3)I am sometimes proud to be an american, sometimes not. One thing I know, is that every nation has a charecter, and that ours is to break people with absoulute megaultra extreme violence. I wonder about this, the people in Japan are a nice people, I like them, but I can't help but wonder, why did they pull us into the war that ended with the ultimate symbolic scat? Why did they do it? Did the steal mean that much, didn't they realize what america is? That we will fuck up anyone that fucks with us. It makes me sad, I also can't help but feel some sort of strange pride. The contrast of emotion in me is odd.
Lurid Archive
08:36 / 03.05.03
Its also a touch naive. People can sexualise pretty much anything, as far as I can tell. When you start to get an idea of the diversity of sexuality, its hard to remain shocked for long. Sure, people get off on lots of things that I wouldn't enjoy. Is that really such a surprise?

As for the Japanese being more *unusual*. I very much doubt it.
Lurid Archive
08:46 / 03.05.03
the issue is I find scat disgusting and sick

Is it? I would have thought that it is neither here nor there what you feel about scat. You don't like it? Don't do it.

And I just don't see scat as betraying some fundamental property of the Japanese character. Try "scat fetish" in google and you'll get a heartwarmingly multicultural list of hits.
08:51 / 03.05.03
I do find it sick, but I recognize that as individual preference, I also said I'd hand anyone that wanted it a silver spoon, do as you please, I certainly do. And why can the japs scat but I'm barred from finding it sick, I can find sick whatever I please.
Lurid Archive
08:59 / 03.05.03
Of course you can find it sick. No one is stopping you. It's just that you seemed to identify that as "the issue". It is an issue for you, perhaps, but surely it is largely irrelevant? I'm probably responding as much to the comments above, labelling this as "sick", as anything else.
09:14 / 03.05.03
Ph, well, I didn't mean to say it was THE Issue, it is an issue with me, for the already stated reason. Hey, I think it's great they aren't being arrested and torured to death for such things. We've come a long way baby! CHA CHA CHA!
09:41 / 03.05.03
I think it's perfectly acceptable to say that something disgusts you. Labelling it "sick", however, carries health/disease overtones which make me, as a psychiatrist, uncomfortable. I'm generally careful not to label something "sick" unless it reflects illness of some kind - and scat, however personally abhorrent one may find it, does not in itself reflect psychiatric (or any other sort of) illness. I'd suggest people search for less pseudo-medical adjectives with which to express their personal distaste - and also be mindful of the subjective/objective distinction. "X disgusts me" is fundamentally different from generalising that "X is disgusting".
Char Aina
11:57 / 03.05.03
what would you say to denote the same feelings of revulsion and discomfort with such a practice in a concise manner, then, ganesh?

if its good, i'll switch.

(thats not to say i am revulsed or uncomfortable, i would just like a replacement for sick)
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:13 / 03.05.03
Can I just add that these things are going to cause quite a stir on the Antiques Roadshow one day.

"And how much should I insure them for?? Do you think?? They're family heirlooms..."
12:36 / 03.05.03
Change of emphasis, Toksik: say "it sickens me" or "it disgusts me" or "I find it repulsive" or "it's totally alien to me" or "it makes me want to blow chunks" or whatever. By all means comment on the reaction the concept produces in you, but don't casually mislabel an entire (adult, consenting) sexual subgroup (physically or psychiatrically) unwell on the sole grounds that it makes your skin crawl.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:55 / 03.05.03
The Projectile Range

For the serious collector
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:00 / 03.05.03
I think the problem is that disgust is such a powerful, basic thing that it's hard to step outside of your own response and be objective. It can be very hard to seperate "this disgusts me" from "this is a bad/sick/wrong thing to be doing". It's a very natural, understanda ble way to react, and I'm very glad that Cholister has highlighted it.

And... how come the girl's fannies are blacked out? Look, if you can stand it-- there's little black strips covering up their marys! How is a twat more offensive than what's going on round the corner?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
22:59 / 03.05.03
There's almost nothing I wouldn't do. The list of stuff I've done would make your fucking hair curl, cusm, and I'm fucking proud of that

Fascinated by this...Proud how? "I'd like to thank the Nobel Academy..."proud or internal-validation-knowledge-of-a-job-well-done kind of proud??

The whole pride thing is quite confusing, to me. Surely it's all just for fun?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
23:03 / 03.05.03
Pride - A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.
Pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, possession, or association: parental pride.
Arrogant or disdainful conduct or treatment; haughtiness.

A cause or source of pleasure or satisfaction; the best of a group or class: These soldiers were their country's pride.
The most successful or thriving condition; prime: the pride of youth.
An excessively high opinion of oneself; conceit.
Mettle or spirit in horses.
A company of lions. See Synonyms at flock1.
A flamboyant or impressive group: a pride of acrobats.

OK, I got it.
23:09 / 03.05.03
given that fecal matter is our standard by which we judge sick, fecal matter must be sick, so eating it is objectively some sick shit!
23:29 / 03.05.03
A fine line of reasoning, Adamant, but somewhat circular. Different societies have different standards by which they judge what is and isn't disgusting; some Eastern cultures would consider feet disgusting. 'Sick', on the other hand, implies the presence of some variety of illness, and illness - in the Western world - is generally the remit of doctors. There is no medical evidence to suggest that a sexual act between consenting adults is, in itself, indicative of illness.

Coprophagia is likely to make one feel physically sick - but then, the same may be said of drinking a very large quantity of alcohol, and our society tends to celebrate this...
01:15 / 04.05.03
Ok, then how about this, "It makes me sick to see such things, wish I could resist the urge to satisfy my curiosity."

How about that?
01:28 / 04.05.03
Fine by me. So long as you appreciate the difference between saying something makes you feel sick, and saying that thing is sick, then I'm happy.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:16 / 04.05.03
Vomit makes me feel sick.

And vomit is sick.
12:35 / 04.05.03
Ha! I was just waiting for someone to bring up (ho ho) vomit. It's also a matter of time before shit starts getting fucked up...
16:01 / 04.05.03
I'd be interested in hearing a little bit about what makes coprophagia attractive.

Personally I can't imagine anything worse than chomping on a plop-plop, but each to their own.
16:12 / 04.05.03
I've no idea, but I'd hazard a guess that it's the context that makes it attractive to some - the taboo-busting humiliation of someone using one (and/or one's mouth) as a toilet. It'd be shading toward the extreme end of the slave/submissive/masochist spectrum.

People eating their own crap would, I suspect, be rarer still.
16:17 / 04.05.03
As a child I used to call shit lar. I have no idea why.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
18:06 / 04.05.03

I like it.

"I've just done a huge great, steaming lar."

20:22 / 04.05.03
I think it normally went like this: "Mummy I want to go lar".

Can't remember if Runce (Bobosstwin) used the same terminology.
22:54 / 04.05.03
Yeh, but is it just me or does the woman tied to the office chair at the bottom of the "projectile range" link not look like she's consenting.

Does this now hit "sick"? Or is it still not, because no one's actually getting hurt?

I realise the above may seem a bit confrontational to Chol et al, but it isn't meant to, as I agree with what you've said.
23:15 / 04.05.03
I don't know if she looks non-consenting; she looks a bit concerned. I'm not sure exactly what the scenario behind exactly why she is curling one down while sitting on a chair is, I imagine that's left up to the consumer, but I'd probably be a bit concerned too.

Given that it's a fantasy, though, does it make a difference whether she's been force-fed laxatives and tied up, or has just been caught short at work? Whether it's non-consensual or not?
01:14 / 05.05.03
Pin: if she's non-consenting, it may be that some legal infraction has occurred. That still wouldn't make the situation "sick" unless some medical pathology was present - and I've not yet seen any evidence that this is the case.
08:10 / 05.05.03
I was coming at it from the angle of men getting kicks out of women being forced to do that.

Is that mecially, psychologically, quantifiablly wrong? I'd like it if it was.

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