Yes. Where would you have them go?
As I have repeatedly pointed out, I am not complicit in the LeapTopia scenario, so this would not be my concern. If I Ruled The World, I would not remove the welfare system, so the 3% would continue to enjoy a basic existence within our society; I would therefore not be faced with the problem of relocating them (or their corpses).
Again, what would you have happen?
Again, I'm not the one proposing the LeapTopian Solution; as I appear to have to inform you repeatedly, I'd have opted for a welfare system which would ensure that disposing of that 3% would not be my problem.
I accept that mass culling may happen, although I fail to see why bedlam and rape would manifest in a society that is based on the idea of human dignity
Because your "society that is based on the idea of human dignity" effectively excludes from 'humanity' that 3% whose disabilities render them incapable of supporting themselves within that society: once resources are exhausted (as decided, naturally, by the charitable giver(s)), they are to be denied food, shelter, education, medical care; as non-workers, they are to be considered "unworthy" of a position within society, a burden. They are to be exiled (somewhere), slaughtered (with "dignity", of course), allowed to scavenge, starve, rot and die.
Essentially, this 3% becomes a sub-underclass, sub-human even. Having dehumanised them to this degree - and having failed to suggest any way to address their situation other than saying communities and individuals might treat them however they wished - there's relatively little to stop any 'legitimate' member of society raping, mutilating, killing them for sport. Dehumanise one section of humanity to a sufficient degree and torturing them becomes easy: not my opinion, but the findings of social psychologists the world over - the good old Power of Context again. With no fear of any legal retribution (I mean, it's not like these dregs are entitled to rights or anything)why wouldn't one play with them a little before killing them? They're mere vermin, aren't they? Generally "unworthy"? Where's my shotgun again? Shoulder or kneecap?
These are the consequences of your posited society, Leap. |