Ganesh –
Find out for myself? Nahhh, Leap, the onus here is on you, as advancer of a given hypothesis to prove it, rather than me to disprove it.
Prove or spoonfeed? I have sited the general location of such data – it is up to you to actually go get it (or do you expect a bibliography?!). 
Wrenching the thread back on topic,
Excellent idea. My apologies for the thread rot.
Quantum made comment on the fact that advertising is perhaps furthest advanced in terms of the various tricks of mass-market persuasion, 'stickiness' or otherwise. He made the quite valid point that, in appropriating such methods in the service of EDUCATION (that is, the mass propagation of... what? specifically irresistible information? instruction? "reason"? "dignity"?) in order that a sufficiently "free" (in an individualist sense) society might be sustained, the "freedom" of that society is, perhaps, inherently threatened. One wonders, for a start, whether those doing the EDUCATING constitute an "elite"...
The measure is whether the education leads to a society that is LARGELY self supporting (unsupervised, unmanaged) and at its root embracing of egalitarianism, or one that LARGELY perpetuates an ongoing position of privilege for the mangers / police through the root embracing of elitism.
Is our society mostly regulated, policed, managed? Or is it largely devoid of such regulation, such policing, such managing, in favour of each person being largely autonomous and directly responsible? Are we now, to use the prisoner quote again and attract the wrath of haus (ooohhh the fear!), “pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered” like so much cattle, or are we free to live as men and women without in the main answering to some governing body?
I think it best to clarify a point here: note my use of the word “largely” and the phrase “in the main”. I do not suggest a life lived without ever answering to another, or seeking the wisdom of another, but I do say that we are suited to make our own way in the world… the main….(rather than be herded like cattle) and the education I speak of is of this fact and how to achieve it – an education that is simply teaching people about their freedom and how to maintain it.
Just as a child at birth must be pushed into the world, just as older children must often be pushed into doing something they do not recognise the wisdom of, so must a childish society be pushed to wisdom by those who recognise the need, so long as those who push that society, just like the GOOD parent, intend to direct the child they push become an adult, so that they may, once they become an adult, enter a society of equals, be able to judge using reason and historical precedent the value of what they have learned, and to be largely free of being herded like cattle. The bad parent is someone who wishes to keep the child as a child.
If that takes sticky advertising to make this move, so be it.
[ side note: I can remember a quote along the lines of “100 years ago most men in England could go through their lives never bumping into the state” (will someone please tell me who wrote that, I can never remember his name…I have paraphrased it rather than quote. I think he was a socialist[(hey, no-one is perfect! ]].
Haus –
your genocidal wonderland
So let us here your idea of what is best Haus, assuming you have one?! |