i *have* to get in on this. the best pizza in the world is in chicago, yo, hands down. my ultimate favorite is edwardo's stuffed pesto pizza. cheese, cheese, and more cheese, with a pesto tomato sauce. ummm. i love pizza. i'll eat it like twice a week sometimes.
the dominos/operation rescue thing used to bother me, but the guy who owns the chain (who's name escapes me at the moment, which is silly cos i'm from detroitish, which is where he is) doesn't really own it anymore or something. so yes he donates money to them but it doesn't come from the pizzas you buy (which i think are good, esp. for the price, but you have to get extra sauce on them, and how about those cinni-sticks? yum!)
every time my roomies and i call dominos, we always ask what their current special is, which is embarrassing so we always fight over whose turn it is to call. i have a friend w/absolutely nooo shame; he asks what the special is, then says, "no, what's yr REAL special" and often they tell him something better.
my this was lengthy. |