Due to my desire to use a suit which includes my real forename (never did care for discretion, it just leads to paranoia), I have always been a Bill of some sort here on the 'Lith. As a name, Bill can evoke anyone from Clinton to Burroughs... it's very vague. To my great delight, Papa Posters hates it, because he thinks it is common, and not noble or grand like William, which is what I was supposed to be called, and indeed what I used to be called. Some people call me Will, which I don't mind. I am deeply ambivalent about Billy-Boy, which I also occasionally get called. At school, William was a. posh, and b. sounded like 'willy'... not good, there was much piss-taking on both counts. Oh and one teacher used to call me Wilemina (sp?) because I once cried (aged 6 or 7... the last time I blubbed, IIRC).
The only other anecdotogenic thing about my name is that i was once nearly torn limb from limb by a man in a pub who thundered up to me and snarled, "You're fuckin' Bill aren't you?" (My bemused affirmative was not the best response. For those not familiar with London, Bill or Old Bill is slang for 'cop'. Soon however the crossed wire was straightened, and I spend an enjoyable remainder of the evening drinking with my would-be assailant, and he taught me how to cook hedgehog, a skill which I think no one should be without.) |