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What's in a name?


Page: 12(3)4

15:55 / 18.04.03
My name is alright. It's not common enough to get many associations and not unusual enough to be considered weird (where I am, at least). Also, it has a "z" in it.

The one thing that annoys me is: people will *insist* in spelling it with two consecutive "z"s! I mean, Jesus, how could you think it's got two of them, right after each other? It would be cool if it did but I don't understand how people come to that conclusion.

16:10 / 18.04.03
Your name's pretty, Chol. Though I think I'm with you, I feel much more myself as Persephone. I don't think about myself by name very much, though. The part of me that is "I" doesn't seem to have a name, the rest are projections (they are not I, but they are "mine").

Another Persephone popped up on Fade to Black a little while ago, rather spectacularly!
17:11 / 18.04.03
Nope. I do that the whole time. Fortunately, there's not that much difference between ****** and Stoatie (other than that ****** never flew a Sopwith Camel), so I'm integrating the two into some crazy new kind of... thing. Which, thus far, is going well. Stoatie's giving ****** more social confidence, and ****** pays for Stoatie's beer and internet connection.

I have to say that this is the reason why I like using my actual given name online.

Because it's not the name that alters the potentials... it's the medium.

The medium can rewrite the name.


By the way, I was really hoping Mazarine was going to turn out a Hazel, just because I like the idea of an ongoing war between the Hazels and the 'Azels.

Though she'll always be blue to me.

Maybe fidrich is really a Hazel. That people keep mispelling as Hazzel.

Are there any Cunegondes here then? No Ignatzes?
17:30 / 18.04.03
Now Stoatie I see as having a very plain, almost monosyllabic name IRL. Perhaps Bill, Tony, Andy, Steve, something like that. Can we play Hot, Warm, Cold on that one?

My name, in full, always got greated with sarcastic, pseudo-posh p*ss taking ie. "oh, anyone for tennis", "jolly hockey sticks" sort of stuff. The shortened version I use seems to pass without comment. I have a friend who uses the full version of the name without any implied discrimination, and Afro-Carribean girls always seem to use the full version. That, I suppose, is the difference between growing up outside London and now living central I guess!
lolita nation
21:58 / 18.04.03
Do I look like a Toad? Nevermind, don't answer that.

Of course not. But for some reason I feel like little kids would find it irresistible to make the todd/toad connection.

And your and Flux's last names are kind of awesome, in my opinion. Much better than mine, which for some reason makes stupid people think that I'm Italian.

I'm having a lot of fun guessing what your last name is. Matthew's last name rules, but mine is not nearly as cool-sounding. Plus people tend to always add the "s" on the end so it's like 3rd-person singular present active, - you know? Annoying. I think your last name is Spaghetti. Am I right?
Rev. Orr
22:54 / 18.04.03
My given name seems to evoke an overweight character actor playing the best mate of the hero who everyone laughs at and dies in the third act for the purposes of pathos or bathos depending on the genre of film.

My surname is the result of a deeply strange grandfather who is, as far as I've determined, the only interesting person ever born into our family. For reasons that he never explained the same way twice he jammed two perfectly ordinary names together with a hyphen, neither of which we think was his own. Pheonetically it's led to me being mistaken for someone of asian descent and if reversed it sounds like the nickname of a habitual drunk. Disturbingly, it's also a homophone for one of the last phrases of the Anglican blessing given at the end of a service which always reminds me of '40 years on' where the headmaster breaks of in mid-sentance to chastise the unruly by name. Basically it's a fucker but I'm stuck with it.
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
03:48 / 19.04.03
I know probably no one cares what my name is since I'm new and all, but this particular thread is hard for me to resist since my name is one of my few bragging points...

I had no idea it was anything special, just that no one else had it. Then one day in the store my mom called to me loudly and all the other kids I was playing video games with screamed and one of them shouted "Run, it's the antichrist!" which I thought "cool, what's this all about then?"
Hattie's Kitchen
08:40 / 19.04.03
My first and middle names are the names of two queens of England, and my surname is Irish. My parents argued all the way through my English mum's pregnancy 'cos she wanted an English name for me and my Irish dad wanted an Irish name. They split up (over something else) and then re-united just before I was born, and in my mum's words: "It was a case of me still being pissed off at him, so I registered you as ******** ********* because I knew that those two names would really piss him off..."

And to this day, my dad still can't bring himself to use my full name!
09:32 / 19.04.03
pants brigade - Damien? I knew a Damien one really thought about the Omen connection.
09:35 / 19.04.03
pants brigade, are you a Damien? Or perhaps a Luicifer?

And nope, I'm not Hazel/Hazzel.
09:56 / 19.04.03
I have an old Irish name, as far as old Irish names go it could've been worse I suppose.
Baz Auckland
14:59 / 19.04.03
Are you pizza?
15:03 / 19.04.03
Hattie, are you Elizabeth Mary?
15:05 / 19.04.03
Hattie may not be, but my mum sure as fuck is!
Hattie's Kitchen
15:06 / 19.04.03
Hattie, are you Elizabeth Mary?

Close, Elizabeth is the middle name, my first name is in homage to one of our more frumpy queens...
Kit-Cat Club
15:07 / 19.04.03
Mine too...
Kit-Cat Club
15:08 / 19.04.03
(That was to Stoatie btw).

Frumpy? Anne was extremely frumpy. but perhaps Victoria?
Hattie's Kitchen
15:11 / 19.04.03
Gold star to KCC! So you can see why my Irish nationalist dad was none too pleased with my mum's choice...
17:18 / 19.04.03
I spell out my name by default now.

Ah the joy of spelling your name moments after saying it. I have that with both my first, and especially my surname.

The first name is fairly normal, if spelt shorter and lending itself to the common abbrieviation of it far easier.

My surname on the other hand I try to live up to it's meaning at all times. But with the added letter at the end that denotes my irish origins on my fathers side, obviously.

My middle name is short, there for reasons my folks never told me, unlike my first name which is the maiden name of my paternal grandmother, hence the spelling.

So the number code goes 6-5-6 for the three words that sums up, and defines all the things about me in one, fell swoop.
17:30 / 19.04.03
Bizarrely Stoatie, so is mine. Are you possibly my long lost brother?
17:32 / 19.04.03
I don't know. I've always wanted to be someone's long-lost brother. Or perhaps their evil twin.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:33 / 19.04.03
my mother is also an Elizabeth Mary...

gads no, my forbidden love of olulabelle is truly forbidden, and not just in a romanticized metaphoric way...
19:49 / 19.04.03
So, Elijah, Kit-Cat, Stoatie and I are actually evil quadruplets, separated from each other at birth by (the possibly evil and most definitely wanton) Elizabeth Mary, but luckily re-united by Barbelith in a thread about names.

How fabulously interesting my life has suddenly turned out to be, and it's all thanks to you Todd.
21:52 / 19.04.03
spookily I'm the same. could I be the missing member of a quintet?
09:04 / 20.04.03
Bloody hell! There's loads of us! Let's rise up as one and... do stuff.
Bill Posters
14:02 / 20.04.03
Due to my desire to use a suit which includes my real forename (never did care for discretion, it just leads to paranoia), I have always been a Bill of some sort here on the 'Lith. As a name, Bill can evoke anyone from Clinton to Burroughs... it's very vague. To my great delight, Papa Posters hates it, because he thinks it is common, and not noble or grand like William, which is what I was supposed to be called, and indeed what I used to be called. Some people call me Will, which I don't mind. I am deeply ambivalent about Billy-Boy, which I also occasionally get called. At school, William was a. posh, and b. sounded like 'willy'... not good, there was much piss-taking on both counts. Oh and one teacher used to call me Wilemina (sp?) because I once cried (aged 6 or 7... the last time I blubbed, IIRC).

The only other anecdotogenic thing about my name is that i was once nearly torn limb from limb by a man in a pub who thundered up to me and snarled, "You're fuckin' Bill aren't you?" (My bemused affirmative was not the best response. For those not familiar with London, Bill or Old Bill is slang for 'cop'. Soon however the crossed wire was straightened, and I spend an enjoyable remainder of the evening drinking with my would-be assailant, and he taught me how to cook hedgehog, a skill which I think no one should be without.)
15:33 / 20.04.03
Poor, poor hedgehogs. Actually, I think I know this, don't you roll them in clay or something and then pull it off to get the spines out?

Anyone who has a mother named Elizabeth Mary is welcome to join the new cult-like group Mucky Elizabeth's Separated Siblings. Or M.E.S.S for short. Alternatively if anyone can think of a name that produces a better acronym than M.E.S.S you're very welcome to do so, I'm horribly aware of what a poor attempt mine is.

And obviously Stoatie is Chairman and therefore has to come up with the manifesto.
[End Threadrot.]
Bill Posters
15:43 / 20.04.03
I think I know this, don't you roll them in clay or something and then pull it off to get the spines out?

Absolutely, glad to see we're singing from the same hymnsheet on this one. Did a psycho cop-hating gypsy tell you that?
15:53 / 20.04.03
No, scarily I don't know how I know it and I wish I didn't - since I never plan to go through the process. Easier to eat something less spiky I would have thought.
Tryphena Absent
15:57 / 20.04.03
My immigrant background lets me down again- my mother's name is, alas, Zofia Teresa. However her confirmation name was Elizabeth and my godmother's name is Mary so couldn't I join the club??
16:02 / 20.04.03
Only if you can think of a better acronym than M.E.S.S...
16:15 / 20.04.03
How about, as an aside, and a way to sum up some men we must all have met:
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
22:41 / 21.04.03
I am in fact a Damian. Sorry, too easy (except the spelling - I too get to spell my name to everyone if they're doing a form or something.) My last name is apparently from a Scottish clan long ago whose motto is "through" - I have no idea why. We have an awfully ugly plaid though.
04:30 / 22.04.03
I think I have included my real name too often for it to be a mystery here and am too much of a lurker to stir up any guesses (flyboy, smile, and flux are not allowed to play), but we'll see...

There is a far-too-obvious clue for my first name, but avoiding that...I've been asked if I'm Jewish, and if I'm Irish. My mother named me after a film critic (and took my middle name from a Tom Robbins character). I used to dislike my name, and think it seemed a little old-fashioned, but I grew into it and I don't think there's any other name that would suit me as well. And it didn't hurt that I've heard from more than a handful of (generally indie-rock) boys that they have a thing for this name. Doesn't mean they have a thing for me, but it's sort of a nice association all the same.

My last name, well. In 9th grade the kids in biology named the class rat after the rat in Charlotte's Web, just for my benefit. How thrilled I was.

My old boss told me that after she called to offer me my job, she ran around her office saying my first and last names over and over again because she liked how they sounded. And I've been told I have an "author-y" name, which suits me just fine.
04:33 / 22.04.03
My name's Toby.

When I was a young'un, the film "Labyrinth" came out. You know, "Labyrinth". David Bowie, scary Muppets...

The fact that the baby's name in that was Toby always kind of threw me for a loop. At the time, I was the only Toby for miles in my town (metaphorically speaking), and having the frickin' baby in "Labyrinth" be the sole thing that I shared my name with just felt....weird.

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