Incidentally, did you used to get called Toad a lot? I think this all just has to do with the kinds of kids you knew in elementary school though. Doesn't it?
Do I look like a Toad? Nevermind, don't answer that. I was only called Toad once, by the older brother of a kindergarten girl who was stalking me (I was in kindergarten at the time, as well, just so you don't get the wrong impression). I was an immensely popular elementary and middle school pupil, only to suddenly plummet into non-personhood when I hit high school. So I was never bullied or picked on.
Incidentally, I quite like your first name (and Mazarine's, too ), because I've always had good experiences with people with those names. Or, if not good, interesting. I don't think they're 'neutral' names at all. And your and Flux's last names are kind of awesome, in my opinion. Much better than mine, which for some reason makes stupid people think that I'm Italian.
My girlfriend happens to be saddled with the first name of a very famous porn star, which makes her working in a predominantly male office all that much more fun. |